Friday, February 21, 2014

No 599 "En mi opinion" Febrero 20, 2014

No 599    “En mi opinión”    Febrero 20, 2014

“IN GOD WE TRUST” Lázaro R González Miño Editor

“Los Estados Unidos de América se están cayendo a pedazos. Y los políticos a cargo de mantener la seguridad, estabilidad y prosperidad de la nación hacen todo lo contrario. Si nosotros no hacemos nada pues nada tendremos… y peor aún seremos cómplices”

Es tremendamente desesperante ver como las organizaciones llamadas a ser quienes definen las estrategias que se deben poner en práctica para poder evitar la destrucción total de “Los Estados Unidos de América”  por un gobierno equivocado e ineficiente [Aunque muchos dicen que “mal intencionado”] de toda la historia, de nuestro presente  y seguro que en todo el futuro nuestro. 
Pero no, lejos de hacer algo para desacelerar la destrucción, en la mayoría de los casos Los Demócratas y Los Republicanos votan en el congreso para participar en el hundimiento y destrucción de Los Estados Unidos.
Hasta donde hay que esperar para escuchar una voz de Verdaderos Conservadores electos que se quieran identificar con Ronald W. Reagan, y que digan; “NO MÁS”
Lo que están haciendo no puedo calificarlo de otra forma que “Complicidad” Si, son cómplices de la destrucción de todo lo que se ha logrado en Los Estados Unidos desde su creación. Realmente sería más útil calificarlos como “Camaradas” 
Hemos tenidos Presidentes vagos, borrachos, equivocados, ineptos, hasta estúpidos. Pero realmente creo que con esta administración se han rotos todos los parámetros de desfachatez, abuso en los gastos de vacaciones, incompetencia y estupidez... ¿O será mala intención? Pero aun así todos los funcionarios electos “supuestamente” Conservadores y los Democratas, se comportan como si nada estuviera sucediendo, o mejor como dije antes… Como si fueran cómplices  de los que continúan hundiendo Los Estados Unidos de América, con todo su máximo entusiasmo.
No creo que hacer una lista de todas las desgracias que estamos viviendo porque sería interminable y además innecesaria porque todos las conocemos.  Pero para cualquier ciudadano es más que evidente que tenemos un tremendo problema con el desempleo, con las elecciones que son un bochorno, por su falta de credibilidad y los miles de denuncias de fraude y malos procedimientos que ponen en duda el resultado de las elecciones especialmente las del actual presidente Vs Mitt Romney y también tenemos “todos” un tremendo problema con un plan de salud completamente enajenado y desprovisto de verdadera técnica para implantarlo, además de los muchísimos problemas que ha acarreado, que se ha impuesto a los ciudadanos a la fuerza y se les ha obligado a comprar un producto y que serán castigados si no lo hacen.  Se les ha obligado a ser testigos de la descomposición de la legalidad, al poner Las drogas que han causado tantas muertes y tantos asesinatos; como recreativas y la descomposición moral de la sociedad cuando nuestros niños a ver en la TV y en la calle como los hombres se casan con los hombres y las mujeres con las mujeres. Bueno y me pregunto yo: DE DONDE VAN A SALIR LOS FUTUROS niños. Porque al ritmo que vamos con el aumento de la esterilidad  y los matrimonios que no pueden procrear porque unos no tienen ovarios y otros no tienen esperma…
¿QUE?  De donde vamos a sacar a los niños. También si vemos las bodas de los “papas-mamas” y las de las “mamas-papas” pues es mejor que esos engendros no tengan prole. ¿Porque que va a salir de ahí???
Aunque desde un punto de vista realista también todas esas asquerosidades tienen sus ventajas. Según informaciones en el estado de Colorado y el de California el primer día que se abrieron los establecimientos para vender “Mariguana Recreativa” [Hasta el nombre es ridículamente estúpido] Pues murieron por sobre dosis muchísimos de los “consumidores” No les digo drogadictos porque, quiero ser “políticamente correcto” Después de eso no se han dado más estadísticas de “bajas”  De todos es conocido que las personas que usan las drogas son en su mayoría delincuentes: Ladrones, violadores, asesinos. Eso es lo que queremos hacer prosperar aquí o queremos que prospere la decencia y la tranquilidad.
El país no tiene forma de encontrar el camino porque sencillamente no puede…  porque los que supuestamente nos guían. No tienen la capacidad o la verdadera vocación de personas decentes. No son ciegos, en mi pueblo le llamaban sinvergüenzas, no sé cómo les llamaran aquí. El mismo presidente ha sido acusado varias veces públicamente en la prensa que tiene un pasado homosexual que asistía en Chicago a unos baños para hombres donde se practicaba el homosexualismo. Él vivía en un lugar donde vivían personas árabes que eran homosexuales. Se han publicado fotos de él fumando mariguana.  Su gran mentor era Alinsky un terrorista muy conocido. No se puede hacer crecer un árbol sano si no se le cultiva con los elementos que lo hagan crecer sano y útil.
El país se revuelve en la más espantosa, promiscuidad,  ineptitud y calamidad económica, el empleo no aumenta, al contrario, la deuda externa aumenta a velocidad supersónica, este presidente se ha encargado de casi duplicarla en los años que lleva de presidente. el crimen aumenta descabelladamente, todas las fabricas ha sido enviadas a China, Vietnam, Singapur, y cualquier país donde puedan pagar menos a los empleados y luego venir a vender los productos  aquí a Los NORTEAMERICANOS SIN EMPLEO que pagan con un pedazo de cartón que pronto y a este paso lo tendrán que usar como papel higiénico. Debo decir que él no tiene toda la culpa de esto porque este desmembramiento de la industria americana empezó desde antes que el llegara.  Solo que el acelero e incremento. Ningún país siente respeto por Los Estados Unidos el  país que hace solo 6 años envidiaban  porque era “El mejor país del mundo”
Ahora tenemos el primer presidente negro-musulmán-no nacido en USA, y le digo negro sin ánimo de detrimento, porque Negro era el General de las fuerzas Mambisas Cubanas, Antonio Maceo y Grajales, que liberto a la Isla de los Españoles. Pero usted presidente,  sus detractores afirman que no nació en USA y por lo tanto no puede ser presidente.  Usted  no tiene ninguna experiencia en ninguna esfera de trabajo y eso en parte es el motivo de su fracaso. Un individuo que no tiene pasado y que nadie conoce, ni si quiera lo recuerdan de su época en la universidad de Yale.  Nadie, no hay una novia, un amigo, nada de su pasado existe o ha sido borrado. Y usted se ha encargado de crear el desastre más grande “político y económico de la historia de los USA. Y nada hace para resolver el tremendo problema que tenemos porque usted no ha sabido o no ha querido hacerlo.  Me horrorice cuando el desafortunado candidato Republicano a la presidencia Mit Rodney lo llamo a usted antes de la media noche del día de las elecciones y le concedió su pírrica victoria. Ese dia fue nefasto para lalegalidad del sistema electoral norteamericano. Nunca como ese dia se habían presentado tantas denuncias de ilegalidad en los colegios electorales. Fue un tremendo bochorno que muchísimos colegios no terminaron de hacer el fraude hasta después de una semana. El Estado de La Florida fue uno que se unio a la comparsa del fraude electoral, aceptado por el peor candidato republicano, era mas malo inclusive que John Macain que uste lo saco out, en la previas elecciones.  Todo quedo lleno de fango, de trampas, fraudes, violaciones al derecho  y mentiras. Es bochornoso recordar cómo se portó la prensa, que asco.  En mi corazón siento que no ganaste y siento que tengo un presidente que no merece serlo.  Y lo eres porque Rodney se acobardo y esa actitud le ha costado mucha vergüenza, tristeza y muchas pérdidas a los norteamericanos y al mundo.  Si al mundo,  porque cuando los Estados Unidos estornuda el mundo tiene tuberculosis. Tengo que aceptar que usted es un tipo muy hábil,  ladino y cruel, pero no le tengo miedo y por eso me enfrento a usted y le digo las cosas que considero necesita oír y más que usted, necesita oírlas  la nación americana para saber que no todo está perdido y que aún podemos hacer algo por recuperar nuestro honor  y lo vamos a hacer.
Hay una grandísima cantidad de personas que viven en viviendas “de bajos recursos” ilegalmente, desde la época de las pirámides, son huéspedes honorarios de ustedes, si de ustedes porque son ustedes los que pagan por todo eso y no solo pagan por eso pagan también por sus “Food Stamps”, ayudas en efectivos ahhh y también por su seguro médico el famoso Medicaid y  además tienen un teléfono celular que posiblemente mejor que tuyo, y tú sabes quién paga por eso “TU” Y tu sabes una cosa. Posiblemente tú vives peor que ellos y ellos viven de la caridad pública sin trabajar porque tú se lo permites a un gobierno que los tiene así porque ellos son los que votan por estos gobiernos.
Tenemos en el país de unos 15 millones de inmigrantes ilegales y a los más chiquitos los han bautizados eufemísticamente de “dreamers” Ni dreamers ni “una cazuela de boniatos”. Si un cubano entra ilegal en el territorio de Méjico lo cogen y le dan una paliza por el lomo y los montan en un avión pa’cuba  o para donde sea, sin tener derecho a un abogado ni a nada y no me digan que las cárceles de aquí son peores que las de los mejicanos. 
Para hacer una reforma migratoria respetable.  La custodia e impermeabilidad de las fronteras terrestres, marítimas o aéreas tiene que ser reforzadas. El primer renglón tiene que decir que cualquier persona que cruce la frontera sin autorización tiene que ser regresado a su país inmediatamente, sea quien sea y venga de donde venga, incluyo a los cubanos. Porque estos llegan diciendo que son perseguidos políticos y cuando cumplen no sé qué tiempo regresan a cuba a ver a su familia y algunos hacen negocios degradantes, eso es un descaro. Eres un perseguido político o eres un mentiroso y ya la posición de mentiroso está ocupada por quien ustedes saben….
Se ha cometido traición contra miembros del equipo de diplomáticos norteamericanos en sus sedes diplomáticas en Benghazy, se ha permitido que un embajador haya sido violado, torturado y asesinado, no solo a él sino también a tres miembros de esa sede diplomática fueron asesinados delate de las cámaras de televisión y usted u la secretaria de estado lo estaban viendo como se les torturaba y asesinaba y no fueron capaces de hacer que las fuerzas que estaban cercanas o los aviones de combate norteamericanos, nunca recibieron una orden de atacar a los degenerados que estaban masacrando a los funcionarios norteamericanos y nadie aun a respondido por estos crímenes. Estados Unidos ha quedado en ridículo porque por primera vez en la historia alguien ataca y asesina a personal Americano y no es castigado ejemplarmente y es porque usted Señor presidente no lo ha hecho. Lo ha limpiado el honor de América.
Usted ha sido capaz de prometerle en forma velada y oculta al pueblo que preside, cuando sin percatarse que los micrófonos estaban abiertos, le pidió a  Mebdeleye el primer ministro Ruso que le diga al presidente de Rusia Putin que cuando pasen las elecciones entonces usted podrá tener la capacidad de complacerlo más.  Que tenga paciencia.
El gobierno que tenemos es el peor que he visto aquí, pero también nosotros los que somos americanos porque, lo sentimos y estamos dispuestos a hacer lo que haya que hacer  para defenderlo, inclusive poner nuestra vida frente a los rifles enemigos y fajarnos con quien halla que fajarse y decirle las verdades al que se les tenga que decir, incluyendo al presidente.
Nosotros tenemos que hacer algo, pero algo grande, algo que le diga al presidente que se le paso la mano y que nosotros pensamos que “YA” no más.
A partir de hoy yo les pregunto a todos los que reciben este periódico: Cuantos miles de ustedes están dispuestos a ir a Washington a manifestarnos frente de la Casa Blanca para hablar con el presidente y decirle ya, no podemos seguir destruyendo nuestro país, que fue el país mas poderoso del mundo. Este desastre no puede continuar.
Lo que estás haciendo no es lo que hay que hacer.
Lo que tú estás haciendo es una basura, que nos hace infelices.
En mi opinión, nuestro gobierno se está pareciendo a varios gobiernos de Latino América.
Y si tú no lo sabes lo que hay hacer vete de ahí y que venga uno que si sepa hacerlo.  
Pero estas cosas no solo se las decimos a nuestro presidente también se los decimos a los Senadores Republicanos y Demócratas y a los Representantes Demócratas y Republicanos se los diremos también a los más de 535 miembros del congreso, a 50 gobernadores y a los miembros de Las Fuerzas Armadas que si están ahí es para defender la Nación Americana desde dentro. Y dar un ejemplo de decencia y capacidad de ejercer la posición para la que fue electo.
Amigos míos, no sé cuántos de ustedes quieran ir a Washington a decirle eso al presidente,  y a permanecer hasta que nos comunique que decisión va a tomar. Yo quiero pensar que más de 160 millones de americanos si van a querer ir a decírselo, esta es una nación de patriotas y muchísimas veces se lo han dicho a los enemigos… ¿Por qué no, a un presidente fue electo supuestamente legalmente?

PD. Envíen este mensaje a todas las personas, organizaciones en todos los estados de La Unión Americana que conozcan.
La pregunta al presidente seria:

¿Lo vas a hacer bien a partir de ahora y vas a arreglar todo lo malo que has hecho?  ¿O prefieres declararte inepto y renunciar y que busquemos  a otro ciudadano que lo haga mejor que tú?

Esto no es patrocinado por ninguna organización. Pero todas las organizaciones existentes que estén interesadas en la felicidad de los USA están invitadas a participar. Todas las ideas y las participaciones son bienvenidas.

Un buen día para hacerlo es el Día de Memorial Day 26 de Mayo del 2015. Es un dia muy especial para los Americanos y tenemos tiempo para hacer los arreglos que necesitamos para prepararnos.

Si esto es aceptado por ustedes se debe preparar la salida para llegar a Washington DC. USA a las 6 AM del 26 de Mayo del 2014 Frente a La Casa Blanca.
Así tenemos tiempo de preparar el viaje sin apuros.
Individualmente o formando grupos.
¿Quiénes participaran en este acto cívico?

Lázaro R González Miño




CNN Liberals Bash Justice Clarence Thomas For His Shocking Statements About Race


Liberal CNN commentators lashed out at Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas on Tuesday for stating that he received worse race-based treatment from New England liberals than from fellow Georgians during his youth in the 1960s. “The worst I have been treated was by northern liberal elites,” said the justice. “The absolute worst I have ever been treated.”
Thomas had prefaced his comment with the recollection that race “rarely came up” while he was a child in the deep South.
“In the mid-60s, when he was a kid, you could get killed if you were a black person for speaking about race,” remarked CNN legal analyst, Jeffrey Toobin in a clear effort to belittle the Justice. Of course, it’s highly unlikely that as many blacks were killed 50 years ago by racist whites as are murdered today by fellow blacks, thanks in large part to inner-city gang violence and ever-increasing black unemployment. Both conditions may be attributed at least in part to the disastrous Great Society  programs of President Lyndon Johnson, a longtime hero of black race-baiters and white liberals.  Strangely enough, Toobin failed to mention either these facts or the LBJ connection.
“He acknowledges no part that affirmative action played in his life but he wants to close the door for others,” added Marc Lamont Hill, an Associate Professor at Columbia University.  Hill was registering his objection to Thomas’s belief that advantage and success in America should be functions of merit rather than race-based affirmative action. The professor then made the extraordinary assertion that “…it [is] disturbing, particularly for a powerful justice like Thomas, to ‘make decisions on color blindness.’”
Indeed, how could ANY rational individual believe that effort and ability might be rewarded rather than color?!
It’s a sinister threat to all liberals, but especially to blacks when a conservative “of color” escapes what should be the agreeable bondage of the Democrat plantation to become a nationally acclaimed success as a result of talent and work.
After all, what would become of the race card should it ever be  widely known that blacks can realize prosperity without it? What has been historically one of the left’s most potent weapons of intimidation might be lost!
Clarence Thomas represents a menace to decades of liberal endeavor aimed at making blacks believe that securing generations of welfare and practicing indiscriminate reproduction are the only things to which members of their race may reasonably aspire.
Nice people, liberals.


CBO: Obama’s proposed minimum wage hike would cost 500,000 jobs

Destroying from within.
check it out:
President Obama’s proposed minimum wage hike to $10.10 per hour will cost 500,000 jobs, the Congressional Budget office found Tuesday.
The increase, which Obama touted in this year’s State of the Union address, would gradually up the minimum requirement from the current rate of $7.25 rate to $10.10 and could cause up to 1 million workers to lose their jobs, the CBO reported.
“This is a very weak anti-poverty tool and it’s hurting the kinds of people it’s supposed to help,” former CBO director Doug Holtz-Eakin told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “People that have low skills and are trying to find employment — if you raise the minimum wage, it prices them out of the market. That’s all the CBO’s reflecting.”

Then and Now: What Dems Say About President Obama. By Alexander Bolton, The Hill

Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) embraced President Obama’s lofty call for hope and change when he and other Democrats gathered in Denver six years ago to celebrate the Illinois senator’s nomination.
The festive buzz has long since faded and Udall has dropped his talk of “our time” and “our moment” when discussing the president. He’s not even sure if he wants Obama back in his state after the botched rollout of the Affordable Care Act left some of his constituents fuming.
“Coloradoans are going to re-elect me based on my record, not the president’s record. Not what the president’s done but what I’ve done and how I have stood up for Colorado,” he told CNN recently.
Udall refused to commit to even appearing with the president, whose approval ratings have sunk to the low 40s.
“We’ll see what the schedule allows. I’m running for reelection, not the president,” he added.
It’s a striking difference from six years ago, when Udall basked in the popularity of Obama.
Udall spoke at Invesco Field on the final day of the Democratic nominating convention before tens of thousands of people who were eagerly awaiting Obama’s appearance.
“This is our time,” Udall declared triumphantly. “This is our moment to change the course of history.”
Udall’s seat is relatively safe this year, compared to a handful of his Democratic colleagues in the Senate. But Udall and other Democrats who rode high on Obama-mania are seeking to change the subject when the president’s name is uttered.
Sen. Mark Begich (D-Alaska)
The freshman used strong language when he recently discussed the possibility of Obama visiting his red-leaning home state.
Begich said he would “drag him around” to show him the real-life impact of his policies and “bang him over the heads a few times” to hammer home the message that he should open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling.
In 2008, when he first ran for the upper chamber, Begich was still talking about energy issues. But his tone was strikingly different; he described Obama as a potential ally after meeting with him one-on-one.
“I appreciated the opportunity to meet alone with Sen. Obama,” he said at the time after pressing Obama to support a natural-gas pipeline. “He was quite knowledgeable about Alaska issues and he understood the need for the gas line.”


$100 Billion In Improper Welfare Payments Per Year.

Thomas Lifson
The federal government is wasting an astonishing hundred billion dollars a year in improper welfare payments to recipients not entitled to them. This is an amount of money greater than the GDP of most nations on earth, more than Morocco and within striking distance of Hungary. The figure comes from a study by Veronique de Rugy and Jason Fichtner, who produced the following chart based on the OMB's High-Error Programs Report:


·         BREAKING NEWS: Housing Starts See Biggest Drop Since February 2011‏FoxBusines​ (

Rampant Democrat Corruption

Jon Stewart better be careful or he might begin seeing much higher ratings among Republicans.
Just last week he took Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to task for the failure that is Obamacare. Now he is taking Democrat corruption head on with his unique perspective on government payoffs.
Sadly for Jon, he may have noticed a lot more of this kind of corruption and scandal had he been paying attention to the Obama administration all along.

The False Question of Benghazi

Hillary famously said about Benghazi, "Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some Americans." "What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"
Hillary is posing a false question.  It doesn’t make any difference whether it was protest or thugs out for a walk.  What matters is that she didn’t do her job and provide Stevens with proper protection.  If she had been vigilant, either the protest or the thugs would have been stopped.
It also matters that Hillary tried to minimize Al-Qaeda by emphasizing the silly video.  She and Obama had said that Al-Qaeda had been defeated and it was necessary for the prestige of their administration to maintain this myth.
Benghazi proved that our leaders were lying.  It was necessary for Hillary to pin it on the video rather than the supposedly defunct Al-Qaeda.
Hillary is right to the extent that the proximate cause doesn’t matter.  Where she is wrong is that the ultimate causes—Al-Qaeda and her negligence—do matter.
Hillary and Obama are at fault. The other excuses are false. The “video” and the “guys out for a walk one night” are not so meaningful. Giver her due in saying, “What difference does it make?” It doesn’t. 
What matters is that her negligence and pretending that she defeated Al-Qaeda shine a light on her irresponsibility. Hillary like her husband is gifted with excuses.  Remember, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”
Bill lies.  It’s just sex and it involves his bad relationship with Hillary. She is present in his consciousness and inadvertently on the scene of the crime.
Hillary lies.  Christopher Stevens dies. Bill is a puppy dog.  Hillary is a pit bull biting out pieces of innocent lives, playing assassin behind the scenes.

Chris Stirewalt: Buzz Cut.
·        Dems struggle (again) to explain why less work is better
·        ObamaCare tax blamed for huge job loss
·        Dems to Obama: Get out of town! No, seriously.
·        Cancer patient’s ObamaCare heartbreak goes big in Senate ad

For a second straight week, Democrats find themselves explaining why it’s a good thing for fewer Americans to be employed. Last week, it was a Congressional Budget Office report that said millions would leave the U.S. workforce in order to obtain ObamaCare benefits. This week, the CBO says that the centerpiece of the Obama Democrats midterm campaign pitch, a call to increase the federal minimum wage by 40 percent, will cost as many as 1 million jobs. Democrats aren’t much disputing the finding from the nonpartisan green-eyeshade brigade, but are instead trying to explain why less work is a good thing. Again. The argument is that while those low-wage jobs would be wiped out, the enhanced incomes of those still working will pay dividends in the years to come. It’s a similar argument as last week’s: Fewer people will work, but their being “freed” from unsatisfying employment will create new opportunities and raise overall living standards.

[Watch Fox: Chief Congressional Correspondent Mike Emanuel is following how the report is playing out as Congress debates a federal minimum wage increase.]

Much as has been the case with the consequences of ObamaCare, the painful process of explaining the real-world disruptions from the application of economic theories is bloody awful work for a midterm campaign message. Unable to continue to effectively blame Republican practices from the previous decade for the unhappy condition of the economy or health sector, Democrats have decided to get proactive. Big mistake. Unfortunately, what Democrats propose fits too neatly into Republican talking points honed over the last four years, namely that President Obama’s policies mean big government and more dependency. While Dems will be torturing the forecast tables of economic reports to explain why lost insurance, higher premiums, lost jobs and more debt are necessary for building a sustainable economy, Republicans will simply say “Obama isn’t working.”

[A Pennsylvania small-business association 
says its members are getting walloped by ObamaCare insurance cost increases, with hikes ranging from 49 percent to almost 300 percent.]

Daily Caller: “Obamacare’s medical device tax has already created a job loss of 33,000 in the medical device industry and 132,000 more job losses are expected, according to a new report from the industry trade group the Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed)...”

shares how one high-end California restaurant is adding a 3 percent fee to customer’s bills to pay for its employee’s insurance under ObamaCare]

Daily Caller: “The fourth Georgia hospital in two years is closing its doors due to severe financial difficulties caused by Obamacare’s payment cuts for emergency services. The Lower Oconee Community Hospital is, for now, a critical access hospital in southeastern Georgia that holds 25 beds. The hospital is suffering from serious cash-flow problems, largely due to the area’s 23 percent uninsured population…the federal government has historically made payments to hospitals to cover the cost of uninsured patients seeking free medical care in emergency rooms, as federal law mandates that hospitals must care for all patients regardless of their ability to pay. Because the Affordable Care Act’s authors believed they’d forced all states to implement the Medicaid expansion, Obamacare vastly cut hospital payments…”

details how ObamaCare’s campaign-style enrollment tactics are not meeting much success in signing up the uninsured.]

WaPo’s Dana Milbank 
notes: “President Obama, in trouble at home, is quite literally heading for the border. His approval rating is in the 40s, vulnerable Democratic candidates don't want to be seen with him and Republicans think his unpopularity could win them the Senate. So it's likely no coincidence that Obama is making himself scarce in these parts… [Today], he flies to Mexico. Next month, he visits the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and Saudi Arabia. In April, he travels to Japan, Malaysia, South Korea and the Philippines… on Tuesday he was back in Maryland, at a Safeway distribution hub in Upper Marlboro ‘where delivery trucks get everything from Doritos to diapers where they need to go’… It’s a worthy cause, no doubt. But diapers, Doritos and diesel won’t deliver Democrats from a drubbing in November.”

[Obama’s baggage for Mexico trip: Keystone, trade pact and immigration - 
NYT: “President Obamatravels to Mexico on Wednesday for a brief but politically fraught visit aimed at forging closer trade ties with America’s two closest neighbors even as his party’s leaders back home have vowed to undercut his efforts. Mr. Obama will meet with the leaders of Mexico and Canada …”]

IRS officials dodged taxes - 
The Hill: “Several IRS executives should have paid taxes on expenses they racked up for out-of-town travel for work, according to a new inspector general report. Treasury’s inspector general for tax administration found that the expenses for nine IRS executives — out of 31 whose travel was examined — were wrongly deemed to be nontaxable, on average reimbursements of $51,420… The tax administration inspector general looked into the matter after finding last year that IRS executives spent $9.5 million in travel expenses in 2011 and 2012, with several claiming more than $100,000 a year. The inspector general released that report just weeks after it outlined the extra scrutiny the agency gave to Tea Party groups.”

Decadent chic - Peggy Noonan considers 
Our Decadent Elites: “‘House of Cards’ very famously does nothing to enhance Washington’s reputation. It reinforces the idea that the capital has no room for clean people. The earnest, the diligent, the idealistic, they have no place there. Why would powerful members of Congress align themselves with this message? Why do they become part of it? I guess they think they’re showing they’re in on the joke and hip to the culture. I guess they think they’re impressing people with their surprising groovelocity. Or maybe they’re just stupid.”

“International estimates now have the number of dead in the three-year Syrian civil war at more than 150,000 with no end in sight. Much was made of a Russian-brokered deal last year to end the fighting and eliminate the country’s chemical weapons arsenal. But the Syrian government has missed deadline after deadline for removing chemical weapons stockpiles and components. Now, according to the 
Washington Post, “Syria’s rebels are launching a new push to persuade the Obama administration to provide them with advanced weapons.” Rebels who felt abandoned by the administration the first time around are giving it another shot.  We’ll see what the reception is this time. It's doubtful that President Obama is ready to seriously consider another strike option...  But stranger things have happened.” – Bret Baier   

Economist Thomas Sowell 
considers the lessons of the Afghan war: “F.A. Hayek said, ‘We shall not grow wiser until we learn that much that we have done was very foolish.’ Nothing is more foolish – and immoral – than sending men into battle to risk their lives winning victories that are later lost by politicians for political reasons.”

Got a TIP from the RIGHT or LEFT? Email 
Real Clear Politics Averages
Obama Job Approval: Approve – 43.2 percent//Disapprove – 52.8 percent
Direction of Country: Right Direction – 29.6 percent//Wrong Track – 63.6 percent
Generic Congressional Ballot:  Democrats – 41.7 percent// Republicans 41.7 percent

“The Democratic Party is not going to lose the Senate”—White House Press Secretary Jay Carneyduring Tuesday’s press briefing

Americans for Prosperity is putting $750,000 behind a heart-wrenching ad that uses the story of a Michigan leukemia patient who lost her health policy because of ObamaCare. The spot targets Democratic Senate candidate Rep. Gary Peters, D-Mich., for his continued support of ObamaCare. From the group: “The 
ad shares the story of Julie Boonstra, who was diagnosed with leukemia five years ago. Despite the President’s promises that “if you like your health care plan, you can keep it,” Julie’s existing health insurance was cancelled due to ObamaCare. Now, under her new health care plan, Julie’s out-of-pocket expenses are so high that she struggles to afford the medication she needs to treat her illness.”

The National Republican Senatorial Committee is using the latest ObamaCare enrollment figures to take vulnerable Democrats to task over more cancellations than signups under the troubled health law. The NRSC will be hitting Sens. Kay Hagan, D-N.C., Mary Landrieu, D-La., Jeff Merkley, D-Oreg.,Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., Mark Udall, D-Colo., and Rep. Gary Peters, D-Mich. From the group’s 
attackon Udall, “As of February 1st, 68,454 Coloradans have signed up for ObamaCare.  However, 335,484 Coloradans received cancellation notices - about 86,000 more than previously known…No matter how hard Mark Udall tries to convince voters otherwise, he knew many would lose health insurance plans and doctors that they liked as they are forced into the ObamaCare exchanges. This is - and always has been - an intended consequence of ObamaCare…”

[“The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee outraised the National Republican Senatorial Committee in January, bringing in about $6.6 million to the NRSC's $4.6 million. The DSCC ended the month with $15 million on hand and $2.5 million in debt. The NRSC had $10 million in the bank and no debt.” WaPo 

The Hill: “Nineteen Democratic senators signed a letter Tuesday to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services warning of the dire consequences for seniors if cuts to Medicare Advantage go through as expected later this month. The letter was signed by party heavyweights, including Sen.Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), as well as vulnerable Democrats facing reelection, such as Sens. Mark Pryor(D-Ark.), Mary Landrieu (D-La.) and Mark Begich (D-Ak.)… The GOP has sought to make cuts to Medicare Advantage an election-year issue… ObamaCare enacted $200 billion in cuts to Medicare Advantage over 10 years. The administration is expected to announce 2015 rates for the alternative to government health insurance later this week. Insurers have mounted an intense lobbying campaign to head off expected cuts to the popular program. The issue is particularly sensitive during an election year as both parties court senior voters, who make up a disproportionate percentage of the voting population.”

A big relief for North Carolina GOP Senate frontrunner state House Speaker Thom Tillis as his primary pursuer suffers a huge setback in court. 
WRAL: “A Wake County [North Carolina] jury found Tuesday that Republican U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Greg Brannon misled investors in a technology start-up. As a result of the civil judgment, Brannon will be personally liable for repaying $250,000. If the judgment is upheld on appeal, he will also have to pay 8 percent interest from the time each of the aggrieved investors wrote their checks and could be required to pay their attorneys’ fees in the case…  The judgment comes less than three months before Republican voters will make their selection in the May primary. Brannon said he planned to file as a Senate candidate this week, making him one of at least five Republicans who plan to run for the chance to challenge Democratic U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan.”

Embattled Republican incumbent Sen. Thad Cochran may want to rethink his media strategy. 
AP: “Veteran Republican Sen. Thad Cochran of Mississippi says he’s not familiar with the tea party, even though he’s being challenged by a supporter of the populist movement. ‘The tea party, you know, is something I don’t really know a lot about,’ says Cochran, 76, who’s seeking a seventh six-year term in the Senate. ‘And it’s a free country. We have open opportunities for people to participate in the election process.’ Cochran’s comments came Monday in response to questions from Jackson television stations. He is being challenged in the June 3 GOP primary by state Sen. Chris McDaniel…an attorney with strong support from tea party groups…. ‘The tea party matters. They care for their country,’ McDaniel told The Associated Press in a phone interview Tuesday. ‘These are conservative voters who feel like they’re not being heard.’’’

Lexington-Herald Leader: “The U.S. Chamber of Commerce will begin running a new television ad in Kentucky starting Wednesday that describes Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell as someone who is fighting against ‘Obamacare’ and for Kentucky’s future.”

breaks down the costly ad wars and the influence of outside groups in the Kentucky Senate race.]

Republicans need a net gain of six Senate seats this year to take control of the upper chamber. Which six seats are the most likely to flip? The current consensus among Fox News First readers: Arkansas, Montana, Louisiana, South Dakota, North Carolina and Alaska.

Share your top six picks. Email them – just your top six, please – to 
FOXNEWSFIRST@FOXNEWS.COMor tweet @cstirewalt.

Roll Call:  Former Rep. Joe Baca, D-Calif., apologized Tuesday for calling retiring [fellow Democrat] Rep. Gloria Negrete McLeod a ‘bimbo’ earlier in the day… in a phone call to CQ Roll Call late Tuesday afternoon, Baca, who is running for the open 31st District and struggling to raise money, backtracked. ‘I wanted to apologize for the poor choice of words,’ he said. ‘I was upset and disappointed that we have a person that’s not running again. To me [Negrete McLeod's retirement] was a disservice to the area. The people lost the representative. They want someone who’s got continuity. … I was just disappointed. That’s all it was.’’’

WaPo: “There’s no doubt that Republicans and Democrats see the outcome of Florida's 13th district special election as a crucial marker ahead of the midterm elections this fall. For proof, look at how much money organizations on both sides have been pouring in. The biggest spenders thus far have been Republican-aligned groups, according to a tally from the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks campaign spending. GOP groups have spent more than $2.8 million to boost Republican nominee David Jolly or attack Democratic nominee Alex Sink, CRP's most up-to-date numbers show. Democratic groups have spent nearly $1.5 million doing the opposite… The biggest spenders on the GOP side have been the National Republican Congressional Committee ($1.3 million), the U.S. Chamber of Commerce ($800,000) and American Action Network ($439,000). On the Democratic side, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee ($886,000) and House Majority PAC (495,000) have spent most of the money.”

Crossroads says Sink ‘sunk’ Florida - 
Sunshine State News: “Republican-aligned super-PAC American Crossroads announced on Tuesday it was launching a new television ad taking aim at former state CFOAlex Sink … The ad will be running over the next three weeks as American Crossroads spent $357,000 to run it in the Tampa Bay market. ‘Alex Sink sunk Florida, and now she wants to reward herself with a congressional seat,’ said Jonathan Collegio, a spokesman for American Crossroads. ‘Floridians deserve better.’’’

Seattle-Post Intelligencer: “Clint Didier, ex-Washington Redskins tight end and Tea Party ally, on Monday became the first candidate to formally declare for the U.S. House seat being vacated by U.S. Rep. Doc Hastings, R-Wash.,… State Sen. Sharon Brown, R-Kennewick, is exploring the race.”

Daily Caller: “Republican Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert is launching a new political action committee to help defend House conservatives from 2014 attacks from mainstream Republican PACs… The new GOH Conservative PAC, inspired by the Senate Conservatives Fund, ‘defends conservative Republicans from the attacks that come from the mainstream,’ Gohmert told TheDC. ‘That’s been a problem, we’ve seen in some races, where we’ve had leadership come and play and there was no counterbalance. So I’m going to do something about it’… ‘I was inspired by what Jim DeMint did as a senator,’ Gohmert said, referring to the recent Republican senator and current Heritage Foundation president who formed the Senate Conservatives Fund in 2008…”

Jobs and Opportunity, an outside group associated with the Democratic Governors’ Association is hitting Arkansas Republican gubernatorial hopeful Asa Hutchinson’s lobbyist past. From the 
ad: “Washington D.C. lobbyist Asa Hutchinson…his lobbying firm made millions pushing the Wall Street and Detroit bailouts, even the stimulus bill.” The ad concludes praising Democrat Mike Ross for opposing Democratic initiatives and being independent, “just like Arkansas.”

Las Vegas Sun: “Clark County Commission Chair Steve Sisolak announced Monday night he will not challenge incumbent Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval for the governor’s office in this year's election. The announcement leaves the Nevada Democratic Party bereft of potential candidates less than a month before the filing deadline and effectively concedes the election to Sandoval unless Nevada Democrats have an independently wealthy candidate hiding in the wings.”

Longtime former Clinton supporter Kathleen Willey was a volunteer in the Clinton White House who alleges then President Bill Clinton sexually assaulted her during his first term. (Vintage WaPo details on the Willey allegations 
here.) Willey told Megyn Kelly that the former president’s past is relevant to the ambitions of 2016 Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton. “Hillary Clinton is the war on women and I think that she needs to be exposed for all of the terror campaigns that she has waged against the women who were in the wrong place at the wrong time with her husband,” Willey said. Willey said the former first lady, “…enables him to do it because she realizes the power that he has and she wants to ride on his coattails like she’s done all along.” Willey, who discussed recently revealed document that show Hillary Clinton speaking of “whiney women” who make sexual harassment allegations, said that it is part of a pattern. “The easiest way for [Hillary Clinton] to handle the scandals is to ruin the women who just happen to cross paths with him,” Willey said. “And that’s horrible and they do a good job at it.” Watch the full interview from the “Kelly File” here.

AP: “Rep. Paul Ryan, the most recent Republican nominee for vice president, said Tuesday he's keeping his options open about a prospective run for president but won't look at the 2016 contest in earnest until after Congress breaks for the year. Ryan, R-Wis., said he is focused on his job as House Budget Committee chairman and would ‘worry about those things later on.’ Ryan briefly visited New Hampshire's largest city to headline a Tuesday night fundraiser for a former House colleague, Frank Guinta, who is running for the seat he lost in 2012… The Wisconsin Republican discounted the GOP's intraparty skirmishes as ‘creative tension’ and praised the tea party's influence on the Republican Party… Asked whether [Mitt Romney] should run again for president, Ryan responded, ‘I'd love it if he did, but I don't think he would.’’’

New Jersey Star -Ledger: “Gov. Chris Christie [R-N.J.] and the leaders of the state Legislature have asked the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a 22-year-old federal law preventing them from legalizing sports betting at New Jersey’s horse racing tracks and Atlantic City casinos. The state’s appeal, filed last week and made public today, is a last-ditch effort by the governor and lawmakers. They have been rebuffed at every turn, losing three times in federal court to the NCAA and the nation’s professional sports leagues, which originally brought the high-profile case.”

Military Times: “Former President George W. Bush will host a veterans’ summit in Texas on Wednesday focused on ways to provide assistance to separating service members and their families. The event… will also include remarks from… [Vice President Joe Biden’s wife] Jill Biden …” Watch livestarting at 10 a.m. ET.

[What could possibly go wrong? - 
Hollywood Reporter: “Vice President Joe Biden to Appear on ‘The View’ to Discuss Health Care”]

A Federal Communications Commission member is 
warning about the agency’s plans to launch an in-depth study of how news managers, reporters and producers choose what to cover and how. Many news organizations are pushing back, saying the intrusion into how stories are determined to be newsworthy is a violation of freedom of the press, given the commission’s authority of their broadcast license.—Watch Fox: Correspondent Shannon Bream considers the controversy at a time when many argue the Obama administration has become increasingly opinionated about what qualifies as news.

“What [a federal minimum wage increase]  is, is a transfer of wealth from some low-income earners to other low-income earners… this is so obvious, not rocket science -- some will be better off, will make more, but others are going to lose everything. They’re going to lose all of their income, and they’re going to lose the first step on the ladder into employment, which is the hope for the future. So it’s a high price. You can make your choice, but there isn’t a free lunch. They are running ads saying give America a raise, as if it’s no cost. It is a cost, and it’s other low income people who will be the ones who pay it.” – Charles Krauthammer on “Special Report with Bret Baier.” 

Chris Stirewalt is digital politics editor for Fox News. Want FOX News First in your inbox every day? Sign up 
here. To catch Chris live online daily at 11:30 a.m. ET, click here.



The big new Democrat brainstorm for surviving the 2014 elections is to run on a platform of “fixing” ObamaCare.  They’re hoping this rhetoric can be made to sound more constructive, and therefore more appealing to voters, than Republican calls for repeal.  The velvet glove of “fix” rhetoric will fit neatly around the iron fist of despair that is the true Democrat Party message to America: It’s the “settled law of the land,” you can never be free of it no matter how much you hate it, people we like more than you will suffer if the law is repealed, you really don’t want to manage your own health care anyway because it’s scary, there are no refunds when “progressives” take a chunk of your liberty because making government smaller is “regressive.”
The big problem with this Democrat strategy is that they don’t really have any ideas for “fixing” ObamaCare.  That’s because it cannot be fixed.  The President’s failed health-care law is fundamentally flawed.  It’s a massive income-redistribution scheme, with the customary 90 cents on the dollar skimmed off for Big Government overhead, and those schemes are only politically viable when the Takers outnumber the Makers.  That’s not the case with ObamaCare, which hurts far more people than it helps, in just about every income bracket and demographic.
ObamaCare’s failure can be judged by the public reaction as each of its Big Lies unraveled: If you like your health care plan, you can keep your plan.  If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.  The average family will save over $2400 per year.  We must drastically reduce the scandalous number of uninsured Americans.
The first Big Lie will go nuclear when employer-market plans start dying this year.  There is no way to “fix” that.  President Obama might break the law again to illegally modify the Affordable Care Act to grant some sort of temporary reprieve, and maybe try to set Republicans up to look like the villains if they insist on fidelity to the law Democrats rammed through Congress, but that gambit has reached its expiration date.  If Republicans have a modicum of political sense, they’ll remind voters that Democrats are  playing them for fools by asking them to accept temporary one-year Band-Aids that do nothing more than control ObamaCare’s political bleeding until the midterm elections are past.
I’m as cynical about the GOP’s messaging skills as anyone, but I doubt they could miss the obvious “playing for time until the elections are over” angle, especially since some of the previous temporary patch jobs are already coming apart at the seams.  Frankly, I’m not sure the public needs all that much reminding; Obama’s constant arbitrary revisions to ObamaCare have already made a mockery of the “settled law of the land.”
At any rate, there’s really no feasible way to defuse the First Big Lie, because anything that keeps the old, superior plans alive for much longer is only going to make ObamaCare look worse.  Like all other socialist schemes, the Affordable Care Act cannot survive competition.  It must be inescapable and compulsory, or it will fall apart as people flee its clutches.  Enrollment levels are disastrous enough as it is; Democrats will have no luck running as apologists for a multi-trillion-dollar program nobody wants to participate in.
Likewise, there’s no way to fix ObamaCare “doc shock.”  Of course, the geniuses who dumped ObamaCare on us think the solution is more hyper-regulation: passing laws to force those tiny ObamaCare provider networks to become larger, so fewer people lose access to their doctors.  This will inevitably raise the cost of ACA policies, which are already too expensive, not to mention running into resistance from the medical community.  Higher ACA premiums mean lower enrollment and more state-by-state insurance death spirals.  Republicans should make these points during their 2014 campaigns, along with plenty of warnings about the coming insurance-industry bailout.  That would be a nice bit of political judo, turning Democrat demonization of the insurance industry against them, now that they’re poised to become sugar daddies for a massive special interest they used to denigrate relentlessly.
“Doc shock” is actually still a disease in the very early stages.  Another warning issued by ObamaCare critics is that our doctor supply will diminish as doctors find a variety of reasons to disengage from the system.  This will be an especially acute problem for the newly-swelled ranks of Medicaid patients.
There’s no way to “fix” the high cost of Affordable Care Act policies.  That problem is going to get worse - much worse – especially if Obama tries to regulate “doc shock” away.  The disappointing enrollment figures for ObamaCare mean higher premiums are baked in the cake anyway.  As with many other aspects of the ObamaCare debacle, premiums will rise at different rates in different states, making some areas particularly toxic for the Democrats… and they have not a single idea, not even a puff of rhetorical hot air, for how to bring those premiums down.
The most likely idea they’ll eventually put forward will be higher subsidies for more people, but that’s going to be a tough sell given how badly ObamaCare is already hammering the deficit, and the healthy reluctance of middle-class Americans to grow dependent on government subsidies for a product they could formerly purchase with dignity. 
That’s the political problem posed by ObamaCare in a nutshell: it’s making everything worse, for too many people.  It’s not even reducing the number of uninsured very much, which was pretty much the last political straw Democrats could grasp.  If a large number of formerly uninsured people were picking up insurance for the first time, Democrats could used weaponized guilt to beat the rest of America into submission - how dare you complain about your high premiums, back-breaking deductibles, and shoddy choice of doctor when these good people know the joy of health insurance for the first time in their lives!
But that’s not happening.  The vast majority of ObamaCare enrollments are coming from people who used to have better insurance they liked more, but lost their plans due to the First Big Lie.  Only ten to twenty percent of ACA sales are going to the formerly uninsured.  Ten-year projections show an extremely modest reduction in the number of uninsured, an “achievement” that could be achieved through plenty of reforms that wouldn’t have all the problems of ObamaCare.
Several reports this week have observed that Democrat rhetoric about “fixing” ObamaCare is running afoul of their absolute lack of actual repair proposals.  Byron York at the Washington Examiner:
Many leading Democrats say they want to “fix” the Affordable Care Act. “I think what most Americans want us to do is not repeal Obamacare, which is what our Republican colleagues are focused on, but fix it,” said Sen. Charles Schumer on “Meet the Press” on Dec. 22. “The president is working to fix it; we are working in the Senate to fix it; we urge our Republican colleagues to join us in fixing it.”
Sounds good. But what, precisely, are Democrats on Capitol Hill doing to fix Obamacare? The answer is not much.
“It’s just a talking point,” says a GOP Senate aide of Schumer’s claim. (A Schumer spokesman did not respond to requests for comment.)
“No Democratic fixes jump out,” says a GOP House aide. “Seems like all they want to do is continue delaying portions of the law to insulate themselves against the political fallout.”
A spokesman for Rep. Tom Price, one of the House GOP’s leaders on health care policy, says Democrats haven’t contacted Price to discuss possible fixes to Obamacare. “No,” says the spokesman. “No one has approached.” The same is true for Rep. Steve Scalise, another House Republican health care leader.
Obviously Republicans would be foolish to jump in and save Democrats from their own failed law… which, remember, was railroaded through Congress with payoffs and shady tricks in a rushed vote that made no effort to win Republican support, and got none.   The Democrats were busy using your money to buy off reluctant members of their own caucus to practice any bipartisan outreach.  They pushed the vote through with such comical banana-republic speed that it wasn’t even fully written yet, and neither Chuck Schumer nor any other Democrat bothered to read the parts that were written before they voted on it.  I hope Republican candidates are savvy enough to remind voters of that, too.
ObamaCare illustrates the problem with forcing bad legislation through Congress on a party-line vote, especially something on the scale of the health-care takeover.  The concessions necessary to win Republican votes would have either killed the bill outright – to the great benefit of the United States of America – or modified it into something more viable, more “fixable,” with better odds of securing bipartisan cooperation to design the fixes.  The result wouldn’t have resembled the Affordable Care Act much, and that would be a very good thing.
Josh Kraushaar at National Journal also noticed that Democrats are talking up their “mend it, don’t end it” political strategy without advancing any ideas for mending it:
The latest version of the argument points to polling showing that voters don’t want to repeal the law but prefer to see it fixed—perfectly in line with the newly adopted positions of vulnerable Democratic officeholders. In a memo leaked to the press, Democrats argue they can neutralize their health care vulnerabilities by promoting their desire to fix the law and blaming Republicans for intransigence in seeking a full repeal. But dig a bit deeper past the talking points, and it’s unclear what they want to fix—beyond their broken poll numbers.
Indeed, in a sign that Democrats are stuck in neutral on their Obamacare messaging, the “news” from the memo is months old. The strategy devised by the sharpest party operatives has already been in effect in numerous ads across the country and was promoted by the party’s top strategists two months ago. In those targeted races, public polling has shown Democratic standing worsening where the on-air Obamacare debate has already begun. (See: Landrieu, Mary; Hagan, Kay.)
Kraushaar highlights an interesting example of predicament facing Democrats, who are now absurdly laboring to position themselves as insightful critics of a law they formerly supported with the blind enthusiasm of zombies chasing a minor cast member on “The Walking Dead”:
For a crystal-clear sign of the political woes Obamacare faces, look no further than the ad the Democratic House Majority PAC is airing in a majority-Hispanic south Florida district that Obama carried twice. The seat, represented by freshman Rep. Joe Garcia, is one of a small handful in the country that gave Obama a larger share of the vote in 2012 than in 2008—he won 53 percent last election. It’s also one of the media markets where the Obama presidential campaign spent millions of dollars in Spanish-language ads praising the law in unequivocal terms.
This new ad, as part of the damage control, contains no such accolades. It promotes how Garcia “took the White House to task,” referencing its “disastrous” health care website. Like its counterparts, it argues Garcia wants to fix the broken law. Democratic strategists said that outside of the most liberal precincts, they can’t persuade people of the law’s benefits until they acknowledge its problems first.
The Garcia ad shows that even in an Obamacare stronghold, where support for the law ran well ahead of its national numbers, dissatisfaction is creeping up. Indeed, The New York Times reported that uninsured Hispanics were signing up for the law at “strikingly” lower rates than anticipated. One Democratic operative involved in the race told me it was much harder to find nonpartisan Obamacare advocates to cheerlead for the law in South Florida this year—compared with 2012.
Yes, good luck running as champions of the little guy against the “disastrous” law you shoved down their throats, Democrats.  The case for full repeal of ObamaCare grows stronger by the day, and it will only benefit from these ridiculous triangulation efforts, which must begin with Democrats acknowledging the same flaws Republicans are spotlighting.  There is no way to fix ObamaCare.  It must be swept aside in order to enable the real reforms that would actually improve health insurance, bring costs under control, ensure a healthy medical industry, and dismantle the incredibly expensive bureaucracy Democrats have created.  Now let’s see if Republicans are smart enough to get behind those solid reforms while their opponents are blowing smoke.



“En mi opinión”    Lázaro R González Miño Editor.
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