Friday, December 20, 2013

No 549 "En mi opinion" Dic. 20, 2013

No 549 “En mi opinión”   Viernes, Diciembre 20, 2013
“IN GOD WE TRUST”  Lázaro R González Miño Editor

Betty: Cabuto (Fox): mr. president we here at Fox News are not the problem. “You Tube”

Samitier: Mis derechos, son tan derechos como tus derechos… solo que más derechos…
Muy Débil La Respuesta De La Sociedad En Relación Con La Violación De Derechos Y El Terror Implantado Por Homosexuales El Caso de   Duck Dynasty' Family
EL TERROR ECONÓMICO HOMOSEXUAL... Esta siendo realizado a todos los niveles de Los trabajos... o te CALLAS LA BOCA... COMO  EN LAS PEORES DICTADURAS... o te botamos De tu trabajo o te hacemos la vida un  YOGURT.  
Ya Verán De Lo Que son Capaces Estos Enfermos... Cuando Tengan El Poder Total...
Solo Tienen Que Pensar Que La Gran mayoría Son Capaces de la SIMULACIÓN y actúan como Espías...
Ese Es el Motivo que el 99% De Todos los Espías Descubiertos desde la Francia de LUIS XII de Francia hasta nuestros días han sido Homosexuales...

Los Homosexuales actúan como dictasdores en cuanto tienen la primera oportunidad.
Por Mas de 20 Años La Política De Los Maricones Fue…

Comprensión, Tolerancia, Apertura y Diversidad... Se Presentaban Como Victimas... La Campaña Fue Muy Exitosa Especialmente Las
Madres Que Los Apoyaron... Pensando Que les Podía Nacer Un Hijo Homosexual... Ahora... Nadie Se Mete Con Ellos...Están En El Poder... Se Vanaglorian Al “ABANDONAR Su Labor” De Haber Estado Viviendo “SECRETAMENTE Como Espía” Y “Saboteador” De La Sociedad En Que Vivian... Han Establecido Reglas y No Se Les Puede Contradecir: Estás De Acuerdo Que El Sexo Homosexual Es Normal O Pierdes El Trabajo En Un Instante... Estamos a Un Paso De La “Dictadura Homosexual”

Samitier: Quien c… manda en USA???

En Una Entrevista En TV Queda Probado Que:
Los “Jefes Oficiales” De Los Departamentos...
Tienen “Otros Jefes Secretos”...
¿No Lo Crees? Véalo En El Enlace Abajo...

El General DE 4 ESTRELLAS Keith Alexander, quien también es Director de la NSA TUVO QUE PÚBLICAMENTE QUE PEDIR PERMISO a NO SE SABE QUIEN para responder a una pregunta de un reportero!  Según el reportero... el verdadero JEFE... estaba en el estudio en una ZONA OSCURAS... Permiso? De Sus Verdaderos Jefes! Por cierto... Ninguno De Los Generales Norte Americanoshan ganando Una guerra desde 1945... las estrellas las han ganado porBUENA CONDUCTA Y OBEDIENCIA... cualquier desobediencia los retira de coroneles...  ¿Qué nos está pasando?  Que nos quedamos los ciudadanos Sin hacer nada...  aquí pueden ver toda la información...

Samitier: No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere oir!!!
La Iglesia Católica Cubana... y El Vaticano Están Haciendo Lo Mismo Que Durante La Guerra De Independencia... Se Puso Al Lado Del Gobierno... Por Eso Cuba Fue La Menos Católica De Las Naciones Colonizadas Por España... y Sera La Mas Protestante De Los países De América...  
Vamos A Ver Que Contesta El Papa Sobre Esta Denuncia La organización independiente Archivo Cuba reportó este miércoles 208 casos de muertes y desapariciones, de ellos 166 documentados, durante el mandato del dictador Raúl Castro (2006-2013). En la lista sobresalen 86 fallecimientos por denegación de asistencia médica en prisión, 46 suicidios de presos y 15 homicidios extrajudiciales. Papa Francisco, ttambién aparecen cuatro fallecidos en huelga de hambre en prisión: Orlando Zapata Tamayo, Wilman Villar Mendoza, Yordanis Ballagas Ramírez y Roberto Antonio Rivalta Junco. “Esta es una realidad muy parcial, porque hay gente que se tira al mar y nunca aparece, o que muere en una cárcel pero nadie lo sabe”, afirmó María Werlau, directora ejecutiva del proyecto.
El Suicidio Ha Sido Una De Las Formas De Eliminar Opositores Desde El principio... El PRIMER SUICIDIO ASESINATO fue el de RENÉ RAY, El 12 de Marzo de 1958... EL SEGUNDO fue el del Comandante FELIZ PENA en Abril después que Desobedeció a Fidel Castro y absolvió a los pilotos De Batista... los que volvieron a ser juzgados por Ordenes de Fidel... Y CONDENADOS A 30 AÑOS. El pueblo de Cuba sufre la peor tiranía que ha conocido América.

Luis Carril: Subject: Evidencias irrefutables de visitantes ETs
To: EL video lo han censurado, como siempre.
Pueden leer el discurso de JF Kennedy primero y luego ver el video. Asi lobtendrian la informacion desde la retrospectiva hacia fecha mas reciente..

Queridos compañeros americanos y habitantes del Mundo, hoy partimos hacia una nueva Era. La niñez de esta humanidad se está acabando, y otra etapa está a punto de comenzar.

La nueva etapa de la que hablo, está llena de muchos retos, pero creo que el ayer, y las discordias del pasado, han preparado singularmente a esta generación para alcanzar el objetivo.

Ciudadanos del Mundo. No estamos solos.

Dios en su infinita sabiduría, ha poblado el Universo con otros seres y criaturas inteligentes como nosotros ¿Con qué autoridad me permito pronunciar estas palabras?

En el año 1947, nuestras fuerzas militares recuperaron del desierto de Nuevo México, los restos de un avión de origen desconocido; la ciencia determinó que este vehiculo vino del lejano espacio exterior. Desde entonces nuestro Gobierno, ha tenido contacto con los creadores de esa nave espacial.

Aunque mis noticias, puedan parecer fantásticas, y de hecho,  incluso aterradoras, yo les insto a ustedes que no las reciban con miedo y pesimismo.

Les aseguro como su Presidente, que esos seres no quieren hacernos ningún daño. De hecho ellos han prometido ayudar a nuestra nación a superar a los enemigos más comunes de la Humanidad, la tiranía, la pobreza, la enfermedad, la guerra.

Nosotros estamos convencidos de que ellos no solo no son enemigos, de hecho, son amigos. Junto a ellos podemos crear un Mundo bueno. Yo no puedo aseguraros que en el camino que vamos a emprender, no nos encontraremos con tropiezos y deslices.

Pero creo que hemos encontrados el verdadero destino de las personas de esta gran Tierra  para conducir al Mundo hacia un glorioso futuro. Durante los próximos días. Semanas y meses, ustedes conocerán mas sobre estos visitantes, pues ellos están aquí, y nuestros lideres, han mantenido en secreto su presencia durante mucho tiempo.

Yo les pido que no sean tímidos al futuro y que lo afronten con valor. Porque nosotros podemos conseguir aquella antigua visión de Paz en la Tierra y Prosperidad para toda la humanidad.

Que Dios los bendiga a todos.
JF. Kennedy

Mostrado por: Manuel Celades, en el “Congreso del Saber”
Andorra, 2 y 3 de octubre de 2010.

El enlace al video:

Samitier: Bolivia…

Turistas Que Se Juegan La Vida RIÉNDOSE... En Una Carretera De Bolivia… Que Produce Cientos De Muertos Todos Los Años... La pregunta que todos debemos de HACERNOS... Las montanas Europeas son tan altas y empinadas como esas que vemos... Los Europeos... desde el siglo 18  las vencieron haciendo caminos seguros a PICO y PALA... Las penetraron con túneles desde el siglo 19 ... ¿Cuál Es La Razón?  ¿Para Que Estas Montanas Continúen En Ese Estado?... Cuando La MANO DE OBRA... es  ABUNDANTE pero los gobiernos la mantienen ociosa... En América... Nadie Se Muere De Hambre... En realidad... Es decir COMEN Y NO TRABAJAN... Quizás esos caminos son peores que los que tenían los INCAS... también pienso lo valiente Que fueron los Conquistadores Españoles... Que conquistaron y CIVILIZARON esas tierra Hace 500 años...

A certain corner of the market is now seeing stocks "break out" at an average rate of 26 per day. Twenty-six! To be regarded as a breakout, a stock must move by 100% (or greater) in a single day. It's making a lot of people rich, starting with just a measly $50 up front. The next time a $50 bill ends up in your hand, set it aside. You'll wish you had it after learning the following details.

10 Shocking Charts That Will Define 2013
By LOUIS BASENESE, Chief Investment Strategist

Tired of living in a chronic state of "information overload"? We feel you!

That's why, each Friday, we cut through the clutter and noise to bring you a handful of charts to sum up the most important investment and economic news.

Since we're rapidly approaching the end of the year, we've got a treat for you. Today and Monday, we're looking back on the 10 most-defining charts of the year.

Just in case you missed something along the way, you'll be caught up in a jiffy. Consider it the perfect antidote to Rip Van Winkle Syndrome.

Without further ado... 

A Golden Disaster

Back in May, Bank of America's (BAC) top global economist, Ethan Harris, said, "The big story this year is not the U.S. spending sequester, the China slowdown, or the ongoing European recession. The big story is inflation, or more precisely, the lack thereof."

His words only ring truer today.

Inflation is non-existent. Or as Fed President, James Bullard, told the CFA Society in St. Louis earlier this month, "Inflation continues to surprise to the downside."

No inflation spells disaster for gold, which is precisely why Goldman Sachs (GS) called bullion a "slam dunk" sell in October.

Sure enough, while most commodities got socked in 2013, the yellow metal got hit the hardest, dropping nearly 30%.

To all the doom-and-gloomers out there who never sell gold, I've got one question, "How's that inflation hedge working out for you?"

The Great Rotation

As I'm sure you'll recall, a great debate erupted in the first half of the year over whether or not investors were "rotating" out of 
bonds and into stocks.

I weighed in twice on the topic, ultimately 
changing sides because, of course, the data warranted it.

But the debate is pretty much settled now. Investors rotated - in a major way.

U.S. equity funds witnessed their strongest inflows since 2000. Meanwhile, bond funds hemorrhaged assets - and Pimco's Bill Gross, the largest bond fund manager, wept.

He's still a billionaire, though. No sympathy necessary.

Rough Riders, Mount Up... or Not!

As it turns out, all those new stock buyers were in for a treat, too.

Instead of enduring neck-snapping volatility, they enjoyed a smooth ride.

The average daily change for the S&P 500 Index checked in at a measly 0.55% this year.

To put that into perspective, during the throes of the financial crisis, single-day swings of roughly 2% were the norm.

"This has been the least-volatile year we've seen since the bull market began," explains Bespoke Investment Group. Here's to 2014 bringing much of the same... 

Out of Work and Out of Hope

Not everything is rosy in the market, of course. Especially in the labor market.

As The Wall Street Journal's Victoria McGrane notes, "We are in the fifth year of economic recovery since the Great Recession, yet Americans are still fleeing the labor force."

chronicled this troubling situation before. But it warrants mentioning again.

Although the official unemployment rate keeps dropping, it's largely because the labor force participation rate (the percentage of Americans who are working or actively seeking work) keeps plummeting.

No doubt, we'll be tracking this situation in 2014... 

Peak Oil? Try Again! 

In the equity market we witnessed the "Great Rotation." Over in the energy markets, though, we witnessed the "Great Revolution."

Thanks to technological advances, U.S. oil production enjoyed its largest annual increase in over 100 years.

Here's a fun trivia fact for you... 

There are only seven oilfields in the world that produce one million barrels per day (bpd) or more of oil. Three of them are now in the United States - the Permian Basin, the Eagle Ford and the Bakken.

And the response from everyone in the Peak Oil camp? Nothing but crickets.

That's it for today. We'll pick up with our remaining five charts on Monday. Before you go, though, let us know what you think of this weekly column - or any of our recent work at Wall Street Daily - by going 
Ahead of the tape,

Louis Basenese

·          FOX News First: Dec. 20. Fox News First -- How about them apples: ObamaCare rewritten again | Jindal twerked by 'Duck Dynasty' flap | Dems ready jobless jab | Campaign in waiting: Christie manager gets RGA slot | It's obviously like, you know, whatever. Just sayin'.‏ By Chris Stirewalt
BREAKING: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid hospitalized.  From Reid’s office: “Early this morning, Senator Reid was not feeling well and as a precaution decided to go to the hospital. Tests have been conducted and everything is normal.  He is alert, resting and feeling better. Doctors have asked that he remain in the hospital for observation so he will not be working today.”
Buzz Cut:
·        How about them apples: ObamaCare rewritten again
·        Jindal twerked by ‘Duck Dynasty’ flap
·        Dems ready jobless jab
·        Campaign in waiting: Christie manager gets RGA slot
·        It’s obviously like, you know, whatever. Just sayin’. 
The federal government banned millions of insurance policies, forbidding what 
President Obamareferred to as “bad apple” coverage. The new policies under ObamaCare were supposed to be, as his chief spokesman said, “an apple that’s fresh and delicious.” If you liked your produce but couldn’t, as promised, keep it, you would like the ObamaCare version even better. As it turns out, many of the people whose insurance policies the administration banned simply cannot afford the new, ObamaCare complaint offerings. What’s answer? To allow Americans to buy bare-bones plans previously available only in special cases. How about them apples?
Obama drives another fiat - As ObamaCare’s Web site gets under full steam after nearly three months of failure, it has become clear that the program will result in coverage disruptions for many Americans. Despite the administration calling on the insurance industry to try to accommodate the pandemonium created by contradictory orders from the administration, the latest rule change is essentially waiving a central provision of the law for anyone currently insured. The individual mandate was intended to boost insurance companies that are seeing profits crunched under new federal regulations – margins would go down but volume would go up. It matters to you because without enough paying customers, insurers will be forced to further hike rates. Waiving the mandate is a big change to make by proclamation.
details how some Obama aides are putting off their exits in order to help the president regain his political standing.]
Wormy - The worse apples now being pushed by Obama don’t provide much money to offset the risks, and that’s even if insurers are able to keep pace with the ever-changing Obama position on what is good and what is bad for American insurance consumers. The possibility of systemic collapse in the New Year looks increasingly real.
Dr. K’s Prescription - What does 2014 hold for your health care? Charles Krauthammer considers: “The federal government now runs the insurance market, dictating deadlines, procedures, rates, risk assessments and coverage requirements. It’s gotten so cocky it’s now telling insurers to cover the claims that, by law, they are not required to. Welcome 2014, our first taste of nationalized health care.” ]
Catastrophic coverage for vulnerable Democrats - The rule change was announced just after red-state and swing-state Senate Democrats had the chance to circulate a letter calling for just such an action. Was it a concerted effort or a coincidence? It’s too close to Christmas to be so cynical, but c’mon. Just as Sen. Jean Shaheen, D-N.H., was given the chance to propose a “fix” to a bill undoing a reduction to military pension increases, she too has been given a plum spot on the list of letter signatories. Whether the measure works at all, or if it makes things better or worse, it is a chance for the administration to buy a bit more time with senators who are watching the slow-motion disaster unfold. That’s your takeaway: With a budget deal now passed, the top priority for Washington Democrats: doing whatever it takes to hold the Senate.  
Bubba, then Dubya then The One - Americans view former President George W. Bush more favorably than President Obama. Bush holds a 50 percent approval while Obama holds only 46 percent. Former President Bill Clinton fares best with 70 percent. Fox News’ prescient pollster Dana Blantoncompares.] 
Under a provision in the Defense Authorization bill passed Thursday, up to half of those foreign fighters in U.S. custody at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba could be sent home. The move marks a substantial victory in 
President Obama’s long-frustrated effort to close the facility. – Watch Fox: Chief Intelligence Correspondent Catherine Herridge has the details.
[For AP’s full write up, click 
here. For military-industrial complex all-stars, the detailed summary of the bill is here.]
Avoiding a meltdown: Dems nudge Obama on Iran - In a move that has the hallmarks of approved dissent, a group more than a dozen Democratic senators are joining Republicans to call for enhanced sanctions on Iran if the current deal brokered by the Obama administration on the Islamist country’s nuclear program falls through. Earlier this month, the White House headed off open rebellion among Democrats on the issue, scuttling a bill pending in the Senate Banking Committee. President Obamahas threatened to veto this new version, with Press Secretary Jay Carney saying it could disrupt the deal with Iran. The pact negotiated by Secretary of State John Kerry would condone Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for promises of transparency and a vow by Tehran’s theocrats to not use fissile material to build bombs. By killing the first bill and re-racking the process, the administration has bought time to keep working on Democratic senators and given hawkish Dems a safe way to express their displeasure with the president’s unpopular Iran détente. Fox News has the story.
Secret service gets passing grade on sex misconduct - An internal report commissioned after more than a dozen Secret Service agents and officers were caught in a prostitution scandal ahead ofPresident Obama’s April 2012 trip to Colombia concludes sexual misconduct is not a widespread problem in the agency, laying the problems at the feet of rogue agents. WaPo has more.
Bobby Jindal, R-La., told Megyn Kelly there’s a double standard at play in the suspension of “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson for his remarks to GQ Magazine about his views on homosexuality. “A&E  is half owned by ABC. I was shocked Miley Cyrus went on TV and did some shocking things.  She's back -- she'll be on ABC during the New Year's Eve special.” Jindal added: “She's on TV and Phil Robertson off?  There is something wrong.” Watch the interview from “The Kelly File.”
Even though Senate Democrats seemed to wave off the idea of fighting for extended welfare benefits as part of a just-passed budget deal, WaPo’s 
Ezra Klein explains why liberals should be of good cheer. Pressure groups will be pumping up the issue of restoring federal aid to the long-term unemployed, promising to hit Republicans hard for Christmas cruelty. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid sounds like he’s on board, telling reporters the Senate will take up a retroactive extension next month.
Broken - The latest Fox News poll shows 71 percent of respondents believe the Federal government is broken.]
Arrivederci, AAA - Reuters: “Credit agency Standard & Poor’s cut its long-term rating of the European Union by one notch to AA+ on Friday, saying it had concerns about how the bloc's budget was financed, a view EU leaders and other officials dismissed as misguided.”
Pa-rum-pum-pum-pump - The final confirmation for Janet Yellen as head of the Federal Reserve will take place when Congress returns Jan. 6. LAT has more.]
“These are the last tracks for 2013 as I begin a family hibernation. First of all, thank you for reading and signing up for this note. It's been a lot of fun contributing to it this year. Secondly, thank you for watching ‘Special Report’ – we think it gets better every day and 2014 promises to be quite a news year. I look forward to laying down some new tracks in the New Year. Until then…” – 
Bret Baier
[Ed. note: We love having your insights. Enjoy the down time! You’ve sure earned it.]
Kevin Williamson considers why men aren’t buying what President Obama is selling. From Ladies’ Man: “The president’s low standing among the Y-chromosome set, dramatic though it is, is not entirely surprising… he presided over a sickly recovery in which unemployment remains elevated and is significantly higher for men than for women… our once-dynamic economy has grown sclerotic, and economic mobility has declined — and that wasn’t supposed to happen. President Obama represents what admirers such as Michael Grunwald have called a ‘New New Deal.’ American men don’t seem to think it is a very good deal at all.”
Got a 
TIP from the RIGHT or LEFT? Email FoxNewsFirst@FOXNEWS.COM
Real Clear Politics Averages
Obama Job Approval: Approve – 42.5 percent//Disapprove – 53.6 percent
Direction of Country: Right Direction – 29.5 percent//Wrong Track – 63.6 percent 
Bill Stepien, former chief of staff and campaign manager for Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J., will be the new “adviser on political operations and independent expenditures” for the Republican Governors Association. Christie just took over as chairman of the group, which provide him a launch pad fir 2016: access to donors and a way to broaden his appeal beyond his blue-state base and into more important primary states for the GOP. WSJ has more.
Trey Radel, R-Fla., has completed a nearly month-long stint in rehab after pleading guilty last month to misdemeanor cocaine possession charges. Speaking to reporters, Radel said he planned to return to work despite many calls within his own party to step down. He admitted to using cocaine “a handful of times,” but maintains he was never under the influence while voting. Fox News has thedetails.
President Obama commuted the sentences of eight inmates serving time for crack cocaine offenses and pardoned 13 convicts. The president is also calling on Congress to act on sentencing reforms proposed by Attorney General Eric Holder. Fox news has more.]
Steve Stockman, R-Texas, is unhappy about the NRA’s endorsement of Sen. John Cornyn, whom he is looking to unseat in next year’s primary. Stockman is touting his own endorsement by the more conservative Gun Owners of America and offering donors to his campaign a bumper sticker that reads, “If babies had guns they wouldn’t be aborted.” Dallas Morning News has more.
President Obama’s pick for a top post at the Interior Department is under fire for steering millions to environmental groups. Rhea Suh, the department’s new assistant secretary for policy management has a history of working with far-left groups that oppose natural gas production. During her tenure at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the group shelled out over $600 million to hard-line enviro groups. Washington Free Beacon has the story.
Chris Wallace welcomes former Arkansas Gov. and Fox News host Mike Huckabee and mega-church pastor Joel Osteen. Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace airs at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. ET on Fox News. Check local listings for air times in your area.
Media maven 
Howard Kurtz hosts Thomas Friedman of the NYT, talking not just about foreign affairs but why he hasn’t been critical of ObamaCare and the president's terrible year. Also, Amy Holmes of The Blaze and WaPo’s Chuck Lane will join Kurtz as to take on the NSA, stumbles by “60 Minutes” and the controversy surrounding Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson. #MediaBuzz airs Sundays at 11 a.m. ET.
New York Democratic Congressional hopeful 
Sean Eldridge offered supporters a peek at a favorite recipe from his “Gram.” It turns out the recipe is quite a bit like the one Kellogg’s offers for its Rice Krispie Treats, the only notable difference being the addition of red or green food coloring. The Washington Free Beacon has the sticky  details.
[Ed. note: You never know. “
Gram” could be from Battle Creek! I mean, Snap, Crackle and Pop did have lives…]
For the fifth straight year, the accursed spawn of California’s San Fernando Valley – “whatever” – tops Marist College’s 
poll of the words or phrases that Americans find most annoying. Perennial annoyance “like” comes in second behind the new juggernaut of lazily disdainful people. What words are you dreading next year? More than four in ten would like to strike “ObamaCare” from discussion.
Update: Eastern Europe remains awesome - Check out the ‘Chuck Norris’ Christmas greeting from Hungarian animation outfit Delov Digital]
More than seven in ten people said it was okay to re-gift, while 25 percent said it was never acceptable. That’s the findings of new Fox News 
poll that finds men disprove of the idea more so than women, and that it’s a big no-no in the Midwest.
War on Christmas? - The same poll found 54 percent of respondents do not believe there is a war on Christmas, while 39 percent believe there is a concerted attack on Christmas.
[Ed note: 
Are Queen 
Elizabeth II, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge sorceresses ensnaring Britain’s children? Looks like the jury is still out. Everybody has a bad day at work now and then, but headline writers and copy editors mistakes get published. The cringiest, most hilarious layout and copy-editing blunders of 2013, via (who else) BuzzFeed. 
“The reason Obama, I think, has sunk below what they call in the stock market the support level – a level at which if a stock goes below it looks like it could hit the floor – is because his support level had been on the left and among the young…liberal young people, they are appalled by the NSA and that accounts for their distrust of government and their deep disappointment with Obama. It hasn't driven them to the right, but it's driven them to apathy. And that's why his numbers are going historically low.” –Charles Krauthammer on “Special Report with 
Bret Baier
[Ed. note: It’s time for the good girls and boys of Fox News First to rest our heads for awhile. We’re signing off until Dec. 28, when we will come roaring back with lots of year-end goodies. We can’t fully express our gratitude for your support in making our launch so successful. We know you value the privacy and good order of your inbox, so we appreciate what a privilege it is to be here. That more than 160,000 of you welcome us in every morning is a point of tremendous pride. And thanks to all our colleagues at Fox News for helping make our first year a great one. Particular thanks to my fellow morning maniacs 
Mike Maltas and Sean Langille. God bless. – C]

Samitier: Les envió esta ENCUESTA que demuestra porque vamos al comunismo en Estados Unidos


La Prensa Socialista Y Pro Homosexual Le Ha Lavado El Cerebro... Al Pueblo Hoy Piensan Ya Como Comunistas...
El Dato Que Consideró fundamental es que han logrado que los TRES PARTIDOS (si hay 3 partidos pues los INDEPENDIENTES... que en 1968 eran solo el 4%  hoy suman el 33%)  PIENSEN IGUALYa en la actualidad el AXIOMA COMUNISTA de que en las democracia “Los Ricos Se Hacen Más Ricos, y Los Pobres Más Pobres." Lo creé:
·        El 92%  DE LOS DEMÓCRATAS  cantidad que se ha aumentado ocho puntos desde 2009 y es el más alto resultado en el sondeo de Pew Research.
·        El COLMO ES QUE TAMBIÉN la oposición; el 56% de los REPUBLICANOS lo CREEN...
·        Casi Tres Cuartas Partes. el 73% De Los Independientes también lo creen
Han dejado de Creer que se puede llegar a ser rico... trabajando he inventado cosas nuevas... Lean estos resultados...

Friday, Dec. 20, 2013

Americans View Well-To-Do as Intelligent, Hardworking, but Greedy

According to Pew Research Center surveys, the issue of income inequality is in the news at a time when the U.S. public believes there is a growing gulf between rich and poor that is likely to continue. A substantial majority of Americans (65%) said in 2012 that they believed the income gap between the rich and poor had widened over the last decade. Just 20% said it had stayed the same and 7% said it was smaller. Most of those (57%) who believed the gap had grown said it was a bad thing for society, says the report.
Growing Gap Between Rich and Poor (Past 10 Years; % of Respondents)
Gap Attitude
% of Respondents
Gotten larger
Stayed the same
Gotten smaller
Don’t know
Source: PewResearch, December 2013
Rich Get Rich While Poor Get Poorer (% of Respondents)
Source: PewResearch, December 2013
Americans views are mixed about the rich, says the report. Americans view the well-to-do as more intelligent and more hardworking but also greedier, the survey found. 43% said the rich were more likely than the average person to be intelligent and 42% said they were more likely to be hardworking. 55% saw the rich as more likely to be greedy compared with 9% who said less likely. Republicans were more likely to describe the rich as hardworking, by a 55% to 33% margin. 65% of Democrats saw the rich as greedy compared to 42% of Republicans.
Perceptions of the Rich (% Saying Rich People More or Less Likely Than Average Person
Rich More Likely
Less Likely
No Opinion/No Different
Source: PewResearch, December 2013
46% of those surveyed said that circumstances beyond one’s control were more often to blame for why people are poor, while 38% said an individual’s lack of effort was more to blame. In addition, 65% believed that most poor people in the U.S. do work, but were unable to earn enough money. Just 23% said the poor do not work.
Sharp ideological divides, according to the report, were found on both those findings. Democrats said by a 61% to 24% margin that circumstances beyond one person’s control were primarily to blame for them being poor. 57% of Republicans, taking the opposite view, blamed individuals who were poor for lack of effort compared with 28% who said it was due to circumstances beyond their control.
On the question of being able to earn enough money on the job, 89% of liberal Democrats and 78% of moderate and conservative Democrats said poor people work but do not earn enough money, but only 53% of moderate and liberal Republicans agreed. Conservative Republicans were evenly divided.
In March of 2013, Pew Research Center updated these trends, showing that 61% of Americans said the U.S. economic system favors the wealthy, while just 35% said it’s fair to most people. Similarly, 66% of Americans said the gap between rich and poor had increased in the past five years, with 47% of the respondents saying that the rich-poor gap was a “very big” problem.
Low- and middle-income people were most likely to say the U.S. economic system favors the wealthy, but even 52% of high-income people agreed that it does, says the report. And while 54% of low-income people and 49% of middle-income people called the rich-poor gap a “very big” problem, only 36% of high-income people did so.
Politically, as one might anticipate says the report, 55% of Republicans said the economic system is fair to most people, but 75% of Democrats and 63% of Independents said it favors the wealthy. And 61% of Democrats and 50% of independents said the gap was a very big problem, versus only 28% of Republicans. Four-in-ten Republicans termed the gap either a small problem or not a problem at all.

Betty: La última canción de Luis Aguile.
Aplicable a todos los presidentes y gobernadores del 99% de los Países del mundo.
No dejes de escucharla. No tiene desperdicio. ¿Quién iba a decir que Luís Aguilé escribiría esta canción? La letra y música fue escrita en el año 2007, 2 años antes de su fallecimiento.
Aunque la cantó en Buenos Aires (él es argentino) creo *puede servir para muchos países*, ¿no te parece? No dejes de escucharla, es Impresionante.
*Por algo no le velaron*
No permitieron velar el cadáver de Luis Aguilé en la Sede de la Sociedad de Autores de España - *SGAE*
Desde hace varias semanas circula esta canción de Luis Aguilé que, (aunque se conocía desde hace tiempo) está siendo negada su difusión por las radios nacionales.
*El motivo:*
El gobierno amenazó a las radios que si pasaban este tema las publicidades oficiales se irían reduciendo. Es por ello que, no hay difusión de este tema y solo circula en cadenas de E:mails y foros online.



“En mi opiniónLázaro R González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD GOD WE TRUST  

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