Lázaro R Gonzalez Miño Editor
Lázaro R González Miño para Alcalde
de Miami Dade
Mas Mierda En El Inodoro De barack husein obama Enbarrandolo Hasta Las Cejas. La Traicion A Cuba, A la Libertad Y La Democracia Es ASQUEROSA.
From: Philip
Riggio <phvr38@gmail.com>
Date: December 16, 2015, 7:48:20 AM EST
To: Carlos Alberto Montaner <montaner.ca@gmail.com>
Begin forwarded message:
Date: December 16, 2015, 7:48:20 AM EST
To: Carlos Alberto Montaner <montaner.ca@gmail.com>
Begin forwarded message:
From: Philip
Riggio <phvr38@gmail.com>
Date: December 16, 2015, 7:47:04 AM EST
To: Marzo Fernandez <marzofernandez@hotmail.com>
Cc: eflor@elnuevoherald.com
Date: December 16, 2015, 7:47:04 AM EST
To: Marzo Fernandez <marzofernandez@hotmail.com>
Cc: eflor@elnuevoherald.com
e-mail (copia a Pedro Corzo) le pedí otra columna a Enrique Flor que tuviera
datos de la educación ("¿asistió a alguna universidad?") e historial
del trabajo de Malule ("¿toda su vida con las Robertas en Washington?").
On Dec 15, 2015, at 10:06 PM, Marzo Fernandez <marzofernandez@hotmail.com> wrote:
Con la nueva Directora, Radio y TV Martí la entregan a los Castro
en bandeja de Plata
Por Jesús Marzo Fernández
confieso que me ha llamado en extremo la atención la amplia cobertura
periodística que ha tenido Malule González como la nueva directora
de Radio y Tv Martí. Y para quien sabe de periodismo, sabemos
que esto ni es casual, ni mucho menos espontaneo.
unos días, El Nuevo Herald le dedicó la primera página, espacio que normalmente
no regala el periódico porque se reserva únicamente para las noticias de
gran impacto. Analizando en detalle el suceso, me surgen algunas dudas
para las cuales no tengo repuestas.
primer término, a nadie le ha quedado claro la renuncia o despido de Carlos
García, ni cuales han sido los motivos de esa sustitución. Y he aquí la
primera falta de respeto porque esa emisora se financia con los impuestos
de nosotros los contribuyentes. Así que si somos nosotros los que
financiamos , merecemos saber el trasfondo de este cambio en la dirección de la
emisora. Entonces ..¿qué se puede pensar sobre el Director
saliente? ¿Fue bueno o malo o realmente no se ajusta a las nuevas
relaciones EEUU-CUBA?¿Cual es la verdad?
muy sospechoso- para los que conocemos el tema de Cuba- que hayan
designado a una desconocida como la Malule, que no es cubana , para que
tome las riendas de un Proyecto que supuestamente está diseñado para
defender y ayudar a la instauración de la democracia en Cuba. Es mas que
evidente que quien asuma esa responsabilidad debe ser un genuino conocedor de
la realidad e idiosincrasias cubanas ya que sin ello es imposible un intento
comunicativo que prenda en los cubanos que reciban el mensaje . La
dirección de RTV Marti exige verdaderos especialistas al mando y este es
un requisito que no cumple la actual directora recién nombrada. .
misterio que rodea a a esta designación impide tener una idea clara
de que objetivos se esconden detrás de todo esto, porque lo que si se
sabe es que esto no fue fortuito y valdría una fortuna saber quien
recomendó a Malule para este importante cargo , desestimando a
reconocidos periodistas cubanos del exilio , con un alto
nivel profesional -que hay muchos- y con una historia de lucha en
contra de la dictadura de los Castro. Incluso en la propia RadioTv Marti
laboran muchos comunicadores cubanos, altamente calificados, conocedores
profundos de la realidad de la isla que merecían una posición de tal
proceso de designación de una nueva directiva nos recuerda las prácticas
castristas de la Revolución , en las que-amparados por el sello de la
confiabilidad política por no decir el alto grado de lamer botas- un
ingeniero dirigía un Hospital o un médico una empresa
lechera. En los medios de comunicación cubanos la mayoría de sus
dirigentes eran ex militares o graduados de cualquier especialidad
soviética menos periodistas. ¿Y cuáles fueron las consecuencias?. Caos,
intervención constante de políticos del partido y en resumen,
esclavitud total y adoctrinamiento.
esto parece que también llegó a Miami, es decir, a Radio y TV
Martí. O será que los intereses creados en este mar de babosería
procubana y pro amistad cubanoamericna no querrán disgustar a los Castro con la
designación de un periodista de probado patriotismo cubano para encaminar
la ya deteriorada imagen de RTV Martí?
dudas, la designación de Malule, fue muy bien estudiada y responde a
intereses políticos, de mucha actualidad, y con mucha discreción, como todos
los acontecimientos relacionados con las medidas, que se dieron a conocer el
pasado 17 de diciembre. La falta de claridad se ha impuesto a las
relaciones EEUU-CUBA, todo es un absoluto misterio al más
fiel estilo de la compartimentación comunista.
me sorprendería, a estas alturas que Cuba haya aprobado la designación de
la puertorriqueña , no explícitamente pero si de manera implícita
como fiel reflejo del Nuevo Orden que rigen las relaciones entre
ambos países. El silencio por parte del Catrismo equivale a una aprobación
bien, lo más interesante de este mejunje fue la visita no oficial de
Malule a la Isla, de la cual se sabe muy poco o casi nada. Una estancia
de unos días en la isla no logra que la nueva directora se lleve
una idea clara de lo que pasa allá adentro . Asi que otro fue el motivo. Con
solo preguntarle a sus empleados hubiese sido mas que suficiente porque
la mayoría han sufrido en carne propia la dictadura de los Castro. Me
pregunto ¿quienes estarán detrás de este viaje?
de ir a la isla, la nueva directora debio darse una vuelta por Costa Rica para
visitar a los miles de cubanos varados en ese territorio en una franca crisis
migratoria , pero que sin temor a equivocarme, allí podría haber recogido
millones de criterios y opiniones de un pueblo que por primera vez se siente
libre para expresarse, cosa que en Cuba es un peligro hacer.
su visita a La Habaja ¿Malule estará consciente que se la entregaron a
los Castro, que estuvo en manos de unos de los servicios de inteligencia mas
eficientes del mundo, que fue monitoreada desde que llegó a Cuba, que sus
habitaciones estaban repletas de cámaras, y que ningunos de sus contactos escapó
del control gubernamental?
la pena preguntarle a Malule si ha oído hablar de su compatriota Ana Belén
Montes. Estoy seguro y convencido que el Dossier de la nueva directora de
RTV Martí , está listo para el momento que haya que usar el Chantaje
como arma de coacción. Así han trabajado durante anos los servicios de
inteligencia comunista y esto mis amigos no puede ser una excepción
equivocarme, pero la emisora, que sufragamos los contribuyentes en su
sede de Miami, apunta a convertirse en la nueva Radio Rebelde Martí. Y quiera
Dios que yo esté equivocado, aunque por desventura, no lo creo.
pregunta obligada DONDE ESTAN LOS CUBANOS?
Me dio pena
el debate de anoche, no aprendimos nada nuevo no se planteó una solución real a
los problemas que nos aquejan, no hubo un candidato que ofreciera algo que no
se haya dicho o repetido innumerables veces en la campaña.
Ya sabemos
que en el partido republicano hasta el gato del estilita que peina a Donald
Trump está a favor de resguardar las fronteras y tener una posición más
estricta para implementar una inmigración ordenada. No nos hace
falta que los dos candidatos cubano-americanos que quisiéramos ver en la
presidencia se enfrasquen en una discusión que tomó gran parte del tiempo del
debate, en que parecía como una discusión entre dos sacerdotes de una religión
discutiendo quien es más puro en una doctrina teológica y quien se apartó en un
momento de la pureza del dogma.
Por favor,
la inmigración es un problema a resolver, no es algo dogmático, no
me interesa saber quién es el pecador que violó la doctrina en un momento dado,
yo le doy la absolución, lo que me interesa es lo que piensa hacer ahora y
todos sabemos que todos los candidatos republicanos quieren establecer un
control de las fronteras.
Vamos a no
tomar esto como un dogma. Un dogma doctrinal es algo que sirve como
parte de las bases fundamentales de una ideología o sistema de creencias y que
no puede alterarse o descartarse sin afectar a todo el paradigma del sistema o
la ideología en sí. En esto se ha convertido la “inmaculada
inmigración” en un dogma ideológico en vez de un problema a resolver y en
el que todos estamos de acuerdo. Una variación en cómo hacerlo no cambia la
intención, porque no estamos hablando de ideología, estamos hablando de una
solución a un problema que se puede resolver por diferentes medios.
Al Gore es
el sumo sacerdote de la religión del “Cambio Climático”, Donald Trump ha
logrado un inesperado apoyo cómo sumo sacerdote de la religión de la
“Inmaculada Inmigración”.
Mucho más
importante es la estrategia para defendernos del terrorismo en que la
inmigración es un factor, pero no el único ni siquiera en más definitivo.
Porque hasta
que no se logre establecer una geopolítica adecuada en el medio oriente, el
peligro estará presente no sólo en nuestras fronteras pero en nuestra
Y la
economía también es otro factor para el futuro de la nación, queremos saber
cómo vamos a enfrentarnos a la deuda trillonaria en que nos han sumido estos
años de socialismo económico.
¿Quién ganó
el debate? Sin lugar a dudas el ganador del debate fue el moderador
Wolf Blitzer, el lobo se los comió a todos, los llevó por el camino que él
quiso que siguieran, y ellos se portaron cómo ovejas que lo siguieron, y se
enfrascaron en debates inconsecuentes entre ellos que no aclararon ninguna
situación ni nos enseñaron un candidato ganador del debate.
que de ahora al próximo debate, que será en un ambiente más adecuado para un
debate republicano pudiéramos ver un candidato que se destaque y que nos
demuestre que es superior a los demás. Mi opinión es que los debates
republicanos se deben hacer en un entorno que no sea territorio enemigo, porque
lo que estamos determinando son nuestras diferencias, no necesitamos que el
enemigo dicte la direccion del debate empañando la visión de lo que se está
tratando de lograr.
que Donald Trump es una espina que nos puede costar la vitoria de Hillary
Clinton, pero necesitamos saber la alternativa a Trump, por favor no caigan
en la trampa del enemigo, no se ataquen más por discusiones de
purezas doctrinales, vamos a ser pragmáticos.
CNBC Predicts the
Collapse of the Global Economy
an alarming new editorial, CNBC anchor Kelly Evans warns that the collapse of
the energy & commodity bubble threatens to be just as damaging as the
collapse of the housing bubble in 2008. We are now suffering through the
slowest global growth pace since the 2008-09 financial crisis, and the IMF is
slashing global economic growth forecasts for the next several years. The
reason? The boom & bust of natural resources like oil, copper, and
iron ore across the globe. With major media outlets and the IMF now
finally admitting our global economy is on the precipice of disaster, now may
be your last opportunity to protect your savings & retirement with the ONE
asset that rises as global economies collapse.
The First Step Is Admitting There Is a Problem
CNBC’s Evans points out, most people are in denial about using the term
“bubble” with regard to the boom & bust in the price of oil &
commodities. To CNBC, this denial “tells how early we still are in the
painful unwind phase.”
with the housing bubble, there was a fundamental reason for oil & commodity
prices to soar. China has been on a historic commodities binge as it doubled
the size of its economy in recent years. China’s demand spawned a frenzy of
financing, mining, and fracking – all of which were aided by the Fed’s reckless
monetary policy that created monopoly money, artificially propped up the
financial markets, and sent oil & commodity prices soaring.
as we all know, every boom is followed by a painful bust. China’s growth
and appetite for raw materials has slowed dramatically as China spirals toward
economic collapse. And China’s collapse is already proving deeply painful
for the world economy.
Global Economies Slow to a Grinding Halt
marked the slowest global growth pace since the 2008-09 financial crisis. You
wouldn’t know it by watching the Wall Street cheerleaders in mainstream media,
but the world has now returned to a 2008-level economic crisis. And it’s
only the beginning. Following several downgrades, the International
Monetary Fund now expects growth of just over 3% and has slashed its growth
forecasts for the next three years.
nations are already imploding. Russia is in a deep downturn. Brazil, a
key commodity supplier, has collapsed into its likely worst recession since the
1930s. Venezuela, whose socialist government relied heavily on oil-funded
payouts, is now considered the world’s worst-performing economy by the
International Monetary Fund. Saudi Arabia, the world’s top oil producer, is
tapping debt markets for the first time since 2007 to shore up its heavy cash
flow needs. And Europe is still a mess.
CNBC warns, just because “America’s economy is among the least directly damaged
by this unwind does not mean the country will escape unscathed. In fact,
this crisis may tear just as dramatically at its social fabric.” Yes, the
network that does more Wall Street cheerleading than anyone is finally
admitting we have a major crisis on our hands. Specifically, the slowdown
in world trade is already damaging profits everywhere from the big corporate
multinationals, the retailers, and the regional ports & transportation
Economic Collapse Spawns Social Unrest
take a look at what the energy & commodity collapse has unleashed
across the globe. Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin, has seized Crimea from
Ukraine and his actions in the Syrian war are destabilizing the Mideast as well
as Europe and the West. Saudi Arabia and Jordan, among the more stable Mideast
nations, are teetering on political collapse which could exacerbate the
CNBC warns: “And as with the housing-triggered financial crisis, society
will be desperate for scapegoats to blame for the wreckage it sees. Keep in
mind that oil prices, to take the key commodity of this global crisis, do not
yet appear to have bottomed. You’ll know they’ve bottomed when the handcuffs
come out.” In other words, it’s about to get a lot uglier.
Bail-Outs Are No Longer an Option
the last crisis, the Fed dumped trillions in phony dollars into the system in
order to save the economy. As we all know, the Fed’s reckless actions
only saved its buddies on Wall Street. Real unemployment is still through
the roof, wages are stagnant, and the savings rate has been stuck at zero for
with the coming crisis, the Fed no longer has any ammo to artificially prop up
the markets. They’re no longer able to “print” their way out of
disaster. This time, we’re on our own. Without any means to “save”
the economy, Fed Chair Janet Yellen has only one thing left to turn to:
delusion. Remarking about the bust in oil & commodities, Yellen
stated, “On balance, I would see these developments as a positive for the
standpoint of the U.S. economy.” When exactly is global economic collapse
and mass social unrest a positive development for the U.S. economy?!
Your Only Protection from Global Economic Collapse
how do you protect yourself when the entire global economy collapses? The
answer: Put a percentage of your savings, retirement & wealth in Gold &
Silver – the #1 asset class that sits OUTSIDE of the global banking system and
in fact GROWS when economies fail. Just look at recent history for proof: Gold
DOUBLED in the years after the financial collapse of 2008, while silver
increased over 5 times during the same period!
remind yourself what it was like when Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns
collapsed and your entire portfolio took a nosedive after 2008. Are you willing
to go through that and worse, knowing that the U.S. government and the Fed no
longer have enough money-printing ability to once again bail out the corrupt
banking system and prop up the stock market? Can you really endure an 80% loss
of your savings, retirement or wealth? Wouldn’t you rather GROW your wealth
while everyone else loses theirs? Then get into gold & silver. NOW. Before
it’s too late for you and your children
FBI Arrests ISIS Operative in Maryland
Mohamed Yousef Elshinawy, an American citizen
living in Edgewood, Maryland, was arrested by the FBI on Friday on charges of
providing material support to the Islamic State. Elshinawy, 30, allegedly
received nearly $9,000 from the terrorist group, promising his contacts that he
would use the money for “operational purposes.”
According to the FBI’s complaint, the
burgeoning jihadist planned to carry out an attack similar to the one in
Garland, Texas, where terrorists took aim at a Draw Mohammed cartoon contest.
In addition to the material support charge, Elshinawy is being slapped with
additional charges of lying to federal agents about money transfers and
concealing evidence from the FBI.
The feds say Elshinawy used some of the money
to buy electronics such as a laptop and phones. They were not able to track
down all of the cash, though they are operating under the assumption that he
used some of it to pay for various personal expenses.
Elshinawy maintains his innocence, telling the
FBI that he was never going to actually go through with an attack. In fact, he
apparently offered to go undercover and help the federal government track the
ISIS money trail. Considering his current predicament, we can guess that the
FBI declined this generous offer.
If recent reports (to say nothing of the inescapable tragedies) are anything to
go by, this has apparently become the new normal in the United States. Whether
these jihadists come from Pakistan or get radicalized over the internet, the
sick ideology preached by ISIS is spreading far and wide across Western
civilization. And while we can accuse President Obama of not doing nearly
enough to put the terrorist army into the afterlife, the fact remains that
we’re dealing with something much more insidious than a single entity. This is
a dangerous system of beliefs that is apparently all too attractive to a
certain segment of the Muslim population.
As we saw with the terrorists in San
Bernardino, the FBI won’t always be there to stop these plots before they end
in bloodshed. Counter-terrorism experts can downplay the idea of another 9/11
all they want, but it’s become abundantly obvious that no one really knows
where this is going or where it might ultimately end.
Can it be any surprise, then, that gun stores
are reporting record-breaking sales in the wake of this terrorist resurgence?
It’s not just about Obama’s failure to confront this threat and it’s not just
about his rhetoric on gun control, though those are both likely contributing
factors. It’s the American people realizing that this is a threat unlike
anything this country has ever faced. Even the greatest national security
president on the planet can’t stop every lone wolf who decides that his god
wants him to kill innocent people.
But a citizenry that is prepared, armed, and
ready can at least – potentially – hinder their ability to do it without
AMENPER: Permítanme
aclarar mi Matemática
Algunos me dicen que no
entiendo mi matemática sobre Donald Trump en las elecciones. Insisto
que al no ser que como decía aquel dicho en las aulas de mi
juventud, las matemáticas se equivocaran y resultara Pitágoras
fuera simplemente un maricón, la próxima presidente será Hillary Clinton.
Observen bien, Donald
Trump y una encuesta de una universidad dicen que el 68% de los que apoyan a
Trump, lo apoyarían si va de independiente. Observen de nuevo estoy
hablando con los números que nos ofrece el mismo Trump.
Es el
68% del 30% que apoya a Trump, esto es un neto de un 19.4% que quedarían
de republicanos que apoyan a Trump como independiente.
hay un 80.6% de republicanos que no apoyan a Trump. (Estamos
hablando ahora solamente de republicanos, no de independientes o demócratas)
Ahora observen lo que esto significa en unas elecciones generales:
Los Demócratas tienen una afiliación mayor que los republicanos,
aunque esto es engañoso, porque hay demócratas del sur (dixiecratas) que votan
demócrata por los candidatos regionales pero que votan contra los que consideran
de filosofía yanqui, en las elecciones presidenciales, y muchas veces
votan republicano en las elecciones generales.
Pero era posible y era muy probable la victoria del partido
republicano en estas elecciones, por eso hay tantos candidatos.
Si consideramos a los votantes republicanos, los independientes y los
demócratas del sur y hasta del norte hastiados de esta administración, los
cálculos de los expertos era que los republicanos, cualquiera que
fuera, ganarían con una ventaja de al menos 55-45, una victoria de doble
Pero con Trump de independiente quitándole el 19.4 al candidato
republicano la votación quedaría así:
Hillary Clinton, 35.6% el candidato Republicano, 19.4% Donald Trump
Estos números son muy parecidos a los de las elecciones del 1992, así
que hay precedente que atestiguan la posibilidad de estos números.
Clinton 43%, George Bush con el 37.5% y Ross Perot el 18.9%
Ahora, vamos a pensar en la desgracia que Trump fuera el
candidato del partido republicano. De los 80.6% de los republicanos que
no sólo no apoyan a Trump, pero que no lo toleran, esto incluye al
establecimiento, los verdaderos conservadores y los tradicionalistas
americanos, todos estos se abstendrían de votar y se les puede
considerar nunca menos de un 15%.
Aunque pudiera ser todavía un número mayor si tomamos en consideración
el número de abstenciones que le costaron la presidencia de Mitt Romney.
Esto también daría como ganadora a Hillary.
Vamos a pensar conservadoramente qué sólo un 15% del 80.6% se abstuviera
de votar el resultado sería el siguiente:
Hillary Clinton, 46% Donald Trump
Estos últimos números que hemos calculado aquí, coincide con el
promedio de las encuestas que hace Real Politics, cuando presentan a Hillary
frente a frente con Donald Trump en las encuestas.
Por desgracia, las encuestas pueden variar, en este caso quizás para
peor. Pero la matemática en este caso no puede equivocarse.
Lo que en realidad pasa es que aunque la cerveza Polar en Cuba decía
que “el pueblo nunca se equivoca” la Polar estaba equivocada el
pueblo se equivoca bastante. La prueba de que la Polar estaba hasta
equivocada en su lema en Cuba porque la verdad era que el pueblo no
prefería la Polar pero la Hatuey, y que el pueblo se equivocó con Fidel.
People Saw This Plane Circling Over
Calif. Shooting, Now We Know Alarming Thing It Was Doing
- story continues below
A report from the U.K.
Daily Mail revealed that the Department of Homeland
Security dispatched a spy plane capable of intercepting tens of thousands of
phone signals over San Bernardino, California, in the aftermath of the Islamic
State group-linked terror attack on the Inland Regional Center by Syed Farook
and Tashfeen Malik.
The plane, a Pilatus PC-12 equipped with
“Dirtbox” technology that allows it to scan phone calls without a warrant, was
ordered by DHS to circle in the skies over the San Bernardino area.
The incident called into question whether there
were accomplices in the terror attack, in addition to raising
serious concerns over warrantless surveillance.
The “Dirtbox” device is a two-foot wide
box that acts as a cell phone tower. Since cell phones automatically lock on to
the nearest possible tower, by flying overhead it would be able to detect the
location of anyone using a cellular phone and track their movements.
It would not, however, be able to pick up the
contents of the calls made from the phone or data usage, if any took place.
Sofrep, which first reported the use of the
PC-12 equipped with Dirtbox, said that it showed the DHS was “actively searching
for other members of a terrorist cell
Pilatus PC-12, shown here in a hangar:
An entry on plane tracking site FlightRadar24 also showed the plane’s
activities during the manhunt.
Trump: 'Totally Committed' to Run as Republican
Republican presidential
candidate Donald Trump recommitted to his promise that he would not mount an
independent bid in the November 2016 election if he does not secure his party's
nomination next year.
during Tuesday night's CNN debate in Las Vegas if he was ready to reassure
Republicans that he would not break his pledge to the Republican National
Committee and launch a third-party candidacy, he said, "I really am. I'll
be honest, I really am."
has warned that he could renege on the promise if he felt the party's
leadership had treated him unfairly. He raised eyebrows last week when he
tweeted that 68 percent of his supporters would back him if he ran as an
independent, according to a recent opinion poll. Party strategists fear that
such a maneuver would split the Republican vote in November and effectively
guarantee that the Democratic nominee wins.
But the real estate mogul doubled down on his promise on CNN following the
debate, plugging his status as the longtime front runner.
one, I'm in first place. Not by a little bit, by a lot," he said, calling
himself the party's fair-haired boy.
they asked it, I did not hesitate. I decided to just say yes, I'm a Republican.
And I'm going to be a Republican; I'm not going to be doing a third-party"

Latest News Update
despite his prior complaints that party leaders do not treat him fairly, he
said during the debate that he has great respect for the people he has met
during the campaign, including his competitors and the party's leaders.
week, the Washington Post reported that party leaders met to game out scenarios
for a brokered convention in Cleveland in July in the event that no candidate
wins the required number of delegates to clinch the nomination. Trump told the
newspaper he was concerned that he would be at a disadvantage if a contested
convention materialized.
report also caused retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson to suggest that he too would
consider leaving the party and making an independent run. But Carson followed
Trump's lead in the debate, saying Republican National Committee Chairman
Reince Priebus had assured him the party would not try to thwart the process.
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com
M. Aleman: barak hussein obama
dia se conocera este gran fraude. El Obama Library no tendra nada de su pasado,
solo de sus ocho años de pasear en su avion a nuestro costo y hacer decisiones
por todos lados sin sentido y todavia negando que estamos en una guerra contra
el terrorismo islamico.
wouldn't you say ??????????????????????????
Subj: Who can solve this mystery?
God Bless our Warriors and America !!
Well, he is ending
8 years of presidency
8 years of presidency
This came from a union guy in Chicago who didn't vote for Obama.
Very, very interesting perspective that I never thought of in this light.
This came from a union guy in Chicago who didn't vote for Obama.
Very, very interesting perspective that I never thought of in this light.
It will be interesting to see what they
put in his "Presidential Library"
about his early years when he is out of office.
In a country where we take notice of many, many facets of our public figures' lives, doesn't seem odd that there's so little we know about our current president, Barack Obama.
For example, we know that Andrew Jackson 's wife smoked a corn cob pipe and was accused of adultery; Abe Lincoln never went to school;Jack Kennedy wore a back brace; Harry Truman played the piano.
As Americans, we enjoy knowing details about our news makers, but none of us know one single humanizing fact about the history of our own president.
We are all aware of the lack of incontestable birth records for Obama; that document managing has been spectacularly successful.
There are however, several additional oddities in Obama's history that appear to be as well managed as the birthing issue.
One other interesting thing... There are no birth certificates of his daughters that can be found ?
It's interesting that no one who ever dated him has shown up. The charisma that caused women to be drawn to him so strongly during his campaign, certainly would in the normal course of events, lead some lady to come forward, if only to garner some attention for herself. We all know about JFK's magnetism, that McCain was no monk and quite a few details about Palin's courtship and even her athletic prowess, Joe Biden's aneurysms are no secret; look at Cheney and Clinton, we all know about their heart problems. Certainly Wild Bill Clinton's exploits before and during his White House years, were well known. That's why it's so odd that not one lady has stepped up and said, "He was soooo shy..." or "What a great dancer..."
about his early years when he is out of office.
In a country where we take notice of many, many facets of our public figures' lives, doesn't seem odd that there's so little we know about our current president, Barack Obama.
For example, we know that Andrew Jackson 's wife smoked a corn cob pipe and was accused of adultery; Abe Lincoln never went to school;Jack Kennedy wore a back brace; Harry Truman played the piano.
As Americans, we enjoy knowing details about our news makers, but none of us know one single humanizing fact about the history of our own president.
We are all aware of the lack of incontestable birth records for Obama; that document managing has been spectacularly successful.
There are however, several additional oddities in Obama's history that appear to be as well managed as the birthing issue.
One other interesting thing... There are no birth certificates of his daughters that can be found ?
It's interesting that no one who ever dated him has shown up. The charisma that caused women to be drawn to him so strongly during his campaign, certainly would in the normal course of events, lead some lady to come forward, if only to garner some attention for herself. We all know about JFK's magnetism, that McCain was no monk and quite a few details about Palin's courtship and even her athletic prowess, Joe Biden's aneurysms are no secret; look at Cheney and Clinton, we all know about their heart problems. Certainly Wild Bill Clinton's exploits before and during his White House years, were well known. That's why it's so odd that not one lady has stepped up and said, "He was soooo shy..." or "What a great dancer..."
It's virtually
impossible to know anything about this fellow.
Who was the best man at his wedding? Start there. Then check groomsmen.
Then get the footage of the graduation ceremony. Has anyone talked to the professors? It is odd that no one is bragging that they knew him or taught him or lived with him.
When did he meet Michele, and how? Are there photos there? Every president gives to the public all their photos, etc. for their library, etc. What has he released? And who in hell voted for him to be the most popular man in 2010? Doesn't this make you wonder?
Ever wonder why no one ever came forward from President Obama's past saying they knew him, attended school with him, was his friend, etc?? Not one person has ever come forward from his past.
It certainly is very, very strange...
This should be a cause for great concern. To those who voted for him, you may have elected an unqualified, inexperienced shadow Have you seen a movie named. "The Manchurian Candidate"
As insignificant as each of us might be, someone with whom we went to school will remember our name or face; someone will remember we were the clown or the dork or the brain or the quiet one or the bully or something about us.
George Stephanopoulos of ABC News said the same thing during the 2008 campaign. He questions why no one has acknowledged the president was in their classroom or ate in the same cafeteria or made impromptu speeches on campus. Stephanopoulos also was a classmate of Obama at Columbia -- the class of 1984. He says he never had a single class with him.
He is such a great orator; why doesn't anyone in Obama's college class remember him? Why won't he allow Columbia to release his records?
Nobody remembers Obama at Columbia University ....
Looking for evidence of Obama's past, Fox News contacted 400 Columbia University students from the period when Obama claims to have been there... but none remembered him.
Wayne Allyn Root was, like Obama, a political science major at Columbia who also graduated in 1983.
In 2008, Root says of Obama, "I don't know a
single person at Columbia that knew him, and they all know me. I don't have a classmate who ever knew Barack Obama at Columbia , ever."
Nobody recalls him. Root adds that he was also, like Obama, Class of '83 Political Science, and says, "You don't get more exact or closer than that. Never met him in my life, don't know anyone who ever met him.
At the class reunion, our 20th reunion five years ago, who was asked to be the speaker of the class? Me. No one ever heard of Barack! And five years ago, nobody even knew who he was. The guy who writes the class notes, who's kind of the, as we say in New York, 'the macha' who knows everybody, has yet to find a person, a human who ever met him."
Obama's photograph does not appear in the school's yearbook and Obama consistently declines requests to talk about his years at Columbia, provide school records, or provide the name of any former classmates or friends while at Columbia .
Some other interesting questions:
Why was Obama's law license inactivated in 2002?
it is said there is no record of him ever taking the Bar exam.
Why was Michelle's law license inactivated by court order?
We understand that was forced to avoid fraud charges.
It is circulating that according to the U.S. Census, there is only one Barack Obama but 27 Social Security numbers and over 80 alias connected to him.
The Social Security number he uses now originated in Connecticut where he is reported to have never lived. And was originally registered to another man
(Thomas Louis Wood) from Connecticut, who died in Hawaii while on vacation there. As we all know Social Security Numbers are only issued 'once, they are not reused'
No wonder all his records are sealed...
Please continue sending this out. Somewhere, someone has to know SOMETHING!?!... School? Before he reorganized Chicago?... SOMETHING!!! He just seemed to burst upon the Scene at the 2004 Democratic Convention. ANYONE??? ANYWHERE??? ANYTHING???
Who was the best man at his wedding? Start there. Then check groomsmen.
Then get the footage of the graduation ceremony. Has anyone talked to the professors? It is odd that no one is bragging that they knew him or taught him or lived with him.
When did he meet Michele, and how? Are there photos there? Every president gives to the public all their photos, etc. for their library, etc. What has he released? And who in hell voted for him to be the most popular man in 2010? Doesn't this make you wonder?
Ever wonder why no one ever came forward from President Obama's past saying they knew him, attended school with him, was his friend, etc?? Not one person has ever come forward from his past.
It certainly is very, very strange...
This should be a cause for great concern. To those who voted for him, you may have elected an unqualified, inexperienced shadow Have you seen a movie named. "The Manchurian Candidate"
As insignificant as each of us might be, someone with whom we went to school will remember our name or face; someone will remember we were the clown or the dork or the brain or the quiet one or the bully or something about us.
George Stephanopoulos of ABC News said the same thing during the 2008 campaign. He questions why no one has acknowledged the president was in their classroom or ate in the same cafeteria or made impromptu speeches on campus. Stephanopoulos also was a classmate of Obama at Columbia -- the class of 1984. He says he never had a single class with him.
He is such a great orator; why doesn't anyone in Obama's college class remember him? Why won't he allow Columbia to release his records?
Nobody remembers Obama at Columbia University ....
Looking for evidence of Obama's past, Fox News contacted 400 Columbia University students from the period when Obama claims to have been there... but none remembered him.
Wayne Allyn Root was, like Obama, a political science major at Columbia who also graduated in 1983.
In 2008, Root says of Obama, "I don't know a
single person at Columbia that knew him, and they all know me. I don't have a classmate who ever knew Barack Obama at Columbia , ever."
Nobody recalls him. Root adds that he was also, like Obama, Class of '83 Political Science, and says, "You don't get more exact or closer than that. Never met him in my life, don't know anyone who ever met him.
At the class reunion, our 20th reunion five years ago, who was asked to be the speaker of the class? Me. No one ever heard of Barack! And five years ago, nobody even knew who he was. The guy who writes the class notes, who's kind of the, as we say in New York, 'the macha' who knows everybody, has yet to find a person, a human who ever met him."
Obama's photograph does not appear in the school's yearbook and Obama consistently declines requests to talk about his years at Columbia, provide school records, or provide the name of any former classmates or friends while at Columbia .
Some other interesting questions:
Why was Obama's law license inactivated in 2002?
it is said there is no record of him ever taking the Bar exam.
Why was Michelle's law license inactivated by court order?
We understand that was forced to avoid fraud charges.
It is circulating that according to the U.S. Census, there is only one Barack Obama but 27 Social Security numbers and over 80 alias connected to him.
The Social Security number he uses now originated in Connecticut where he is reported to have never lived. And was originally registered to another man
(Thomas Louis Wood) from Connecticut, who died in Hawaii while on vacation there. As we all know Social Security Numbers are only issued 'once, they are not reused'
No wonder all his records are sealed...
Please continue sending this out. Somewhere, someone has to know SOMETHING!?!... School? Before he reorganized Chicago?... SOMETHING!!! He just seemed to burst upon the Scene at the 2004 Democratic Convention. ANYONE??? ANYWHERE??? ANYTHING???
al Espanol:
Barak Hussein Obama
¿Quien puede resolver
este misterio?
Algun dia se conocera
this gran fraude. El Obama Biblioteca no tendra nada de su
Pasado, solista de Sus ocho años de pasear en su avion de nuestro de Coste y
Hacer Decisiones por Todos Lados Sin Sentido y todavia negando Que Estamos en
Una guerra contra Terrorismo Islamico eléct.
Inusual ¿no te parece
Asun: ¿Quién puede
resolver este misterio?
Dios bendiga a nuestros
guerreros y América !!
Bueno, él está
8 años de la
, Preguntas
interesantes MUCHOS MUCHOS !!!!!!!!
Esto vino de un tipo
sindical en Chicago que no votaron por Obama.
Muy, perspectiva muy
interesante que yo nunca pensé en este punto de vista.
Será interesante
ver lo que ponen en su "Biblioteca Presidencial"
Acerca de sus primeros
años, cuando él está fuera de la oficina.
En un país donde se
toma nota de muchas, muchas facetas de la vida de nuestras figuras públicas, no
parece extraño que hay tan poco que sabemos de nuestro actual presidente, Husein
Barack Obama.
Por ejemplo, sabemos
que la esposa de Andrew Jackson 's fumaba una pipa de mazorca de maíz y fue
acusado de adulterio; Abe Lincoln nunca fue a la escuela; Jack Kennedy llevaba
un corsé para la espalda; Harry Truman tocaba el piano.
Como estadounidenses,
disfrutamos detalles saber de nuestros fabricantes de noticias, pero ninguno de
nosotros conocemos un hecho humanizadora única sobre la historia de nuestro
propio presidente.
somos conscientes de la falta de registros de nacimiento incontestables para
Obama; ese documento gestión ha sido un éxito espectacular.
Sin embargo, hay varias
rarezas adicionales en la historia de Obama que parecen estar tan bien
gestionada como la cuestión de parto.
Otra cosa interesante
... No hay certificados de nacimiento de sus hijas que se pueden encontrar?
Es interesante que
nadie que alguna vez le fecha ha aparecido. El carisma que hizo que las mujeres
a ser atraída hacia él con tanta fuerza durante su campaña, sin duda sería en
el curso normal de los acontecimientos, conducir una señora a presentarse,
aunque sólo sea para reunir un poco de atención por sí misma. Todos sabemos
sobre el magnetismo de JFK, que McCain había ningún monje y un buen número de
detalles sobre el cortejo de Palin y hasta su destreza atlética, aneurismas de
Joe Biden no son secretos; mirar a Cheney y Clinton, todos sabemos acerca de
sus problemas cardíacos. Ciertamente, las hazañas de Wild Bill Clinton antes y
durante sus años en la Casa Blanca, eran bien conocidos. Es por eso que es tan
extraño que no una señora ha intensificado y dijo: "Él era tan tímido
..." o "¡Qué gran bailarina ..."
Es prácticamente
imposible saber nada de este hombre.
fue el padrino de su boda? Empezar por ahí. A continuación, compruebe los
padrinos de boda.
continuación, obtener las imágenes de la ceremonia de graduación. ¿Alguien ha
hablado con los profesores? Es extraño que nadie se jactaba de que él sabía o
le enseñaron o vivían con él.
cumple Michele, y cómo? ¿Hay fotos allí? Cada presidente da al público todas
sus fotos, etc. para su biblioteca, etc. ¿Qué ha lanzado? Y que en el infierno
votado por él para ser el hombre más popular en el 2010? ¿Acaso esto no hace
que te preguntes?
Alguna vez se preguntó
por qué nadie se adelantó desde el pasado del presidente Obama diciendo que lo
conocían, asistieron a la escuela con él, era su amigo, etc ?? Ni una sola
persona ha presentado de su pasado.
Sin duda, es muy, muy
extraño ...
debería ser un motivo de gran preocupación. Para los que votaron por él, es
posible que haya elegido un rotundo, sombra inexpertos ¿Has visto una película
llamada. "El mensajero del miedo"
insignificante como cada uno de nosotros podría ser, alguien con quien fuimos a
la escuela recordarán nuestro nombre o la cara; alguien va a recordar que
éramos el payaso o el idiota o el cerebro o en el tranquilo uno o el matón o
algo acerca de nosotros.
Stephanopoulos de ABC News dijo lo mismo durante la campaña de 2008. Se
pregunta por qué nadie ha reconocido el presidente estaba en su salón de clases
o comió en la misma cafetería o hacer discursos improvisados en el campus.
Stephanopoulos También fue un compañero de clase de Obama en Columbia - la
clase de 1984. Él dice que nunca tuvo una sola clase con él.
es un gran orador tales; ¿por qué nadie en la clase de la universidad de Obama
lo recuerdan? ¿Por qué no le permitirá Columbia para liberar sus registros?
Nadie se acuerda
de Obama en la Universidad de Columbia ....
evidencia del pasado de Obama, Fox News contactó a 400 estudiantes de la
Universidad de Columbia de la época cuando Obama afirma haber estado allí ...
pero ninguno se acordaba de él.
Allyn Root era, al igual que Obama, una de las principales ciencias políticas
de Columbia, que también se graduó en 1983.
En 2008, Raíz
dice de Obama, "no sé un
una de las personas en
Colombia que lo sabía, y todos me conocen. Yo no tengo un compañero que supo
nunca Barack Obama en Columbia, nunca ".
lo recuerda. Raíz añade que él también era, al igual que Obama, Class of '83 Ciencias
Políticas, y le dice: "Usted no consigue más exacta o más cerca que eso.
Nunca lo conocí en mi vida, no conozco a nadie que nunca lo conoció.
En la
reunión de clase, nuestra 20a reunión de hace cinco años, que se le pidió que
sea el representante de la clase? Yo. Nadie ha oído hablar de Barack! Y hace
cinco años, nadie sabía quién era. El tipo que escribe las notas de clase, que
es una especie de, como decimos en Nueva York, la macha 'que sabe todo el
mundo, aún tiene que encontrar a una persona, un ser humano que jamás se reunió
con él ".
de Obama no aparece en el anuario de la escuela y Obama se niega constantemente
solicitudes para hablar de sus años en Colombia, proporcionar registros de la
escuela, o proporcionar el nombre de ningún antiguos compañeros de clase o
amigos, mientras que en Colombia.
otras preguntas interesantes:
¿Por qué se licencia de
abogado de Obama inactivada en 2002?
No hay
registro de él alguna vez de tomar el examen de la barra.
qué se licencia de abogado de Michelle inactivada por orden judicial?
que se vio obligado a evitar cargos de fraude.
Está circulando que
según el Censo de Estados Unidos, sólo hay una Barack Obama, pero 27 números de
Seguro Social y más de 80 alias conectados a él.
El número de Seguro
Social se usa ahora se originó en Connecticut, donde se dice que nunca han
vivido. Y se registró originalmente con otro hombre
(Thomas Louis Wood) de
Connecticut, que murió en Hawai durante sus vacaciones allí. Como todos sabemos
los números de Seguro Social sólo se expiden "una vez, no son reutilizados
es extraño que todos sus discos están sellados ...
favor continúe enviando esto. En algún lugar, alguien tiene que saber algo!?!
... Escuela? Antes de que él reorganizó Chicago? ... ALGO !!! Él parecía a
punto de estallar en la escena en la Convención Demócrata de 2004. ¿¿¿NADIE???
qué está realmente Trump diciendo esto?
un blog de la internet Nick Allen, quien no conozco, hace un comentario
muy corto y adecuado sobre la motivación de Donald Trump cuando hizo
una proposición que es imposible de ejecutar por motivos políticos para
recuperar el espacio perdido en Iowa frente a Ted Cruz
qué está realmente Trump diciendo esto?
qué Trump está haciendo estos comentarios?
Allen en Washington, explica:
Donald Trump no ha vuelto loco. Trump es un político sumamente ambicioso y
pragmático que carece de una brújula moral. Para entender por qué hizo su
propuesta para una prohibición a los musulmanes de entrar en el país, tienes que mirarlo a través del prisma de
la carrera primaria republicana.
tantos candidatos en esta carrera que Trump puede ganar la nominación
fácilmente si él es apoyado por un tercio de los republicanos. Eso es
exactamente lo que él tiene en las encuestas por el momento.
lo que hace está dirigido a disparar al pueblo que ya partidario de él, la
clase de gente que John McCain una vez llamó "locos" y para que
realmente salgan a y votar.
está obsesionado con las encuestas.
que no te sorprendas si él ha hecho su propio sondeo y encontró que esto
reforzaría su apoyo.
autoritario, intolerante y descarado, y sólo hace algo para conseguir lo que
quiere él.
a ver cuando salen las próximas encuestas.
sus números aumentan el partido republicano enfrenta a una terrible elección.
une a sus comentarios extremistas, o se separan de él y lo ejecuta como
independiente, que es un regalo al partido demócrata por el riesgo de la
elección de Hillary Clinton.
AMENPER: Hillary Clinton Electa Presidente
No están equivocado, lo que leyeron es una realidad, Hillary Clinton
fue hoy electa la presidente número 43 de los Estados Unidos, porque los
números se decidieron en los acontecimientos de hoy.
Para mi larga vida, las elecciones presidenciales de 1992 están cerca
en mi mente, lo recuerdo como hubiera pasado el año pasado porque fueron
impactantes, fue una frustración que como un fantasma se incrustó en mi
Este fantasma que ya parecía dormido, se comenzó a despertar cuando vi
el alza de Donald Trump en las encuestas.
Como dijo una vez Yogi Berra, era Déjà vu otra vez.
Otra vez un millonario ególatra al rescate de un canditato demócrata
al cual iba a ser fácil de derrotar.
Las elecciones fueron lo que se esperaba, Ross Perot no ganó ni un
solo estado, pero robó los suficientes votos para que Bill Clinton fuera el
candidato ganador.
El resutado fue Bill Clinton con el 43%, George Bush con el 37.5% y
Ross Perot el 18.9%.
Sin lugar a dudas este millonario ególatra, Ross Perot, entregó al
partido demócrata la victoria en bandeja de plata.
Muchos descansaron cuando Donald Trump firmó un papel diciendo que no
aspiraría para presidente como candidato independiente. Conociendo a
este tipo de persona sabíamos que este papel para Trump tiene menor importancia
que el papel higienico y su palabra tiene mismo valor de lo que limpiamos con
el papel higienico.
"Una nueva encuesta indica que el 68% de mis seguidores votarían
por mi si salgo del partido republicano y aspiro como
independiente," escribió Donald Trump en Twitter el martes.
Esto se refiere a una encuesta de la Suffolk University publicada el
martes, que reportó que más de dos tercios de los partidarios de Trump a nivel
nacional lo apoyarían como candidato independiente a la Presidencia.
Si hacemos los cálculos matemáticos, las elecciones del 2016, con este
nuevo millonario ególatra, Donald Trump, serán una copia de las del
El 68% de los seguidores de Trump no son muchos realmente cuando
consideramos las elecciones generales. Son matemáticamente el 20% de
los Republicanos, lo que da aproximadamente la misma votación de un
17% del electorado general en las elecciones generales, que es un poco menos
que la votación que recibió Ross Perot en las eleccones de 1992, pero
suficiente para asegurarle la presidencia a Hillary Clinton.
Si Trump corre como candidato independiente esto matemáticamente le
daría la victoria a Hillary Clinton sin la más mínima posibilidad de victoria
al candidato republicano….muuy iinteresante, una casualidad muy casual.
Hoy tenemos la confirmación de algunas cosas que para nosotros era
evidente, pero que muchos todavía no consideraban como una realidad.
Todo lo que dice Donald Trump sólo es para su coveniencia, ya sea el
firmar un documento aprófico y sin valor de que no va a correr de
independiente, no importa que lo afirme personalmente. Todo es papel higienico
para limpiar la mierda de sus palabras.
Otra cosa evidente es que sus cojonudas e imposibles posiciones, no
son reales, sólo es mierda de su boca para aromatizar a sus seguidores que
gustan del olor.
Que no le importa mentir, el niega las mentiras evidentes y repetidas
numerosamente,cada vez que quiere crear visibilibad, porque piensa y
cree que sus seguidores son estúpidos que se dejan llevar de su retórica, y los
números confirman esta creencia.
Hoy es el día en que fue electa Hillary Clinton la presidente número
43 de Estados Unidos.
Y por si no se acuerdan, porque ya no es noticia, hubo un atentado
terrorista en San Bernardino California con 14 muertos y 32 heridos.
El Factor
Un problema es la sensación de que algo está mal y que debe ser
corregido, es el sentir alguna sensación de aflicción o de
injusticia. Pero lo principal para corregir el mal es la diferencia entre lo
que es y lo que se podría o debería hacer para resolver el problema.
Aunque estemos abordando un problema aparentemente
insuperable, el proceso que se utilizará para resolverlo debe dejar
en claro para el público, si la solución que se está proponiendo es posible, o
si sencillamente, no es cierta, y es una conjetura que no es posible de
Este es el problema con el Factor Trump, sus proposiciones no son para
resolver el problema, pero para conseguir un protagonismo personal, y esto
puede ser contraproducente, no sólo para la campaña, pero puede ser beneficioso
para el partido contrario, y sobre todo para la solución del problema que dice
poder resolver.
Esto se puede aplicar a las medidas inconstitucionales que dice que
aplicaría si es electo presidente.
Cuando Trump dice que recogerá y expulsará del país a 11 millones de
inmigrantes ilegales que tenemos en el país, lo cuál sin lugar a dudas es una
realidad, está hablando de un problema que tenemos y que hay que solucionar.
Pero la imposibilidad logística y la inconstitucionalidad del plan,
hacen evidente que la proposición no es seria.
Cuando dice que cerrará las fronteras a todos los musulmanes,
es no sólo inconstitucional sino que violaría la carta de derechos
humanos de las naciones unidas.
¿Cuál es el resultado de estas declaraciones?
Bueno esto tiene cosas buenas para algunos y malas para otros.
Bueno para Trump personalmente, con este abuso de las emociones
de los que sienten que la política anti-terrorista, o la falta de política de
la administración están dejando a este país en un peligro evidente, con este
juego, se beneficiará en las encuestas.
Con la publicidad gratis que recibe de la prensa, se beneficiará en la
Bueno para la prensa, es una magnífica oportunidad para lograr oyentes
y lectores- Se encuentran con un caudal de cosas que escribir y diferentes
entrevistas de personas de ambos partidos sobre las declaraciones de Trump.
Bueno para Barack Obama y Hillary Clinton, es un regalo de pascuas
En un momento cuando el flojo discurso de Obama sobre los sucesos de
San Bernardino, y las noticias sobre la vinculación de los atacantes con ISIS,
con una trayectoria de dinero de origen que ya debe de haber sido detectado,
las declaraciones de Trump han opacado el acto de terrorismo y el discurso de
Escribo esto y parece mentira, las noticias del terrorismo han pasado
a segundo plano, candidatos, comentaristas, cintillos de noticias, están
enfocadas en las declaraciones de Trump sobre un hecho que nunca
Mientras los potenciales actos de terrorismo, que si sucederán, han
tomado un segundo plano.
Sin lugar a dudas, el factor Trump ha sido el mejor regalo para la
candidatura demócrata y un infierno para la candidatura republicana y para la
lucha contra el terrorismo.
Las victimas del Factor Trump, son en primer lugar la decencia, y
culminando con la posible elección de la sucesora de la administración
Presentar una solución que no es cierta pero que está simplemente
enfocada a un beneficio de un político como un modo de capturar propaganda
gratis, no sólo es un insulto a la inteligencia de los ciudadanos, pero un acto
de complicidad en la lucha contra el terrorismo y una desestabilización del
proceso democrático.
estoy opinando si lo que dijo Trump está o no correcto, lo que quiero destacar
es que solo se critica a los Republicanos.
Frontpage Mag ^ | 12/8/2015 | Daniel Greenfield
Frontpage Mag ^ | 12/8/2015 | Daniel Greenfield
Posted on 12/8/2015 4:10:06 PM by Velveeta
Trump is a monster, a madman and a
vile racist. He's just like Hitler. Or Jimmy Carter.
During the Iranian hostage crisis,
Carter issued a number of orders to put pressure on Iran. Among these, Iranians
were banned from entering the United States unless they oppose the Shiite
Islamist regime or had a medical emergency.
Here's Jimmy "Hitler"
Carter saying it back in 1980.
Fourth, the Secretary of Treasury
[State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian
citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not reissue
visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven
humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country
requires. This directive will be interpreted very strictly.
Apparently barring people from a
terrorist country is not against "our values" after all. It may even
be "who we are". Either that or Carter was a racist monster just like
I was among the first
national radio hosts to support Marco Rubio in his uphill Republican primary
campaign for the Senate against the unprincipled Florida Governor Charlie
Crist. Back then, he ran as an unabashed Tea Party conservative. I
also supported Mike Lee and Ted Cruz, among others, in their campaigns
against the entrenched GOP establishment. But soon after arriving in
Washington, Rubio decided to throw in with these politicians – including John McCain andLindsey Graham and take an active leadership role
in the Gang of Eight fiasco. As he runs for the Republican presidential
nomination, Rubio has attempted to redefine his position on immigration yet
again, resulting in his utter incoherence on the subject.
Moreover, Rubio’s views
on foreign policy are also more in line with McCain-Graham
pseudo-conservativism. It is a kind of naïve and radical interventionism,
involving endless demands for American ground forces, that President Ronald
Reagan would never have supported – and did not. For example, Rubio’s
support for the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi, joining with Barack Obama,
Hillary Clinton and, of course, McCain and Graham, has not led to
democracy. Instead, Libya has become another extremely dangerous and
growing stronghold for Islamic terrorists and a direct threat to our
country. “Democracy projects” have also led to the overthrow of the Shah
of Iran during Jimmy Carter’s presidency, ushering in the current Islamic
terrorist state that directly threatens America, as well as the more recent
rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, which was eventually ousted by the
Egyptian military, and so forth. Democracy requires more than an
election. It requires, first and foremost, a civil society. I’ve
talked about this a great length on my radio program.
But my commentary here
is not intended as a thorough analysis of immigration and foreign policies,
which may come in a later essay. This is a friendly warning to Marco
Rubio and his campaign donors, advisers, and consultants that they cannot wash
away some of Rubio’s less than stellar legislative actions and related
positions and pronouncements by embracing and unleashing Saul Alinsky-type
tactics against Ted Cruz or other conservatives. Such unprincipled
ambition has not and will not go unnoticed by conservatives.
Rather than proudly
standing on his own record, and contrasting his positions honestly with those
of Cruz, the latter of whom is clearly the more conservative and
anti-establishment candidate, Rubio and his surrogates have launched a
propaganda campaign against Cruz in a deceitful attempt to distort his
record. As an activist in Ronald Reagan’s 1976 and 1980 primary and
general election campaigns for president, I can tell you this is also something
Reagan did not do as he was proud of his record and sought a true battle over
ideas with the GOP establishment and liberal Democrats. However, his
primary and general election opponents over the years -- Gerald Ford, George
H.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter, or Walter Mondale -- preferred the route Rubio has now
taken – distortion and personal smears.
The “Cruz voted against Israel” Smear
Now let’s get to
specifics. Did you know that Ted Cruz is not supportive of Israel?
For anyone who has followed Cruz’s career, it would be like accusing Jeff
Sessions of supporting amnesty. Oh wait, Rubio has already done
The Rubio campaign has
also accused Cruz of being weak on immigration, weak on national security, and
even supportive of Syria’s Assad! And we conservatives are
supposedly so stupid we will fall for all of it!
At each stage, there
has been an almost seamless coordination with Republican establishment media at
the Wall Street Journal, Fox News, Weekly Standard and Commentary Magazine, to do the bidding of the Rubio
campaign – no matter how false and preposterous the assertion.
Late last week, the Weekly Standard obsequiously peddled the Rubio
campaign attack that Cruz voted to cut funding for Israel’s defense as part of
his support for Rand Paul’s budget in 2013. The Rubio transcribers there
are claiming that the Paul budget, which balanced the budget in 5 years, “among
other cuts, slashed defense funding and international aid, including aid to
This is breathtakingly
dishonest. Aside from Cruz and Paul, 16
other Republicans,
including Mike Lee, Tom Coburn and Jeff Sessions, voted for the budget. The notion
that one can pull out any single provision of a massive budget, which doesn’t
set policy, in order to attack an opponent is wittingly disingenuous, as
witnessed by some of the pro-Israel conservative champions who voted for
Indeed, the Weekly Standard omitted that the Paul budget zeroed
out all aid to Israel’s enemies and terrorist entities like the Palestinians.
If it is fair to say Cruz voted against aid for Israel by supporting the
broader Paul budget, it is equally fair to say that Rubio voted to continue
aiding anti-Israel governments and terrorists because he opposed the Paul
budget. It would then be also equally fair to suggest that Rubio opposes a
balanced budget. The Rubio campaign’s notion that Cruz
opposes Israel’s Iron Dome program because it was one provision in the massive
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which he voted against, is also
absurd. There have been many reasons to oppose the NDAA that include
both the policy and the actual process. For example, last year’s 1,648 page
NDAA bill was voted on less than two days after the text was posted online and
contained a massive federal land
Or the time Harry Reid allowed
only 2 amendmentvotes
on arguably the most important annual bill. And each time the future of
the Iron Dome was not hinging upon passage of this entire bill. Rubio and
his media cheerleaders know it.
But we need not focus
on one line item of a broader, more important, balanced budget vote. A
cursory glance at Cruz’s brief career in the Senate reveals a record of
standing for Israel on more fronts and with more force than any other senator
in modern history, including Rubio, who is undoubtedly a supporter of Israel as
There was perhaps no
vote that had a more deleterious effect on Israel than the nomination by Obama
of John Kerry for Secretary of State. Rubio supported the nomination and
voted to confirm Kerry. Cruz was one of only three Republicans to oppose
him. And Kerry has been an unmitigated disaster across a wide range of
foreign policy issues.
Cruz’s other pro-Israel
actions include:
- A bill to move the U.S. embassy
to Jerusalem
- Using his subcommittee chairmanship to conduct
hearings on Obama’s refusal to follow a court order and grant restitution
to American victims of terror in Israel.
- Introducing legislation to designate the Muslim Brotherhood, a sister of Hamas, as a terror
- During the Israel-Hamas war, when Obama imposed a de facto travel embargo on
Israel, Cruz shut it down within 24 hours after he threatened to block all
State Department nominees from confirmation.
- Nobody did more to fight the Iran deal harnessing
every messaging tool at his disposal.
Rubio’s major legislative achievement in the Senate
was the Gang of Eight travesty.
Where is Rubio’s Voice?
Which brings us to the
next logical question. Cruz has used his committee assignments, legislation,
floor speeches, and media appearances to fight against Obama’s war on
Israel. By Rubio’s own admission, he has for the most part checked out of
the Senate and as such has been MIA for fights on many of these important
Rubio would be wise to
focus on what he has done for conservatives on
national security or any other issue. But this is where he may be having some
difficulty. His record is thin. As I mentioned earlier, Rubio’s
major legislative achievement in the Senate was the Gang of Eight
travesty. This bill would have created permanent open borders, invited
back countless dangerous aliens who were already deported, and created an unlimited new pipeline
of immigration and refugees from the Middle East.
To this day, Rubio defends his Gang of Eight role,
while simultaneously trying to distance himself from aspects of the bill. Last week, he also refused
to vote for Rand Paul’s plan to pause the flow of refugees
entering our country from the Middle East or other areas of the world where
terrorism is pervasive. Given ISIS’s promise to hide terrorists among refugees,
including those from Syria, which they accomplished in the recent slaughter in
Paris, and the incompetence of the Obama’s administration’s vetting processes,
prudence should have guided Rubio to vote for the Paul plan – if he is the
national security hawk he and his media surrogates claims him to be.
Furthermore, the notion
that Rubio is little different from Cruz on immigration, as suggested by Rubio
and his campaign, ignores the dichotomy between the two of them on every aspect
of this issue. Cruz fought tooth and nail to block the Gang of Eight
bill. Rubio championed it. Cruz has led the fight against DACA,
DAPA, sanctuary cities, and Obama’s lawless refugee policies, while Rubio has
remained largely silent. The
truth matters.
NSA Hit on Cruz
Rubio has accused
opponents of the earlier NSA metadata collection system, in particular Cruz, of
being national security doves. In fact, he has even warned them that if
the country is attacked as a result of the new law’s judicial review
requirement, which was spearheaded by Mike Lee and voted for by, among others,
Cruz, they will be responsible for weakening the nation’s defense. Yet there’s
not even one example of the earlier metadata collection system stopping
terrorism. In the latest terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Rubio fails to
mention that despite the telephonic activities, apparently the killers somehow
avoided NSA notice. There are honest disagreements about this program, based on
legitimate constitutional issues, but to insist that constitutional
conservatives, like Cruz, who backed a modified metadata program are weak on
defending America is contemptible. As Rubio knows, Sen. Steve Daines voted with Cruz, as did Sen.
Cory Gardner, both of whom are supporting Rubio.
For now, I will stop
here. Marco Rubio is a talented man who can potentially contribute a lot to
this presidential race in the remaining months. But that will only happen
if he abandons his Alinsky tactics for a more Reaganesque approach and treats
the conservative electorate with the respect it deserves. If Rubio is
proud of his record, then he should defend it. If he objects to Cruz’s record,
he should challenge it. But stop falsifying both.
Mark Levin is the Editor-in-Chief of Conservative
Review and host of the nationally syndicated “The Mark Levin Show.
Alemán: Y tú que, ¿Eres de
Derecha o de Izquierda?
ISIL, ISIS, Islamic State, Daesh: What's
The Difference?
By Maria
By Maria Vultaggio.
@mariamzzarella m.vultaggio@ibtimes.com on
November 16 2015 6:26
people are concerned about European citizens who have returned after fighting
in Syria or Iraq. Above, supporters hold an ISIS flag in 2014. Getty Images
the Islamic State group, the extremist organization that controls large parts
of Iraq and Syria, took responsibility for the slaughter in Paris Friday night, many people may be
confused about the name of the group, which has several different iterations.
The terrorists are known variously as ISIS, ISIL, the Islamic State and Daesh
-- so
what’s the difference?
Islamic State: This is the English version of what the
terror group calls itself. It also claims to be a caliphate, which is
a state ruled by a caliph, which is Arabic for "successor,"
meaning successor to the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. The last generally
acknowledged Muslim caliphate was the Ottoman Empire, which ended in 1923. Many
governments and media refuse to use this name because it gives the group
legitimacy as a state and a representative of Islam.
ISIS: The militant group, which began as the Iraqi branch of
al Qaeda during the U.S. occupation, gained this name after it invaded
Syria in 2013. ISIS is short for "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria,"
or "Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham," which is an old Arabic term
for the area.
ISIL: ISIL translates to “Islamic State of Iraq and the
Levant.” The Levant is a geographical term that refers to the eastern
shore of the Mediterranean -- Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel and Jordan.
It’s the term the U.S. government uses since the "Levant" is
apparently a better translation for al-Sham, the Arabic name for the region.
Daesh: This is a term the militant group hates. French
President François
Hollande has used it since the attacks Friday, and
first used it in September 2014. It’s an Arabic acronym for “al-Dawla
al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham.” It can sometimes be spelled DAIISH,
Da'esh or Daech, a popular French version. The hacktivist group Anonymous and
President Barack Obama have used the term since the deadly terrorist attacks in
to Arabic wordplay, it could also be an insult. “Depending on how it is
conjugated in Arabic, it can mean anything from ‘to trample down and crush’ to
‘a bigot who imposes his view on others,'" Boston
Globe writer Zeba Khan reported in October
2014. ISIS threatened “to cut the tongue of anyone who publicly used the
acronym Daesh, instead of referring to the group by its full name,” theAssociated
Press wrote in September 2014.
International efforts to stem the flow of funds to the
self-described Islamic State group have run into steep challenges. The group is
known by several names. Above, an ISIS parade in Syria. Reuters
Elecciones en noviembre, 2016
Para Alcalde del Condado Miami Dade
Escriba el nombre de Lázaro R González en
el espacio de la boleta electoral en blanco
Si quiere que se acabe el relajo, el robo, el descaro, la mala
administración y que el gobierno le responda a usted y no que sea un feudo de
los políticos inescrupulosos, no permita más abusos envie nuestros mensajes a
sus amigos y conocidos.
“NO queremos Donaciones de Dinero”
Por favor pase nuestros mensajes a todos
Lázaro R
González Miño
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