Friday, September 5, 2014

No "En mi opinion" Viernes, Sept. 5, 2014

No 746   “En mi opinión”   Viernes  Septiembre 5, 2014


“EMO” USA is The Land of The Free… Because of the Braves, but now we have in the first position one coward. LRGM


Amenper: El Nueva York de Bill de Blasio
Y los derechos a todas las minorías

 En una de las cosas que vemos en este “Nuevo y Mejorado” Nueva York de Bill de Blasio, un aliado del Islam en la ciudad más sufrida y más atacada por militantes musulmanes, es que vemos el escalamiento a la intolerante tolerancia de las religiones. Adaptándose la tolerancia o intolerancia según soplen los vientos políticos del nuevo alcalde.  
Un lugar donde se celebraban bodas  propiedad de unos cristianos en Nueva York fue recientemente multado 13.000 dólares por negarse a celebrar una boda entre personas del mismo sexo en la propiedad. El lugar de la boda, LibertyRidge Farm, ahora ha dicho que ya no serán las sedes ceremonias de boda en el lugar, homosexuales o heterosexuales.

Dueños Cynthia y Robert Gifford planean seguir utilizando la propiedad para albergar banquetes. El abogado de la Alianza defensa de la libertad (ADF)  James Trainor dijo:"En el futuro, [Cynthia y Robert Gifford] han decidido ya no albergar ninguna ceremonia de boda en su propiedad. Desde que la orden esencialmente les obligó a hacer todas las ceremonias o ninguna en absoluto, ellos han optado por esta última opción con el fin de permanecer fiel a sus convicciones religiosas, a pesar de que es probable que esto dañe su negocio en el corto plazo”.
Si analizamos lo sucedido, tenemos que reconocer el hecho que esta pareja ha sufrido daños en su estilo de vida, al punto de perder su negocio por sus convicciones religiosas. Todo por un movimiento político que quiere imponer su agenda.  Si Liberty Ridge Farm, fuera el único lugar donde una pareja homosexual pudiera casarse, entonces la reclamación tuviera alguna validez.  Pero esta pareja puede casarse en otro lugar.  Lo que se ha hecho es imponer una agenda política en una persona inocente, un castigo y una multa, y en el proceso destruir su vida porque como los primeros inmigrantes die esta nación que tuvieron que emigrar de Inglaterra porque no le permitían ser fiel a sus convicciones religiosas, esta pareja quiso ser file a sus convicciones religiosas..
Pero Bill de Blasio no tiene reparos por el maltrato a la mujer en el matrimonio musulmán como no tiene reparos para imponer su agenda socialista en la ciudad de Nueva York.
Nos dicen que como Obama, fue electo por una “mayoría”,
Pero nosotros decimos, entonces ¿si no respetan los derechos de las minorías que no están de acuerdo con celebrar un matrimonio homosexual por sus convicciones religiosas? ¿Por qué se llaman defensores de las minorías?  Simplemente lo que sucede es que el respeto a las minoría esta delegado a los intereses de los políticos con respecto a ciertas minorías para avanzar su agenda, no a la realidad de los derechos de todos los ciudadanos ya sean mayoría o minoría, que es como siempre ha sido en la democracia Americana..

Amenper El Calentamiento Global, La Reforma Migratoria y El Suero Oral
Estoy en Nueva York para la convención de la NSA, no se confundan, no estoy con la National Security Agency,  esta NSA es la National Supermarkets Association, y estoy en la convención presentando como de costumbre mi producto Suero Oral.
Desde los años 80s antes de que en la Universidad de la Florida “descubrieran” que los electrolitos pueden y deben ser usado como una bebida cotidiana no como una medicina, he tenido la lucha de tratar de convencer al público de que el Suero Oral no es propiamente una medicina.
El Suero Oral NO tiene propiedades terapéuticas, simplemente repone los electrolitos a personas que por actividades extenuantes pierden fluidos del cuerpo y con ello, los electrolitos.
El concepto por alguna razón ha pegado con los Mejicanos y centroamericanos, pero los caribeños que lo compran lo hacen con el concepto de medicación, no como una bebida diaria para refrescar y reponerse de la pérdida  de fluidos por sudor u otra razón en su vida cotidiana, y esto es mi gestión en una convención de supermercados.
A pesar de que por las características de producto y por la etnicidad de sus usuarios, esto pudiera influenciar en algunas de mis convicciones políticas. Pero no considero que ni como comerciante ni como político, una persona debiera de echar a un lado el bienestar de la nación por sus intereses privados.. 
Me asombra ver a esos políticos que justifican la inmigración ilegal por sus ambiciones electorales, cuando después de todo 59 millones de población hispana debe de ser suficiente, deben de conformarse con la inmigración legal.
Lo mismo sucede con el calentamiento global.  Doce meses de verano serían bueno para la venta del Suero Oral, pero no es posible ni algo real.  Los que usan el calentamiento global falsamente para recibir estímulos con el dinero de los contribuyentes, no merecen nuestro respeto ni el calificativo de “científicos”.  También los políticos usan el calentamiento global para sus intereses. Hoy en las noticias estaba Hillary Clinton diciendo que el cambio climático es el mayor peligro para el mundo. 
Quiere que nos olvidemos de los musulmanes y de Bengasi. 
Hay un escrito en el Journal de hoy que es muy informativo sobre esto. Y que pueden leer presionando en este link
En cuanto a mi lucha para tratar de convencer a los Cubanos, Dominicanos y Puertorriqueños de que el Suero Oral es una bebida no una medicina, tengo el consuelo de la memoria de un farmacéutico americano que vivió en el siglo XIX, y que es mi héroe.
Ese farmacéutico tenía una formula propia que vendía en su farmacia y que era muy popular.
Creo que lo que lo hacía más popular era que tenía Cocaína. 
El producto era un jarabe a base de Cocaína y Cola nuez.  Él lo llamaba propiamente Jarabe de Coca y Cola.   Pero como su farmacia tenía una fuente de soda, se le ocurrió echarle soda y crear un refresco.    Fue tan bien recibido que decidió comercializarlo.  Pero como en el caso del Suero Oral el público no lo aceptaba del todo, porque pensaba que era una medicina no un refresco.
Ustedes saben el resto de la historia,  quién el mundo no ha tomado una Coca Cola. "La pausa que refresca" aunque ahora la pausa es sólo refrescante porque ya no tiene cocaína.
No tengo  la oportunidad de echarle cocaína al Suero Oral, para hacerlo más atractivo en el principio como la Coca Cola,  pero creo que con el tiempo todos aceptarán al Suero Oral como una bebida igual que hicieron con la Coca Cola.

THE PROPHET BUSH: Watch How Spot On GWB Is About What Would Become Of An Abandoned Iraq

Here’s a flashback to July 12, 2007 when President George W. Bush told us what would happen in Iraq if we took troops out before the right time. It is both scary and telling. Please forward this to Obama and let him know that wars are not over just because he wants them to be.

Columna de Ricardo Samitier: El PRIMER JUEZ QUE SE OPONE A EL MATRIMONIO HOMOSEXUAL fue nombrado por Reagan...

Este Es El Primer Juez Federal Que Se Atreve A Enfrentar Los Homosexuales Decidió Que Son Los Estados, Los Que Pueden Legislar El Matrimonio.  
Hoy Fue Atacado Por El New York Time Un Periódico
SOCIALISTA, Pro-Homosexual y Pro Mariguana Como no tienen Nada Legal Para Atacarlo… Lo Acusan De ir CONTRA LA TENDENCIA DE OTROS JUECES
Sencillamente, el juez Feldman solo tuvo que abrir el diccionario para poder decidir este caso:

mat·ri·mo·ny:  noun \ˈma-trə-ˌmō-nē\  : the joining together of a man and woman as husband and wife.  

Es Casi Increíble, Que Después De 25 Años Desde La Caída De La URSS Todavía Hay "Intelectuales" Que Defienden El Socialismo!

Pero hoy tenemos la noticia de Francia que el filósofo Bernard-Henry Levi, mejor conocido como BHL, que se auto-describe como un judio francés.  
Declara que el partido socialista a muerto pero los liderés no se dan cuenta y que la Francia se va a deshacer del Partido.  
Sin embargo, él ahora se define como:  Social-Liberal ósea, mismo perro con otro collar!  
En América, Los Socialistas Gobiernan Ambos Partidos...
Los Demócratas son Abiertamente Socialistas, mientras que los Republicanos son Conservadores Compasivos!  
El “COLMO De Los COMPASIVOS” Es Jef Bush… Los Ilegales
Son Producto De Un “Acto De Amor” Me imagino Que Para el… Las


Este Articulo, (que les envió) Lo Presentan Como Una Critica Del Sistema Americano Pero LA REALIDAD Es Que El  Sistema Medico Americano No Es El Mercado Libre! Todo Lo Contrario… Veamos:  
Es un sistema Fascista, la combinación del Gobierno y las grandes empresas con cierta tolerancia a  LA LIBRE EMPRESA.  
No Hay Nada Libre En La Medicina Americana! Las escuelas de medicina tienen quotas (Miami tiene 132 estudiantes por esa razón Muchos tienen que salir al extranjero para estudiar) y la UNIVERSIDADES son subvencionadas Para SEGUN ELLOS  GARANTIZAR LA "CALIDAD". Los hospitales reciben licencias, solo si hay "necesidad", para garantizar la "CALIDAD" Las medicinas solo son aprobados y LICENCIADAS si pasan por el control del gobierno, FDA para garantizar la "calidad". 
Los Médicos tienen que pasar un examen para obtener la LICENCIA… a pesar de haber  pasado los exámenes de La UNIVERSIDAD… esa licencia puede ser SUSPENDIDA…  
A pesar de haber sido licenciados por el ESTADO… LOS MEDICOS NO PUEDEN EJERCER ni siguiera en los HOSPITALES DEL ESTADO… Los hospitales, todos tienen comités que escogen los médicos que pueden practicar en estos hospitales, También Para Garantizar La "Calidad". En realidad es una SOCIEDAD SECRETA DE MEDICOS… que lograron entrar por PRIMERO POR INFLUENCIAS…   quienes controlan el hospital para ENRIQUECER a algunos y llevar a la quiebra a Otros… 
Por Lo Tanto, Tenemos De Sistema Mas Fascista De La Historia Del Mundo!
Todo Bajo La Excusa De Garantizar La "Calidad".  
No confundan las palabras! Hay una razón muy clara porque la medicina es cara en USA y eso se llama Fascismo.   
No Existe La Libre Empresa En La Medicina…  
Aquí tienen el articulo… que CONFUNDE MAS DE LO QUE ACLARA…

Detras de la pantalla... LO QUE NO NOS DICEN...Behind the scenes... Esto, Es Un Mensaje Semi-Público Dirigido A Los Norte Americanos y A Los Globalistas... Enviado Por La Familia Real Saudí

Diciéndole al MUNDO PUBLICAMENTE si nos atacan, nosotros vamos a hundir el PetrodólarSi no Nos Ayudan, Vamos Ser Sufrir A Los EEUU También!!! Esto No Tiene Nada Que Ver Con Terrorismo. Es Todo Por El Control Del Petrodólar.  
La Notiacia En Ingles… Saudi Arabia is pissed off at Obama! The pro-Homosexual, communist inspired, Globalist Media will never tell us the truth But it leaks out anyway! (Gracias a la Internet) Here is the backdrop for this story: Ambassadors are usually appointed by the president, confirmed by the senate and sent to the foreign country where the foreign country quickly accepts or denies the appointment.But It Never Takes 2 Years!  
In the case of America´s ambassador to Saudi Arabia, this has not happened until last week!! But the Media forgot to tell us, why we had no accredited Ambassador in Arabia!!!  
It was this information that galvanized Saudi King Abdullah into warning the West thatAl Qaeda’s plans were imminent. “If neglected,” he said strongly last week, “I am certain that after a month they will reach Europe and, after another month, America.”
The king issued his warning on the occasion of the US Ambassador to Riyadh, Joseph W. Westphal’s formal presentation of credentials. This gave his warning added weight, because it was a fabricated opportunity. In the two years that Ambassador Westphal has officiated in the Saudi capital, 
the king has never found time to confirm his accreditation. This cold shoulder reflected the  nonagenarian Saudi ruler’s opinion of US President Barack Obama’s Middle East policies and what appears to Riyadh to be his lackadaisical attitude towards fighting Islamist terror.  
Every one on Earth, except Americans and Europeans,  know that the CIA is funding ISIS and that it is a threat to the Saudi royal family! The real question is, what are the Saudis going to do about ISIS? If the Saudi royal family is threatened, what will they do??  
Read the whole story:
La Prensa Socialista y Pro-Homosexual
Presenta Todas las Crisis En la Misma
Forma… El Ciudadano NO LO PUEDE
COMPROBAR… Pero El Gobierno Resulta
Siempre Ineficaz… 
La Peor Es la Guerra Contra el Calentamiento Global…
En LGuerra Contra El Terror! Aunque No Lo Dicen…
Hasta Ahora La Única Prueba Que Tenemos…
El Gobierno FRACASO… Pues No Fueron
Pusieran Las Bombas… A PESAR QUE LOS RUSOS LE
AVISARON AL FBI… Con Nombres y Apellidos… 
La NSA tiene 60 mil empleados y graba cada llamada en los EEUU,

Toda la policía de Boston y Massachusetts y la Guardia Nacional
LEVANTARON EL TOQUE DE QUEDA fue un solo ciudadano quien
los encontró y llamó la Policía… Entonces ACRIBILLARON
MILAGRO… EN OTRAS Palabras Por Poco
Eliminan Al Único Que Podía Hablar… Y PODIA
Cuando Comenzó La Crisis De Ucrania Putin Ordeno Una “PRACTICA” Militar… Sin Duda Un MENSAJE A Los Europeos Qué No Tienen EJERCITOS… De La Capacidad Militar Rusa… Esto fue hecho público para recordar a los pueblos europeos la historia… De lo que sucedió en la SEGUNDA GUERRA…  
Si comienza una guerra entre los CRISTIANOS NUEVAMENTE… las ciudades COMO MARSELLA con un 54% de MUSULMANES Y LOS barrios musulmanes en todos losPaíses se van a rebelar… y el OCCIDENTE y la CRISTANDAD va a DESAPARECER… Gracias a la PRENSA  SOCIALISTA y PRO –HOMOSEXUAL…  
Aquí tienen una prueba que en USA no hemos visto…

La VERDADERA POLITICA y cómo piensan en EUROPA Si Continuamos Creyendo A Los Periodistas Socialistas Y Pro Homosexuales… Perderemos La LIBERTAD… Vean La Verdad De Europa…

Ustedes Van A Tener Que “Dar Las Nalgas” Como En Sodoma… Yo Voy A Morir Peleando…  
So now "Europe" wants Ukraine to sign the NATO contract and join. USA is mobilizing army and sending them to Baltics (which are historically very much afraid of Russia from all the right reasons) and Britain to lead Nato force with mission to halt 'Tsar' Putin and sending them to Ukraine. 
West is killing ethnic Russians and Putin may not move a finger, otherwise there will be war. Chess. West needs stronger provocations... let's see what we come up with.
All in all, we want war against Russia but this time it is not a country of people living in the desert or rocky mountains of Afghanistan but a formidable opponent and have some military technology that West doesn't, like a Granit missile. And the battleground for this war is already set in Europe... again.   
Los Dos Bandos Van A Quedar Exhausto  Los Musulmanes que VIVEN EN EUROPA… Se Van A REBELAR y Miles  CAMINANDO… La Van  a Invadir… Por Todas las Fronteras…

¿Cómo se convence a Un POLITIQUERO qué RETIRE su POSTULACION?     ¿Cómo Se Convence A Un POLITIQUERO… Que RETIRE Su POSTULACION… Para Que

Salga El CONTRARIO? Comprándolo Con Dinero y Prebendas… Lo Mismo Se Venden Después Que Salen… Aquí Tienen la Noticia… en DOS PERIODICOS GLOBALISTAS… Retiró La Candidatura El “DEMOCRATA”  Para Vencer Al Republicano Con Un INDEPENDIENTE…. Esto Es Una Prueba Irrefutable de POLITIQUERIA… Kansas: National Republicans have dispatched strategist Chris LaCivita to take over Sen. Pat Roberts' (R) re-election campaign. Polls show independent candidate Greg Orman leading Roberts; Orman has been on air since July, and a Libertarian candidate could take some of Roberts' vote share. Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) helped convince Democratic nominee Chad Taylor to drop his bid to help Orman. (New York Times, Washington Post) Complicating Orman's path: Secretary of State Kris Kobach (R) said Taylor's name will remain on the ballot because he didn't say he would be unable to serve if elected. (Wichita Eagle) Tweet of the Day: @jmartNYT: "What's so rich about Kobach role here is that some KS folks said he regretted not primarying Roberts."
Es Imposible Salir De la Crisis… Mientras Le permitan A Los Banqueros Cobrar Hasta el 32% De Intereses…
Mientras Tenemos 92 Millones De Consumidores, Sin Trabajos? 
Aquí Tiene La VERDAD DEL DESEMPLEO… No Lo Que La Prensa Socialista Y Pro-Homosexual
Y Desde hace Varios meses ABIERTAMENTE Pro Droga Dice:

Report: More Than 92 Million Americans Remain Out Of Labor Force

“The labor force participation rate fell by 0.4 percentage point to 62.8 percent in April. 
The participation rate has shown no clear trend in recent months and currently is the same as it was this past October.
 The employment-population ratio showed no change over the month (58.9 percent) and has changed little over the year,” the bureau said in a statement.
The number of unemployed Americans decreased by 733,000 to 9.8 million last month.  

Ucrania... Igual Que Bahía De Cochinos

Los “Globalistas” Son Los Responsables De las Muertes INUTILES…  “AGITAN” Hablando De “Democracia” Para Después TRAICIONARUcrania Ha Sido ABANDONADA…
Eso Si…Menos ESCANDALOSAMENTE Que Las Anteriores
“TRAICIONES Que Aquí Les Enumero Las PRINCIPALES… ·       A Chiang Kai Shek En China 1948…                                         ·       A Corea Que La Dejaron en el Paralelo 38 en 1953…
·       A Los Húngaros  En 1957…
·       A Los Cubanos Entre 1957 y 1961 Apoyando PRIMERO La Revolución Y Después La Consolidando A Castro… Planeando en Washington la “Primera Derrota Del Imperialismo Yanqui” En Bahía de Cochinos…
·       A Vietnam… a la Cual dejaron sin piezas de repuesto Para Los equipos de
guerra… obra bajo el gobierno de Nixon y Kissinger (Traición que le valió un
“PREMIO NOBEL DE LA PAZ” que Escarnio)
·       A Nicaragua… 1978
·       A TODA LATINO AMERICA… que LA HAN ENTREGADO a los TERRORISTAS de los  Años 60 y 70… Las Ultimas…
·       Financiaron entre Obama, la Clinton y el “PACIFISTA” De Kerry… con el Apoyo de Mc Cain la “PRIMAVERA ARABE” Creando la situación actual en todo el medio Oriente…
·       Por Ultimo Obama el “Presidente Sin Estrategia” Ha Dado a Putin LUZ VERDE… En Ucrania… después de darle $MIL MILLONES DE DOLARES PARA FINANCIAR LA REVOLUCION para entrar en la UNION EUROPEA… y ahora DECLARA…
“No Hay Planes Militares En Ucrania” Mientras continúan incitando A la VIOLENCIA…
¿Hasta Cuándo Vamos A Seguir Apoyando Las Traiciones De Los “Globalistas” Que Ponen y Quitan Politiqueros En USA… Desde Los Alcaldes Hasta Los Presidentes?
Kissinger, El Antiguo Empleado De Rockefeller, Que Fue Impuesto Al Presidente Nixon, Para Garantizarse El Apoyo De Nelson Y David Rockefeller Para Ganar Las Elecciones…
Después de Nixon, Kissinger siguió con el chivato de FORD que fue informante del FBI contra sus Compañeros electos a la CAMARA… y fue miembro de la Comisión Warren que investigó el asesinato de Kennedy, DESPUES FUE NOMBRADO VICE y Llegó a la presidencia… Siguiendo SIEMPRE las ordenes de los Rockefeller...  
Desde Que Salió De La Política, Kissinger A Seguido Siendo Asesor
De Otros Presidentes Incluyendo Los 2 Bush.  
Ahora, salió de su cueva para decirnos que su Nuevo Orden Mundial está en peligro y pasando por una crisis!  
Primero, su artículo solo describe la realidad que los  Globalistas, que ellos mismos han creado!
Si hay una crisis en el mundo, son ellos los que están fomentandolas.  
Segundo, el verdadero peligro a la Libertad es el Nuevo Orden Mundial, no su eliminación!!
Son ellos los crean todos los organismos supra nacionales.

Tercero, es mentira que existen estado libres y soberanos, si estos "estados libres" están endeudados a los Banqueros!!!
El mejor ejemplo es Grecia que su gobierno tiene que pedir permiso al Fondo Monetario Internacional para reducir sus impuestos.  
"When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain."
Napoleon Bonaparte
(1769-1821) French emperor

El Sr. Kissinger Lamenta En Su Artículo, Que Su Nuevo Orden Mundial Todavía No Controla El Mundo Completamente!!!

The clash between the international economy and the political institutions that ostensibly govern it also weakens the sense of common purpose necessary for world order. The economic system has become global, while the political structure of the world remains based on the nation-state.
Aqui tienen el articular…

Download Task Force Report 2014 - Commissioner Xavier L. Suarez.pdf (493.9 KB)
Task Force Report 2014 - Commissioner Xavier L. Suarez.pdf
View online
Xavier L. Suarez.
Estimados señores
Estamos dando a conocer este reporte a la prensa en el día de hoy. Este reporte actualiza el Task Force Report que fue enviado al ex Presidente de la Comisión en el 2011.                                                                      Este documento se le entrego hoy a los miembros de la comisión y a la Presidenta Rebeca Sosa.  Se detallan los problemas operacionales, gastos de capital, financiación y deuda, y las alternativas viables para solventar los mismos. Este reporte es el producto de un estudio detallado y profundo de los problemas que enfrenta el condado en estas áreas. Además, estas recomendaciones viables intentan reducir los gastos del gobierno condal sin sacrificar la calidad de los servicios.
Cordialmente, Ela Pestano  Commission Aide Commissioner Xavier L. Suarez, District 7 Board of County Commisisoners  305-375-5680

City Mandates Free Medical Marijuana For Low-Income Residents

This is insane. Our entitlement culture is exponentially getting worse.
Check it out:
Weed welfare?
That’s what the Berkeley City Council in California has unanimously approved, ordering medical marijuana dispensaries to donate 2 percent of their stash to patients making less than $32,000 a year.
The new welfare program in the liberal-leaning city is set to launch in August 2015.
The ordinance, which passed in August and is the first of its kind in the country, comes at a time when several states are debating how to handle a growing movement to legalize marijuana for both medical and recreational use.
But Berkeley’s decision to effectively order weed redistribution is prompting a vocal backlash.
Bishop Ron Allen, a former addict and head of the International Faith Based Coalition, told Fox News he doesn’t understand why the California city would want to dump pot on the impoverished.


John Kerry: “Islam Is A Peaceful Religion” (EMO) I talk to you, Is no omaba the only one. LRGM

Really? How stupid does he think we are? This is getting old.
Check it out:

One day after the Islamic State in Iraq and al Sham (ISIS) released a video showing the brutal beheading of American journalist Steven Sotloff–the second American journalist ISIS has decapitated on video–Secretary of State John Kerry gave a speech saying that Islam is a “peaceful religion based on the dignity of all human beings,” and that ISIS is not “the real face of Islam.”
“I want to take advantage of this podium and of this moment to underscore as powerfully as I know how, that the face of Islam is not the butchers who killed Steven Sotloff. That’s ISIL,” Kerry said at a ceremony honoring Shaarik Zafar, who was just appointed as the State Department’s special representative to Muslim communities.
“The face of Islam is not the nihilists who know only how to destroy, not to build,” he said. “It’s not masked cowards whose actions are an ugly insult to the peaceful religion that they violate every single day with their barbarity and whose fundamental principles they insult with their actions.”
“The real face of Islam is a peaceful religion based on the dignity of all human beings,” Kerry said. “It’s one where Muslim communities are leading the fight against poverty. It’s one where Muslim communities are providing basic healthcare and emergency assistance on the front lines of some of our most devastating humanitarian crises. And it is one where Muslim communities are advocating for universal human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the most basic freedom to practice one’s faith openly and freely.

US-Based Terrorists May Be Exploring Dangerous New Way To Wreak Havoc

"...a potential terror attack on a very large scale delivered by..."


Western Journalism has posted several stories (see them here and here) on the growing concern about a new campaign of international terror from the sky. Islamic State radicals have reportedly seized control of close to a dozen large aircraft at the airport in Tripoli, Libya, stoking fears that those jetliners could become flying bombs in mass terror attacks tied to the anniversary of 9/11.
Now comes word of a potential terror attack on a very large scale delivered by sea. The Washington Times is reporting that intelligence experts are concerned about training that terror agents may be receiving in the United States on the operation of huge oil tankers — massive vessels that could be used to cause enormous harm to the environment or to the population of a U.S port city.
U.S. intelligence agencies last month reported that a group of 22 Yemeni-Americans were training in Houston to be seamen on oil tankers, raising terrorism concerns over the unusual activity.
The Department of Homeland Security issued an Aug. 26 report from its National Terrorism Advisory System about the case.
“Reporting revealed that 22 students of Middle Eastern descent from Michigan and California were enrolled in recent maritime training courses in Houston, TX to obtain training, licensing, and/or mariner ratings during calendar year 2014,” the report said. “All students were naturalized U.S. citizens from Yemen.”
The fact that security officials are keeping their eyes on men of Yemeni descent is significant. Yemen is a known hub for the terrorist group “al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula,” which has been accused of conducting two failed terrorist attacks on U.S. airliners in recent years.
Again, from the Washington Times investigation:
The [DHS] report said the U.S. government received confidential information from intelligence sources indicating suspicions about the Yemeni-Americans attending the seamanship classes. Most of the men were from Dearborn, Michigan, and their training in Texas was considered unusual because other marine training schools are located closer to Michigan.
An investigation revealed that all the students worked on oil carriers in the Great Lakes and came to Texas because similar schools in Michigan had closed. Twenty of the students were from Dearborn, and two were from Oakland, California.
We know that hijackers can seize control of a fully loaded oil tanker at sea because of experience with Somali pirates, as reported in the New York Times:
Somali pirates have hijacked a Greek-owned oil tanker carrying close to a million barrels of crude oil in the Arabian Sea, the first successful attack on an oil tanker off the Horn of Africa in more than a year.

If Rand Paul Were President, This Is What He Would Do To ISIS

Should Congress have to approve of airstrikes like Paul insists?

Senator Rand Paul wants to “destroy ISIS militarily.” That’s what he said to the Associated Press this past Friday in an email.
The exact quote: “If I were President, I would call a joint session of Congress. I would lay out the reasoning of why ISIS is a threat to our national security and seek congressional authorization to destroy ISIS militarily.”
Paul told Breitbart News last week how he thought Obama should have acted on ISIS, saying that
“if I were in President Obama’s shoes at this time, I would have called Congress back, I would have had a joint session of Congress, and I would have said ‘this is why ISIS is a threat to the United States, to the stability of the region, to our embassy, to our diplomats, and this is why I’m asking you today to authorize air attacks. I’m betting if he would have done that to a joint session of Congress, he would have gotten approval. When you don’t do it through Congress, and you do it yourself, then you really have not galvanized the will of the nation. As a true leader, what I think we need to do is galvanize the nation when we go to war.”
Previously, Senator Paul had called Hillary Clinton a “war hawk” for her stance on arming Syrian rebels. As he wrote: ” We are lucky Mrs. Clinton didn’t get her way and the Obama administration did not bring about regime change in Syria. That new regime might well be ISIS.”
Concerning air strikes, Paul had also previously said:
“I have mixed feelings about it. I’m not saying I’m completely opposed to helping with arms or maybe even bombing.”
What do you think of Paul calling for ISIS to be destroyed? Should Congress have to approve of airstrikes like Paul insists?


This article originally appeared on
The widely accepted view among policymakers in Washington, DC is that even if President Barack Obama’s health care law is currently more unpopular than ever, by the time 2016 rolls around, it will be an immovable object, impossible to wholly repeal.
I have previously argued this is an incomplete picture of the politics of the issue, one that underestimates the Republican base’s dedication to repeal and the necessity of Republican candidates to respond to that desire.
You could assume the continued unpopularity of Obamacare would play to Republicans’ advantage within the battle over health care policy, and that’s certainly correct at the moment. The fact that a Democratic Senator touting his support for Obamacare (albeit without naming which law he voted for) is national news is an indication of that. Had the politics of the Affordable Care Act played out as most Democrats anticipated, every candidate up for re-election would be loudly trumpeting their support for it.
So in the short term, the law plays into the hands of Republican critics, who have plenty of easy targets and little need to propose a comprehensive reform. But what about what comes after 2016, assuming a Republican presidency but lacking 60 votes in the Senate? At that point, Obamacare’s political toxicity may actually hamper efforts to achieve pro-market reforms.
Consider Avik Roy’s recent proposal, Transcending Obamacare, possibly the most comprehensive proposal for health reform offered by a conservative. It is more ambitious than other reforms: Not content to focus merely on replacing Obamacare, Roy’s plan relies heavily on the expansion of the existing private insurance marketplace as a replacement for the Great Society, shifting individuals away from Medicare and Medicaid and the VA, and toward private insurers.
While Roy’s proposal is certainly more conservative than Obamacare, it is also very centrist. It relies on the Democratic acceptance of the exchange + subsidies model via the ACA as a method of eliminating the nation’s current single-payer systems. In the absence of Obamacare, it is the sort of proposal that ought to receive significant support from moderate Democrats – Joe Manchin, Mary Landrieu, and Mark Warner all ought to approve of an approach that retains community rating and guaranteed issue. And in an alternate universe where the reconciliation process was never deployed, you could see many Republicans viewing this as a positive and comprehensive reform of the existing health care entitlement system, increasing personal responsibility and rolling back government’s regulatory dominance of the marketplace.
Except this is not the universe we live in. Instead, we live in one where Obamacare has become synonymous with a number of steps health policy wonks on both sides of the aisle have long favored. So the question now is: How much will the unpopularity of this law spill over to prevent the deployment of similar steps as a method of reform?
The most critical area where this question remains unanswered is on the subject of exchanges. While Roy’s reform eliminates the most unpopular aspects of the law – the majority of its mandates and taxes – its reliance on an exchange could prove to be a politically difficult sale. Consider the most recent poll data from The Morning Consult: It found, “A majority of people are worried about employers moving them on to insurance exchanges, with Republicans reporting the highest level of concern at 72 percent.” And: “The majority of Republicans and Independents say they would consider looking for another job if they were shifted onto an exchange, at 62 percent and 52 percent respectively.”
For a Republican candidate, these numbers demonstrate the political challenge of proposing an exchange-based reform. If more people are receiving their coverage through their employers than was true before Obamacare’s passage, proposing these exchange reforms could prove politically challenging, even for Republicans who want to roll back regulations and transform them into more open marketplaces.
Roy’s assessment is based on an assumption that no Republican presidential candidate will be able to successfully campaign on taking insurance away from millions of Americans. But the challenge of proposing an alternative that takes on the Great Society using approaches the Republican base closely associates with Obamacare may prove to be just as difficult.
Most Americans and most conservatives do not understand that America’s health care system was not a free-market system prior to Obamacare. Ultimately, the reforms they support may be more modest in aim, as the safest place for many Republicans is to argue for rolling back the clock to before the ACA’s passage. If that’s where the Republicans end up, it would mark a major missed opportunity to address the pre-existing failures of government-run health care in America. But addressing those failures in an environment where Obamacare has sucked up the oxygen for almost eight years will require navigating a minefield of public opinion – a task challenging even for skilled politicians.

BREAKING: ISIS Just Suffered A Blow That Could Send Shock Waves Through The Group

Among a number of terrorists killed in northern Iraq...

Several credible sources are now reporting that a senior aide to the self-proclaimed leader of ISIS — some say the terror group’s number-2 commander — has been killed in clashes in northern Iraq. There’s been no official confirmation yet on the reported death of Abu Hajar al-Suri.
The Times of Israel, noting that the death of this Islamic State leader has been reported previously, says that circumstances of the most recent battle allegedly resulting in the death of this ISIS commander remain unclear:
The latest Lebanese and Iraqi reports indicated that the high-ranking figure had been killed in a US airstrike near Mosul. However, al-Suri, who is also known as Majed Muhammad Suhaim and Abu Hajar al-Shami, was said to be killed in a botched suicide bombing on August 22 in the Taqaba airport. On August 19, in an apparent reference to the forthcoming suicide attack, Suhaim tweeted that he was headed to paradise.
Yahoo! News carries a story that says this high-ranking ISIS leader was among a number of terrorists killed as Iraqi forces, supported by U.S. air power, continue their offensive against ISIS militants.
At least five soldiers and Kurdish armed volunteers have been killed in clashes with the IS group in northern Iraq, as the government continues its offensive against the armed Sunni group, sources have told Al Jazeera.
The clashes on Thursday also killed seven IS fighters in the Yenkoujah district of Tuz Kharmatu, in the province of Salaheddin, between the capital Baghdad and Kirkuk.
In addition to the reported killing of al-Suri, The Times of Israel says Islamist fighters have taken numerous hostages.
Also Thursday, jihadists kidnapped dozens of residents of a northern Iraq village on Thursday after villagers burned one of their positions along with a jihadist flag, police and witnesses said.
The IS terrorists had withdrawn from Tal Ali in Kirkuk province on Wednesday, but returned in force on Thursday and abducted some 50 people, the sources said.
It is not the first time IS has carried out mass kidnappings in Iraq, with the group abducting thousands of civilians as it overran minority-populated northern villages last month, according to human rights group Amnesty International.
As we know, ISIS has not hesitated to behead hostages and post barbaric videos of the bloody executions.

This would be a nightmare.                                              Rand Paul 

3:36 PM (37 minutes ago)

Dear Lazaro R, Gonzalez

I'm worried. 
While speaking at a fundraiser crowded with left-wing high-dollar donors,
President Obama leaked his political agenda for the next 2 years. 

Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are scheming to pack the
Supreme Court with liberal Justices who will enshrine their beliefs in a
 "living Constitution." 
As you and I have seen in recent cases, only a narrow 5-4 majority has
 protected our Second Amendment rights and Religious Liberties. 
A change in just one Justice could shepherd in a left-wing majority. 
But the Democrats can't usher in a new era of liberal Supreme Court
victories unless they hang on to their majority in the Senate. 
And the Republicans need just 6 seats to remove Harry Reid as Majority
Leader and strip away his ability to ram through Obama's appointees. 
So the Democrat Party machine is casting all their weight in key races to
 retain Harry Reid's majority in the U.S. Senate. 
With the November mid-term elections rapidly approaching, the course
of our country rests in the hands of freedom-loving Americans like you. 
It's up to you and me to pry control of the Senate away from Harry Reid,
or risk facing a generation of unchecked left-wing Supreme Court decisions
such as Roe v. Wade. 
America can't afford more of Obama's hand-picked Supreme Court
Justices like Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan impairing the values
of America. 
The good news is my message of constitutional government, respect
 for the Bill of Rights, and a foreign policy that defends America's allies
like Israel is catching fire. 
That's why Democrats have made me their number one target, launching
 multiple emails and press releases attacking me. 
So I hope you'll join RANDPAC in fighting to take back the U.S. Senate
this November by signing your "Harry Reid Pink Slip." 
In Liberty,

Senator Rand Paul (R - KY)

Lázaro R. González Miño

En mi opinión 

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