Tuesday, August 27, 2013

No 468 "En mi opinuion" Agosto 27, 2013

No 468  “En mi opinión” Agosto 27, 2013.
Editor  Lázaro R González Miño  “IN GOD WE TRUST”  
Enviar Artículos, Criticas o Comentarios: lazarorgonzalez@gmail.com,

QUE DICE HOY RICARDO SAMTIER:  Aumenta las personas que tienen que cortar el cable y el satélite
La Situación Económica Fuerza A Cortar Los Contratos de Televisión Por Cable
Son Tantos Que Radio Shack Anuncia Que Vende antenas... Lo Que No Se
Hacía Por Lo Menos Por 20 años...
Para leer la noticia http://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/207795/radioshack-promotes-cord-cutting-with-digital-tv-a.html?edition=63850#axzz2dAcWZzS1
Donde Quedaron Las Buenas Intenciones De Obama Por La Paz...
No se Hagan Ilusiones... Las Guerras Solo Se ganan Con Botas en la Tierra...
Daba VERGÜENZA Ver Al Pacifista De 1960 Que Pedía La Retirada De Vietnam... Pedir Bombardear Siria Y Matar Niños... Hacer Lo Que El Criticaba Entonces...
Este Articulo Vale La Pena Leerlo... PERO ANTES creo conveniente para las NUEVAS GENERACIONES y mis amigos NO CUBANOS introducirles al escritor;  de esa forma van a AQUILATAR mucho mejor este articulo...
Comenzare por un viejo adagio: “Padre Bodeguero... Hijo Millonario... Nieto Pordiosero”

Fidel Castro y su generación llegaron al poder en el TERCER PAÍS MAS RICO DE LATINO AMÉRICA... hecho por gente muy trabajadora y limitada educación... (Bodegueros, campesinos, etc.) Sus hijos educados... estaban llenos de buenas ideas...
Raúl Rivero Castañeda; el escritor del articulo nació en 1945 en Morón, Camagüey, al triunfo de la revolución tenía 14 años... Fue miembro de la PRIMERA GENERACIÓN DE PERIODISTAS creados “LIBRE DE INFLUENCIAS CAPITALISTAS”después del triunfo de la Revolución... se convirtió en un ferviente seguidor de Fidel Castro y la Revolución Cubana. Escaló posiciones y en 1973-1976 era el jefe de corresponsales de la prensa oficial cubana en Moscú. También se desempeñó como presidente de la Unión Nacional a favor del régimen de Escritores y Artistas (UNEAC). Posteriormente, fue conocido como "El Poeta De La Revolución", y se asocia con las principales figuras culturales de la Cuba comunista...
Raúl Rivero... un ejemplo de cómo los hombres INTELIGENTES mientrasVIVEN BIEN no usan la inteligencia para PENSAR y COMPRENDER...
Raúl Rivero vivió como el “Hijo RICO” del adagio por 30 años... bajo el régimen comunista... su INTELIGENCIA Se DURMIÓ... Y no se percata que seGASTARON LAS RIQUEZAS... que Cuba se estaba destruyendo... tampoco se percata que Gorbachov está tratando de salvar la Unión Soviética de la MISERIA desde 1985... Con un conjunto poco coherente de reformas enfocadas a levantar la economía...
En esas condiciones: ARRUINADO Y PORDIOSERO... su inteligencia seDESPIERTA en 1989  y abandonó la Unión Nacional de Escritores y Artistas Cubanos.
El 2 de junio 1991 firmó la llamada "Carta De Los 10 Intelectuales", una petición para la liberación de los presos políticos y la celebración de elecciones democráticas. Desde entonces, Rivero ha sido un paria en la sociedad cubana. En 1995, fundó Cuba Press, y se convirtió en miembro activo del movimiento periodismo independiente cubano, publicando sus trabajos en los periódicos en los Estados Unidos y otros países.
Fue Condenado a 20 AÑOS de Prisión... según dicen; la paso mal... pero supongo... que debido a sus 30 años de “VIDA SOCIAL COMUNISTA”  sus camaradas consiguieron BENEVOLENCIA por parte de Castro... Quien lo “INDULTO” a los 20 meses... a cambio que cumpliera con algunas CONDICIONES... la única que se hizo pública es que le dieron un año... para que abandonara el país... en otras palabras... lo trataron igual que EN TIEMPOS DE ROMA trataban a las familias ARISTÓCRATAS...  que los enviaban al exilio...
Conocido el personaje ahora lean el artículo que dice la verdad... de “LOS CAMBIOS DE RAÚL CASTRO.”
Todo lo anterior no quita que Raúl Rivero sabe escribir y casi siempre es genial…
Misión de bueyes –
Raúl Rivero | Madrid | 24 Ago 2013
La jerarquía del régimen cubano, afanada siempre por ofrecer una imagen de originalidad y soberanía a los inversores y a las viudas del comunismo, aparenta que no busca salir de las ruinas de su sistema hacia un capitalismo de Estado como lo han hecho, alumbrados por el fuego de los manuales marxistas leninistas, sus camaradas de China y Viet Nam.
No. El gobierno de la Isla, en sus encrucijadas, se inclina a veces por una etapa superior del feudalismo.
El primer paso importante lo dieron hace unos años cuando liberaron a miles de empleados de las empresas estatales y los lanzaron a las calles para que vivieran la precariedad y la miseria por cuenta propia. Eran libres, podían aspirar a conseguir trabajos donde quisieran, solo que allí no existen compañías privadas y tuvieron que salir a forrar botones, fregar automóviles, vender agua de azúcar y pan con nada o remendar zapatos.
Con esa medida el Estado le transfirió la responsabilidad de su pobreza al individuo y, por otra parte, privilegió al sector de la población que recibe apoyos de sus familiares en el extranjero.
Ellos viven la ilusión de que son comerciantes porque venden y compran los chirimbolos y baratijas que les llegan desde las tiendas de rebajas de Miami. Los panfletos oficiales ya comenzaron a fustigar a los llamados nuevos ricos. Los viejos ricos están en el poder. No hay tinta para tocarlos.
Esta semana se produjo un anuncio que demuestra que los jefes no miran por el parabrisas, usan el retrovisor. El ministerio de Agricultura prepara un plan de adiestramiento de 20 mil bueyes para realizar labores en el campo. El programa se propone garantizarles atención veterinaria y pastos a los animales. Un especialista del sector dijo a los periodistas que los bueyes "tienen la misión" de ayudar a la siembra, el cultivo y el transporte de semillas.
En ese cuadro, donde tropiezan escorias feudales y esclavistas, retoños de un capitalismo primitivo y el desconcierto social, lo más auténtico que queda del socialismo es el casco y la mala idea.
Y se usa para reprimir, darle palizas y encarcelar a los opositores pacíficos y a las Damas de Blanco.
El grupo de compadres que está al mando no quiere que se mueva nada. Si hay que hacer movimientos por compromiso ellos seleccionan el rumbo. La velocidad, ya se sabe, es la del paso de una carreta tirada por bueyes.
TODO DEPENDE DEL PUTIN: Putin Es El ARBITRO... Aun Sin Fuerzas... Si Veta La Guerra Contra Siria En La ONU Y Retira El Embajador De Washington... Y Acusa A USA De Estar Promoviendo
Los Estados Unidos No Tienen Credibilidad...
Los Politiqueros Socialistas De Ambos Partidos Son Los Responsables Y Han Creado Las Condiciones Para Un Golpe Tipo Cromwell... Nadie está de acuerdo en cómo se está manejando el país... TODO ES UNA FALTA DE RESPETO A LA INTELIGENCIA DE LOS CIUDADANOS... de USA y También del Mundo entero...

QUIERO MORIR DIGNAMENTE: Eniado por Angel Gonzalez.
Anoche mi mujer y yo estábamos sentados en la sala hablando de las muchas cosas de la vida... Entre otras... estábamos hablando de la vida y de la muerte...y dije..
" tina, nunca me dejes vivir en estado vegetativo, dependiendo de máquinas y líquidos de una botella. Si me ves en ese estado, desenchufa los artefactos que me mantienen vivo y bota los líquidos de los cuales dependa, prefiero morir".
Entonces, mi mujer se levantó y me miró con una cara de admiraciónque yo nunca le había visto ...
Y me desenchufó :El Televisor,El DVD,El Computador,El iPod ,El Teléfono,El Internet y despues botó el Aguardiente, el Tequila, el Whisky, el Ron, y todas las cervezas ...
 ¡a la  gran puta , ......... CASI ME MUERO!

John Boehner Is Ordering Republicans To Fund ObamaCare! Boehner Betraying Us On ObamaCare... Strike Back?
       Boehner has thrown down the gauntlet and now that John Boehner has played his hand, we - the American people - must play ours.
       Our elected officials must make a choice, and they need to make it now. Let them know that they can either do what Mr. Boehner wants, or they can do what the American people want and DEFUND OBAMACARE.
Use the button or the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.
If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.
Is The Federal Government Really Hiring "An Army Of ObamaCare Detectives."
       You've already heard the news that government agents will be given the authority under ObamaCare to barge into your home, and you already know about the "ObamaCare Navigators," ... the Obama-bots and so-called "Community Organizers" (and potentially even people with criminal records) who will be given access to your most private financial information.
       But now the Daily Mail UK is reporting that the "Feds are building a detective squad to target consumers and companies that don't follow Obamacare's rules."
       Their words, not ours...
       The Daily Mail goes on to say: "More than 1,600 new employees hired by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources in the aftermath of ObamaCare's passage include just two described as 'consumer safety' officers, but 86 tasked with 'criminal investigating' – indicating that the agency is building an army of detectives to sleuth out violations of a law that many in Congress who supported it still find confusing."
       John Boehner's political schemes be damned. If he believes that keeping ObamaCare around, so he can pretend to fight it, is "good politics," then our elected officials must be disabused of that idiotic notion here and now.
       The insanity must end today. Simply put, unless we stop ObamaCare in the next 30 days, it will likely be here to stay and all of the nightmares that they told you could never happen will come true in short order.
Use the button or the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

More Shoes Are Dropping. Medicaid For Everyone Is Just Around The Corner.
       Not only have health insurance premiums risen, on average, by more than $3600.00 since 2008, but major employers like UPS, the University of Virginia, and a number of local governments have just announced that they'll be dropping coverage. They aren't the first, they won't be the last... and millions of people will be forced into the socialist single-payer pool.
       Conservative icon Gary Bauer summed up what is going on: "This growing trend highlights another of the perverse incentives in ObamaCare: it encourages companies to end health care coverage entirely and dump entire families into ObamaCare's exchange programs. This shouldn't surprise anyone."
       "Barack Obama has spoken openly about his support for a socialist single-payer system, adding, 'But I don't think we're going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately. There's going to be potentially some transition process.'"
       "ObamaCare is that 'transition process' of 'eliminating employer coverage,' one giant step in the 'fundamental transformation' of America into a European-style, socialist welfare state."
       But our fight to maintain the American way of live is winnable. Senator Ted Cruz recently said: "Republicans have the votes to make defunding possible," and he's right. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If Republicans didn't have the votes, Boehner wouldn't be throwing down the gauntlet.
       Boehner has made his move and now we must make ours. Win, lose or draw, we must make it clear to our elected officials that they must now make a choice. They can either side with John Boehner and Barack Obama, and fund ObamaCare, or they can side with the American people and defund it.

Floyd Brown

Evidence: Syria gas attack work of U.S. allies
Contrary evidence arises as U.S. considers punishing Assad regime        
 NEW YORK – As the U.S. considers a response to what it calls a chemical weapon attack by Syria’s Bashar al-Assad regime that killed hundreds of civilians, reliable Middle Eastern sources say they have evidence the culprits actually were the rebel forces trying to take over the government. Secretary of State John Kerry accused the Assad government Monday of covering up the use of chemical weapons in “a cowardly crime” and a “moral obscenity” that shocked the world’s conscience. Kerry claimed the Obama administration had “undeniable” evidence “that the Assad government was culpable in the use of chemical weapons on civilians” in the Aug. 21 attack in Damascus suburbs. Reports that the Obama administration is considering a military strike against the Assad government continued to circulate Monday. Meanwhile, U.N. weapon inspectors in Syria were fired upon by snipers as they attempted to investigate the site of the Aug. 21 attack. Assad has rejected charges that his government forces used chemical weapons as “preposterous” and “completely politicized,” the Los Angeles Times reported. He argues Syrian forces were in the targeted area. “How is it possible that any country would use chemical weapons, or any weapons of mass destruction, in an area where its own forces are located?” Assad asked in the interview with Izvestia, according to a translation provided by Syria’s official news agency and published by the Los Angeles Times. “This is preposterous! These accusations are completely politicized and come on the back of the advances made by the Syrian Army against the terrorists.” Rebel attack? With the assistance of former PLO member and native Arabic-speaker Walid Shoebat, WND has assembled evidence from various Middle Eastern sources that cast doubt on Obama administration claims the Assad government is responsible for last week’s attack.A video posted on YouTube, embedded below, shows Free Syrian Army, or FSA, rebel forces launching a Sarin gas attack on a Syrian village. Another video posted on YouTube shows what appears to be Syrian rebel forces loading a canister of nerve gas on a rocket to fire presumably at civilians and possibly government forces.As seen below, a screen capture from the video shows rebel civilian forces placing a suspicious blue canister on top of a rocket-launching device.A separate YouTube video from Syrian television shows a government-captured arsenal of what appears to be nerve gas weapons seized from a rebel stronghold in Jobar, Syria.The image below shows canisters in the seized rebel arsenal from Jobar that appear to resemble the canister launched by rebel forces in the first image above. Syrian TV news report of rebel weapons seized in Jobar, SyriaA close-up from the Syrian television news report, seen below, shows a chemical agent identified as having been made by a “Saudi factory.”Syrian TV news report showing chemical agents identified as manufactured in Saudi Arabia  
A report from the Russian Arabic-language channel RT Arabic shows captured rebel arsenals apparently with chemical agents manufactured in Saudi Arabia and gas masks, supporting Russian claims that the rebels are the culprits in the alleged chemical attack.           On Aug. 23, LiveLeak.com hosted an audio recording of a phone call broadcast on Syrian TV between a terrorist affiliated with the rebel civilian militia “Shuhada al-Bayada Battalion” in Homs, Syria, and his Saudi Arabian boss, identified as “Abulbasit.” The phone call indicates rebel-affiliated terrorists in Syria, not the Assad government, launched the chemical weapons attack in Deir Ballba in the Homs, Syria, countryside.The terrorist said his group, which comprises 200 terrorists escaped from al-Bayadah to al-Daar al-Kabera through a tunnel, needed to buy weapons to attack Homs.The Saudi financier, who was in Cairo, asked the Syrian terrorists to give details about his group and how it will receive the money. The Saudi admitted his support to terrorists in Daraa and the Damascus countryside. The Syrian terrorist told him that one of the achievements of his “battalion” was the use of chemical weapons in Deir Ballba.The recorded phone call disclosed the cooperation between two terrorist groups in Syria to bring two bottles of Sarin Gas from the Barzeh neighborhood in Damascus.Russian media sources have consistently reported Syrian military have discovered rebel warehouses containing chemical weapons agents and have documented rebel chemical weapons attacks on the Syrian civilians the military.http://www.wnd.com/2013/08/video-shows-rebels-launching-gas-attack-in-syria/

Russia warns of 'catastrophic consequences' if Syria hit - La WWIII muy buscada por la Elite?          
Russia on Tuesday warned a military intervention in Syria could have "catastrophic consequences" for the region and called on the international community to show "prudence" over the crisis."Attempts to bypass the Security Council, once again to create artificial groundless excuses for a military intervention in the region are fraught with new suffering in Syria and catastrophic consequences for other countries of the Middle East and North Africa," foreign ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said."We are calling on our American partners and all members of the world community to demonstrate prudence (and) strict observance of international law, especially the fundamental principles of the UN Charter," he said in a statement.Earlier, Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said that Moscow regretted Monday's decision by the US to postpone a meeting on the Syria crisis, as Western powers mulled military action over last week's chemical attack in Syria.The scrapping of the meeting, which was due to take place at The Hague later in the week, is the latest sign of a new peak in tensions between Moscow and the West over the possibility of strikes against President Bashar al-Assad's regime."It arouses regret that our partners decided to cancel the bilateral meeting," Gatilov said on Twitter."Working out the parameters of a political solution in Syria would have been especially helpful right now, when military action is hanging over this country."In such a climate, it was especially important to work in concert to try to organise the repeatedly postponed peace conference bringing together the Damascus regime and the rebels, Lukashevich added."However, the United States' decision to postpone the meeting in The Hague is sending precisely the opposite signal to the opposition, encouraging their intransigence as they await outside intervention," he said.Lukashevich added convening the peace conference was the "most urgent task."Western countries led by the United States are considering their response to an alleged chemical weapons attack by Assad's regime on August 21.View gallery."Map of Syria locating suspected chemical attacks in Damascus, suspected stocks of chemical weapons a …Russia has said it believes rebels were behind the incident and has warned any military action without UN approval would violate international law.On Monday Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov condemned the "hysteria" over the claimed chemical attack and said the West had yet to come up with proof that Assad's regime was behind it.He also said Russia would not get involved in a military conflict in Syria.Russian President Vladimir Putin told British Prime Minister David Cameron in a telephone call on Monday there was no evidence yet that the Syrian regime had used chemical weapons against rebels, Cameron's office said.Pro-Kremlin Russian newspaper Izvestia published Monday an interview with Assad who ridiculed as "nonsense" the idea his regime used chemical weapons and warned the United States of failure if it attacked Syria.Russian officials are now comparing the possible use of force against Syria to the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq, which was vehemently opposed by Moscow as based on flawed intelligence that Saddam Hussein's regime possessed weapons of mass destruction."Deja-vu," Alexei Pushkov, the head of the lower house of Russian parliament's foreign affairs committee wrote on Twitter."It feels like in the White House it's still (George W.) Bush, (Dick) Cheney and (Donald) Rumsfeld and in Downing Street Tony Blair," he said, referring to the former US president, vice president, defence secretary and British premier during the Iraq war.The Interfax news agency quoted a diplomatic source who derided US Secretary of State John Kerry's most recent statement on Syria, saying it was "pompous".Kerry called the use of chemical weapons against civilians "a moral obscenity".A military diplomatic source also told the news agency the possible use of force would not lead to "an easy victory" because Syria had enough air defence systems to rebuff attacks.http://news.yahoo.com/russia-warns-catastrophic-consequences-syria-hit-100720291.htmlhttp://news.yahoo.com/russia-warns-catastrophic-consequences-syria-hit-100720291.html

FOX News First: Aug. 27 By Chris Stirewalt
·        Putin shoves back on Syria
·        Lew starts debt derby
·        Rubio in for Cuccinelli
·        New Fox poll: Republican workaholics
·        Record-setting birthday

As America edges closer to a retaliatory strike against Syrian government forces in the wake of a deadly chemical attack, Russia is digging in against international intervention. Russian PresidentVladimir Putin has been increasingly dismissive of President Obama’s policy demands -- offering asylum to NSA leaker Edward Snowden and brushing off Obama’s insistence that gay athletes be included in the 2014 Winter Olympics set for Sochi, Russia. Putin’s government agrees that chemical weapons were used in Syria, but not with the U.S. assessment that they were deployed by government forces rather than Islamist rebels. News that the Obama administration scrapped plans to meet with Russian diplomats on Syria options reaffirms the new chill in the already icy U.S.-Russia relationship.

Coalition of the unwilling - Obama has yet to reach out himself to House Speaker John Boehner to secure congressional support for U.S. intervention, but domestic politics are the least of his concern. With U.N. weapons inspectors bogged down, an expected Security Council vote will be further delayed. And with Russia expected to block any strike, will probably be a dead end. The call for a NATO-led attack like the one that helped Libyan Islamists topple their government is also dimming as British Prime Minister David Cameron, faces new pressure to win approval from Parliament before proceeding with any military plan. Cameron talked with Putin late Monday, and his office’s readout of the call showed Putin far from obliging.

“Our concern should be those chemical weapons, preventing them from falling into hands of Hezbollah, that should be guiding our action, not expressing moral outrage from university faculty lounges” -- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, on “Hannity”

Obama doctrine on the line - The Navy has four warships ready to strike Syria at a moment’s notice, but the political game looks far from over. Obama’s past promises of extensive dialogue and coalition-building before action create one obstacle, but so too do the other American-backed Islamists in the region. The collapse of Egypt’s government and the rising power of Muslim militias in Libya (as well as the deadly 2012 raid in Benghazi) have led to public frustrations with Obama’s Middle East doctrine. The concurrent collapse in Russian relations adds just one more complication to Obama’s Syria bind.

Editorial agreement on Syria strike- WaPo: “It remains in the United States’ interest now as two years ago to see more moderate forces prevail. This can’t be achieved with one or two volleys of cruise missiles.”// WSJ: “The worst response would be lobbing in a few cruise missiles from a standoff distance.”//NYT: “Presidents should not make a habit of drawing red lines in public, but if they do, they had best follow through.”

Baier Tracks: Understanding Syria… “As the president makes his decision about a strike in response to the use of chemical weapons in Syria, experts are hoping that whatever it is has strategic importance on the ground and can help turn the tide in that country’s civil war. If you missed “Special Report” last night, watch military analyst Elizabeth O'Bagy explain the composition rebel opposition here. We will have another expert tutorial tonight.” – Bret Baier.[Watch “Special Report with Bret Baier,” 6 p.m. ET.]

UN Aid linked to Assad - Fox News Exclusive: While United Nations inspectors are struggling to reach areas of Syria where the Assad regime allegedly has used chemical weapons, U.N. humanitarian officials are renewing calls for aid to be donated to their domestic Syrian operations, which are run under the close control of the same brutal regime.

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew told lawmakers that the federal government is set to exceed its debt limit in mid-October. In a letter, Lew urged Congress to act quickly when it returns to find a way to allow more borrowing. This starts the clock on what are expected to be bitter negotiations between the Republican House and President Obama on debt and spending. By setting the deadline after the start of the federal fiscal year on Oct. 1, however, Lew has increased the chances for a full-year deal on debt, taxes and spending rather than the short-term patches that have characterized the past two years.

[Watch FOX: Fox Business Correspondent Rich Edson looks at the upcoming budget fight and what will happens when the debt limit is reached.]

Washington Examiner: “The State Department’s decision on the proposed Keystone XL … pipeline is in danger of being bumped to next year, as the agency’s internal watchdog says it needs more time to finish an ongoing investigation of the project.”

Republican Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas, Rand Paul of Kentucky, plus Mike Lee of Utah,  plan to hold an “Exempt America from ObamaCare” event Sept. 10. The event is being organized by Tea Party Patriots, ForAmerica, and other conservative groups. The Senators have been at the forefront of a campaign to defund the healthcare bill.
“We can't treat ourselves as a separate governing class. We're supposed to be serving the American people.  So I'm going to file legislation when we get back to basically stop that.” - Rep.Ron DeSantis, R-Fla. “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren” discussing the congressional ObamaCare exemption.

ObamaCare death spiral? - According to a new study from the conservative National Center for Public Policy Research, nearly 3 million Americans will save $1,000 by forgoing ObamaCare’s exchanges, another 3 million will save close to $500. The study finds such a trend could put the federal program in “a death spiral.”

[Watch FOX : Mark Carter, father Of Medal Of Honor recipient Staff Sgt. Ty Carter shares about his son’s remarkable heroism in the 9 a.m. ET hour]

Chief Congressional Correspondent Mike Emanuel reports Rep. Jason Chaffetz R-Utah, wrote Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano concerning potential abuses of the department’s asylum program. In the letter, Chaffetz questions the 400 percent increase in asylum requests from Latin American countries and whether or not they are being coached to falsely seek sanctuary in the U.S..

The WSJ editorial board offers harsh criticism of Attorney General Eric Holder for seeking to block a Louisiana plan that would offer school vouchers to minority students on the grounds that it will decrease diversity in underperforming schools: “A black Attorney General ought to be applauding this attempt to fulfill MLK's dream of equal educational opportunity.”

The Daily Caller reports President Obama’s plan to fund universal pre-k education through increased cigarette taxes may not be economically feasible in the long-term, experts estimate, due to decreasing smoking rates.

Fox News-  The “Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act,” sponsored by William Pascrell, D-N.J., and Danny Davis, D-Ill., would nearly double the current 11 percent tax on handguns, while raising the levy on bullets and cartridges from 11 percent to 50 percent.

WaPo: At a luncheon to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream Speech,” GOP leaders discussed the struggles currently facing the black community.Bob Woodson, the head of the Center for Neighborhood Enterprises charged that black Americans have taken a back seat to gays and immigrants.

Ahead of the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, Juan Williams compares modern day hip-hop culture to the popular culture of 50 years ago when Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech. From Williams’ WSJ OpEd: “..words celebrating tattooed thugs and sexually indiscriminate women as icons of ‘keeping it real’—is a sad reminder of how long it has been since the world heard the sweet music of the March on Washington.”

Got a TIP from the RIGHT or LEFT? Email FoxNewsFirst@FOXNEWS.COM

Real Clear Politics Averages
Obama Job Approval: Approve – 44.0 percent//Disapprove – 50.7 percent
Direction of Country: Right Direction – 29.6 percent//Wrong Track – 62 percent

Biden, Cruz to address American Legion - Vice President Joe Biden will address the 95th American Legion Convention today in Houston, Texas. Senators Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and Bernie Sanders, I-Vt. will address the gathering on Wednesday.

GOP hopefuls to converge for N.Y. fundraiser - Politico: “Six of the Republican Party’s stars and potential 2016 nominees — including New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Sens. Marco Rubioand Rand Paul and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker — will jointly headline a fundraiser for the Republican National Committee in New York next month.”

Rubio to stump for Cuccinelli - Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., will stump next month for Virginian Republican gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli. A campaign spokeswoman told the WaPothat details are still being worked out. Polls show Cuccinelli slightly behind in the November election.

Realtors back McAuliffe - After supporting Republicans in the previous two contests, the Virginia Association of Realtors has endorsed Democrat Terry McAuliffe for governor.

Liz Cheney untangles fishing snag - Wyoming Senate hopeful Liz Cheney, daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney and a former State Department official, will appear in court in the Cowboy State today over making a false statement to procure a fishing license. She claimed in-state residency before she was eligible. Officials concluded it was an honest mistake, but the charges have proven fodder for Republicans skeptical of the lifelong Virginian’s sudden adoption of her parents’ native state ahead of announcing her primary challenge of Republican Sen. Mike Enzi.

[Trending today: House Committee on Energy and Commerce Chairman, Fred Upton R-Mich., outlines the Republican vision and proposals for Health Care Reform on Fox News Opinion.]

A Fox News poll out this morning shows Americans divided on how to deal with work email while on vacation. But one thing is for sure: Getaways aren’t what they used to be. From Fox polling maven Dana Blanton: “Some 18 percent say they check in ‘a few times a week.’ The number touching base with the office at least daily during their vacation is up 10 percentage points from 14 percent in 2005. Republicans (16 percent) are nearly twice as likely as Democrats (9 percent) to check in with their office ‘several times a day.’” See the full poll here.

The U.S government’s Office of Surface Mining has announced that it lost 18,000 documents sought by coal miners as part of a suit to block new federal restrictions on mining. Environment and Energy has the story (subscription only).

“The Guinness book of World Records” was first published on this date in 1955 by twin editorsNorris and Ross McWhirter. It is now the world’s fourth best-selling book. Guinness Brewery Managing Director Sir Hugh Beaver came up with the idea as a promotional tool, one that has settled and spurred an untold number of bar bets since. The Telegraph features some of the more unique editions in 2013, including the world’s youngest drummer and the world’s oldest gymnast.

“Is the biggest issue in African-American life today the voter I.D. law?  Is that going to alter the course of society, black America, the inner cities, the terrible standard in the schools, the breakdown of the family, and all of that?  It's nostalgia of a movement that's intellectually bankrupt.” - Charles Krauthammer, on “Special Report with Bret Baier”

Chris Stirewalt is digital politics editor for Fox News. Want FOX News First in your inbox every day? Sign up here. To catch Chris live online daily at 11:30 a.m. ET, click here.

REDSTATE Morning Briefing For August 27, 2013
1.  The Meatloaf Caucus # Defund It
Congressman Rob Woodall (R-GA HAFA Score 78) was a great sport this past Friday. He joined me for my radio show in Atlanta, which is on WSB, the nation’s most listened to talk radio station.
During the course of our conversation, Congressman Woodall said the fight against Obamacare is “the biggest issue of our generation.” He also said of the Republicans in Congress “there is nothing we won’t do in order to see this President’s health care bill repealed.”
Got that? It is “the biggest issue of our generation” and “there is nothing we won’t do in order to see this President’s health care bill repealed.” Got it?
But he and the Republican leadership won’t support defunding it with a continuing resolution.
They are the Meatloaf Caucus. It’s like the old Meatloaf lyrics that he will do anything for love, but he won’t do that.
The Meatloaf Caucus will do anything to defeat Obamacare, but they won’t defund it.
Interestingly enough, if you listen . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
2.  Coerced Sterilization In California Prisons
In 1924, a young Virginia woman named Carrie Buck was involuntarily committed by her foster parents to the ominously named Virginia State Colony for Epileptics and Feebleminded in Lynchburg, VA. While there is was decided based on her declared status as incorrigible, feebleminded, and promiscuous that after she gave birth to the child she was carrying (oddly enough, the pregnancy that resulted in her being termed promiscuous was the product of her rape by a relative of her foster parents ) that she would be involuntarily sterilized.
Her guardian sued to prevent the action and eventually the case wound up in the United States Supreme court. By an 8-1 vote, the sole dissenter was the Court’s lone Catholic, Joseph Pierce Butler, the court ruled that Buck could be sterilized. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
3.  Twerking towards Gomorrah
Viewers of the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday night were treated to a bizarre dance routine from former Disney child actress Miley Cyrus, which CBS News describes as “one performance that won’t be forgotten very quickly….
If you’re unfamiliar with the term, “twerking” is a dance move that dispenses with all the other subtleties of dance to deliver pelvic thrusts and butt wiggles.  If a cell phone set to “vibrate” magically became human and started dancing, it would twerk.  CBS left out the part where young Miley grabbed a foam finger from a member of the audience and began rubbing it against her crotch.  She wound up simulating a bit of anal penetration with Ms. Loring’s son, who was singing with her on stage.  And the “bears” in the act were dancers dressed like children’s teddy bears, adding a lovely touch of pedophilia chic to the proceedings. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

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“En mi opinión” Lázaro R González Miño Editor ‘IN GOD WE TRUST’

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