Thursday, September 19, 2013

No 485 "En mi opinio" Sept, 19, 2013

No 485  “En mi opinión” Septiembre 19, 2013.
Editor  Lázaro R González Miño  “IN GOD WE TRUST”
Cualquier persona esta autorizada para enviar o reproducir las informaciones  publicadas "En mi opinion". Gracias



GOP Rep's Epic 1-Minute Beatdown Of Barack Obama On House Floor

Judge Jeanine: Mr. President, you've been played

BREAKING NEWS : Weekly Jobless Claims Rise to 309,000? ( cleanup8:38 AMNewslettersTo: lazarorgonzalez@hotmail.comThe Labor Department reports the number of Americans filing for first-time unemployment benefits rose last week to 309,000 from an upwardly revised 294,000 the week prior. Economists expected the number to rise to 330,000 from an initially reported 292,000. The Labor Department said readings for the last two weeks have been impacted by computer upgrade issues.

La Economía SOCIALISTA de REPARTIR  Bienes A Los Más Necesitados Sigue Creciendo En USA
Esa Economía Socialista está perfectamente y SIMPLEMENTE explicada desde Las Épocas Bíblicas... y Todos Conocemos Esa Sentencia: “Siete Vacas Flacas Se Comieron Siete Vacas Gordas.”
Desde ese primer comunismo FARAÓNICO en Egipto que describe la Biblia...
Todas las sociedades SOCIALISTAS HAN FRACASADO... la segunda sociedad
Socialista que se describe fracasada por el socialismo fue el IMPERIO ROMANO...
Que claramente todos sabemos que SE AUTO DESTRUYÓ... bajo el lema de
“Pan y Circo Para El Pueblo”  Si se repartía PAN GRATIS en Roma...
Por Ultimo; La aclamada “REVOLUCIÓN FRANCESA” fue producto de que el
REY LUIS XVI  permitió la IMPRESIÓN DE DINERO creando una inflación que
Lo Cual todos sabemos... NADIE SE ATREVE A DISCUTIR ESO... conduce a unColapso
Económico... A La Revolución Y A La Dictadura.
Anunciaron Los Republicanos Van A Votar A SUSPENDER Los Fondos Al “Obama Care” PERO... Simultáneamente Anunciaron... “Lo Hacemos Para Contentar A Nuestros Electores”Después  Que Sea Rechazado Por El Senado...Entonces Aprobaremos...El Aumento De La Deuda... Para Que Le Lleguen Los Fondos... ... nuestros representantes Ileana Ros y Mario Díaz Balard... Son parte de este engaño CANALLESCO...  Estos Dos ya previamente han votado DOS VECES... Con Propuestas Que Deseaba Obama... La noticia traducida del New York Time: Líderes de la Cámara esperan que la votación sobre la medida QUITÁNDOLE EL DINERO
AL OBAMACARE APLACARA a los conservadores y una vez que el Senado controlado por los demócratas RECHACE LA MEDIDA. La cámara entonces APROBARA junto con los demócratas de la minoría UNA MEDIDA PROVISIONAL DE GASTOS  además habiendo CUMPLIDO con sus votantes conservadores VAN A CAMBIAR EL ARGUMENTO para el
la DEUDA NACIONAL, que tiene que ser aprobado para mediados de octubre para evitar una paralización de pagos del gobierno que sería económicamente debilitante...
He aquí la noticia en ingles
He aquí la última noticia de la Pobreza en USA…
23,116,928 to 20,618,000: Households on Food Stamps Now Outnumber All Households in Northeast U.S.
September 18th, 2013 Terence P. Jeffrey
A record 23,116,928 American households were enrolled in the federal government’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)—AKA food stamps—during the month of June, according to data released this month by the Department of Agriculture.
That outnumbers the 20,618,000 households that the Census Bureau estimated were in the entire Northeastern United States as of the second quarter of 2013.
According to the Census Bureau, the Northeast region includes Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. Thus, in June, the households receiving food stamps exceeded the total combined households in all of these states.
The 23,116,928 million households on food stamps in June also outnumbered the 15,030,000 home-owning households in the entire Western United States in the second quarter of the year and the 18,018,000 home-owning households in the entire Midwest.
The West, as delineated by the Census Bureau, includes Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Alaska and Hawaii. So, the number of households taking food stamps in June outnumbered all of the home-owning households in all of these stated combined.
The Midwest includes North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. So, the number of households on food stamps in June also outnumbered all the home-owning households in this set of states.
(According to the Census Bureau, in the second quarter of 2013, there were 20,618,000 households in the Northeast United States, including 13,021 households that owned their residence and 7,597 that rented. In the Midwest, there were 25,944,000 households, including 18,108 that owned and 7,926,000 that rented. In the West, there 25,322,000 households, including 15,030,000 that owned and 10,293 that rented. And, in the South, there 42,794,000 households, including 28,475,000 that owned and 14,318,000 that rented.)
The record 23,116,928 households on food stamps in June also equaled 20.16 percent—or more than one-fifth–of all 114,663,000 households nationwide in the United States as of June, according to the Census Bureau.
The 23,116,928 household on food stamps in June was an increase of 45,908 from the 23,071,020 household on food stamps in May.
In fiscal 2009, the year President Barack Obama was inaugurated, there was a monthly average of 15,161,469 American households on food stamps, according to the Department of Agriculture. The 23,116,928 households on food stamps in June exceeded that 2009 monthly average by 7,955,459 households—or 52 percent.
Thus, in America in June, there were 52 percent more households on Food Stamps than there were in the average month of the first year President Obama took office.
BREAKING NEWS : Weekly Jobless Claims Rise to 309,000?
FoxBusines? ( cleanup8:38 AM NewslettersTo: The Labor Department reports the number of Americans filing for first-time unemployment benefits rose last week to 309,000 from an upwardly revised 294,000 the week prior. Economists expected the number to rise to 330,000 from an initially reported 292,000. The Labor Department said readings for the last two weeks have been impacted by computer upgrade issues.

ALBERTO PEREZ, "amenper": Ahí está el Detalle
En una situación como se encuentran los Estados Unidos, es curioso ver cómo se desarrollan los acontecimientos.
Nos encontramos todavía en una economía de libre mercado y una democracia representativa.
Por otro lado, la administración actual tiene una tendencia socialista, todos sus oficiales simpatizan con el liberalismo que es enemigo acérrimo del libre mercado.
Ahora este socialismo del siglo XXI hace alianzas temporales con empresas que se ajustan a su agenda, impulsándolos con estímulos económicos con el dinero de los contribuyentes, y creando un capitalismo aliado del  estado, y el propio estado también se convierte en capitalista.
Es lo que llaman "Crony Capitalism".
Pero la empresa independiente todavía operando bajo la libertad de mercado, responde de una manera defensiva, inteligente, inventiva e ingeniosa ante las situaciones creadas por las medidas socialistas, haciendo difícil al gobierno implementar su agenda.
En los países declarados abiertamente socialistas, esto se resuelve eliminando al que se oponga a las medidas del gobierno aunque sea indirectamente.  Pero en esta transición la presente administración está teniendo problemas para implementar su agenda por la división de poderes y la ingeniosidad de los empresarios.
En las noticias de hoy vemos que Walgreens ha eliminado a 120,000 empleados de su seguro de salud, dándole una suma  equivalente para que ellos se compren el llamado "Seguro asequible de Salud" más conocido como Obamacare.
O sea, se la pusieron en el terreno del  gobierno.  Ahora los empleados tendrán dos opciones, o compran el  seguro que se adapta al Obamacare, con beneficios inferiores a los que antes tenían, o tendrán que buscar algún seguro existente que dada las condiciones actuales, será extremadamente caro.  
Se dijo desde el principio, el Obamacare sólo perjudicará a los más necesitados, y hay muchos necesitados en todos los estratos de la clase media.
Los pobres también se verán afectados porque el Medicaid no será tan amplio como antes, al caer bajo el Obamacare, pero al menos no tienen que pagar nada.
La clase media, por la nueva ley, tiene obligatoriamente  que comprar un seguro, y como decía Cantinflas  "ahí está el detalle, manito"
Obama siempre se nos presenta dando tropezones lo largo de la esperanza a soluciones de problemas complejos-
Ahora tenemos que Vladimir Putin Presidente de Rusa, lo agarra antes de que caiga por el tropezón de Siria al desempeña el papel de mediador en el drama sirio, con un programa que no es inmediatamente comprendido por el espectador casual.
El caso de las armas químicas se detalló el lunes en un demoledor informe de la ONU sobre el 21 de agosto  describiendo un horrendo ataque con gas sarín en tres suburbios de Damasco. El Secretario General Ban Ki-moon llamó "el peor uso de armas de destrucción masiva en el siglo XXI".
Pero en Moscú ayer, Lavrov todavía insistió que "habían motivos" para creer que los rebeldes anti-Assad fueron los responsables.
Para el observador imparcial es razonable pensar que ambas partes tengan armas químicas, es más común fabricar armas químicas en el medio oriente que aspirina en el occidente.
El acuerdo de Lavrov con el Secretario de estado John Kerry confía en las Naciones Unidas, Rusia y Siria para desmantelar el enorme alijo de armas químicas que Rusia había ayudado a Siria a acumular durante décadas.
Pero si Lavrov dice que fueron los rebeldes anti-Assad los responsables del ataque, ¿cómo vamos a erradicar las armas químicas de Siria si el desmantelamiento es sólo por parte del Gobierno?
Pero, como dijo Kerry, este anteproyecto todavía necesita ser redactados como una resolución del Consejo de seguridad antes de que se convierta en una realidad.
Con Lavrov en el timón, buena suerte para una resolución rápida.
La bebida favorita de Lavrov es Johnnie Walker Black. Es muy chévere para tomar bebidas como el Vodka ruso, lo que lo hace más confiable a Occidente. Sus hábitos de consumo de bebida están más cerca de la sensibilidad de los liberales sofisticados como Kerry, por eso se llevan tan bien.
¿Funcionará el actual proceso de destrucción química con una  supervisión de Rusia?
Una cosa es segura: cuanto más tiempo los diplomáticos regatean los detalles, más corre el riesgo de que no funcione.
Informes en varios diarios del Golfo esta semana dicen que Assad ya ha comenzado a mover sus armas  químicas a escondites en Siria y los países vecinos.
Oops: Todo el tiempo, uno de los mayores temores sobre los productos químicos de Assad era que cayeran manos de grupos terroristas como Hezbolá.
Así que la "solución" puede llevar al más temible de los escenarios.
 Cuando se repartan las armas químicas a los países vecinos hasta los muchachos tirapiedras de palestina van a tener armas químicas.
Por el momento los diplomáticos están tratando de  enderezar todos sus puntos y documentación.... los pro y los contras, lo políticamente correcto o incorrecto, y una vez que los inspectores de la ONU (todavía a ser nombrados) finalmente hacen su viaje a Siria (donde que necesitarán protección armada de todas las partes en conflicto), pueden encontrar que Assad tiene muy pocas o ninguna arma química. Que todo  fue una mala interpretación después de todo.  Fueron los rebeldes los que usaron las armas químicas, así que necesitamos otros país, quizás Cuba o Corea del Norte, para que nos sirva de mediador para que los rebeldes destruyan su arsenal de armas químicas.
 Y decían que la política en la Cuba antes de Castro era un relajo
Esta administración ha dejado pequeña a cualquier república bananera.
Obama nunca hizo un argumento convincente para la participación estadounidense en Siria.
 No es de extrañar las encuestas muestran el público no quiere nada que ver con eso.
Ahora intenta involucrarse en un esfuerzo militar más familiar
Él ya ha comenzado el bombardeo, pero no contra Siria, sino contra sus enemigos favoritos, los republicanos en el Congreso.
Obama estará tocando la política de Washington, que prefiere a todos este aventurerismo extranjero.
 Pero, Oye, el tipo nunca defrauda.
 Sus tropezones son predecibles, aunque siempre encuentra alguien que lo aguante.

RICARDO SAMITIER : Quedan al DESCUBIERTO LA PARTICIPACIÓN DE LOS TALIBANES EN SIRIA que LO NIEGAN los congresistas que apoyan a Obama. La Muerte De Un Talibán En Siria Deja Al Descubierto La Participación De Los Radicales De Al-Qaida... Contra Assad... También Esta Muerte Sirve Para Demostrar Lo Mal Informado Que Esta Obama, Mc Caín Y Otros Congresistas Socialista Que Favorecen Abastecerlos Y “JURAN QUE SON DEMÓCRATAS”
La Noticia:
El Movimiento Islámico de Siria publicó un video el lunes en YouTube. Que muestra
el cuerpo de un combatiente caído en sus 30 o 40 años y un líder rebelde , el jeque
Abu Ahmad al Muhajir , elogiando al hombre como Mohammed al Alami , un veterano
de África del noroeste de la yihad en Afganistán ", que pasó por dificultades en aras
de la Dios en la cárcel de los estadounidenses en Guantánamo hasta hace cinco años " .
Cuando Un País Pierde La Credibilidad La Única Forma De Volverla A Tener... Es Cumpliendo Sus Leyes y Constitución Obama Y Su Gobierno La Perdieron... Son Demasiadas Mentiras Una Tras La Otra... También Los Republicanos Politiqueros Que o Son Socialistas Secretos o Están TRAMITADOS ...
Aquí tienen un video donde se explican la CANTIDAD de veces En que los gobiernos han MENTIDO a los pueblos para llevarlos A una guerra que el pueblo NO DESEABA...
Jpmorgan Chase Has Agreed To Pay About $800 Million
Otra Multica Mas... Que La Paga El Pueblo
Esta Vez De $800 Millones De Dólares... El Gobierno De Obama... Auspicia El Robo
Al No Condenar A La Cárcel A Los Banqueros Los Banqueros Se Mueren De La Risa.... Van A Pagar La Multa Con El Dinero Que Mensualmente Le Presta LA RESERVA FEDERAL... Reciben $85,000,000.00 Mensualmente Con Un Interés Por Debajo
Del Costo De La Inflación... Es Decir El Dinero Recibido A Préstamo Le Sale GRATIS,
Lo Único Que Puede Evitar El Fraude De Los Banqueros Es Saber Que Van A Ir A La CÁRCEL Igual Que El Pobre Que Roba En Un Mercado Para Comer...
La noticia completa...
Para Entender La Política De Estados Unidos Hay Que Ir A 1948... Cuando Stalin Se Negó A Participar En El “Gobierno Mundial”
Acordado En Yalta Con Roosevelt... Desde el principio los comunistas han tenido PUGNAS MORTALES... testimonios de esas pugnas Están los libros y escritos del mismo Marx... es más, creo que Paul Lafargue... (El único comunista
Simpático, nació en Cuba, casado con la LAURA hija de Marx) quien fue condenado por Marx antes De morir, por los cambios que proponía... y los califico de  “DESVIACIONISMO” fueron asesinados Haciendo aparecer el crimen como un “Pacto Suicida.”
El asesinato de Trotsky... y las “Purgas del Partido” llevadas a cabo por Stalin bien claro dicen que el Partido Comunista NO ES MONOLÍTICO.
En Estados Unidos la mayoría de los comunistas era y son FABIANOS es decir partidarios de ir estableciendo las CONDICIONES PROGRESIVAMENTE hasta el momento en que sin darnos cuenta... estamos en un sistema Comunista...
Cuando Stalin se negó a participar en 1948 en crear un Gobierno Mundial en la ONU... los comunistas Americanos entraron en una LUCHA CONTRA LOS  STALINISTAS a la que se le llamo “GUERRA FRÍA” y para VENCER no les quedaba más remedió que permitir que siguiera funcionando el“CAPITALISMO” de esa Forma todos los ciudadanos creíamos que La Lucha Entre La URSS Y USA eraLa Lucha Del COMUNISMO Contra El CAPITALISMO cuando la realidad eran COMUNISTAS Que Peleaban Entre Si... Venció el comunismo FABIANO infiltrado en el gobierno de USA... y en 1989 se desintegró la URSS...
A partir de ese momento... con la URSS destruida... los FABIANOS COMENZARON a establecer gobiernos comunistas  o PRO COMUNISTAS... que están de acuerdo en CREAR UN GOBIERNO MUNDIAL... Donde más claro se puede observa la acción de los FABIANOS DE USA... es el LATINO AMÉRICA... Todos los
Generales que combatieron a los comunistas durante la Guerra Fría... estánPRESOS Y DESPRESTIGIADOS... Han logrado que las FUERZAS ARMADAS... NI SIGUIERA PIENSE EN SALVAR AL PAÍS... y para RATIFICAR esa Política... han reconocido los gobiernos formados y presididos por losREVOLUCIONARIOS COMUNISTAS DE ENTONCES... o elementos de IZQUIERDA... que Están GOBERNANDO En La Mayoría De Los Países...  Lo mismo sucede en el resto del mundo... pues la PRIMAVERA ÁRABE...(Que la han dejado de mencionar en
La prensa del mundo occidental después de Benhgasy) según sus planes era para establecer la democracia... en Manos de los REVOLUCIONARIOS  MUSULMANES en la misma forma que hicieron en Latino América y esa es la
Razón que metieron en Egipto a Mubarak en la cárcel... Los planes de los COMUNISTAS FABIANOS DE USA... solamente han tenido2 ½ FRACASOS en todos estos años... El PRIMERO fue en HONDURAS... en que el gobierno de ZELAYA fue sacado “CONSTITUCIONALMENTE” del poder por el ejército... y a pesar de ser un golpe constitucional CONDENARON AL PAÍS... y exigieron elRETORNO DE ZELAYA... y persiguieron hasta la hija de quien ocupó la presidencia... CANCELÁNDOLE LA VISA DE ESTUDIANTE y DEPORTÁNDOLA... que canallada de Obama y la Sra. Clinton
El SEGUNDO fue en EGIPTO... donde fomentaron una INSURRECCIÓN y depusieron a MUBARAK... pero después de un año de un gobierno que NO RESPETABA LA CONSTITUCIÓN el ejercito (como el de Honduras) sacó y tiene en la cárcel al ESCOGIDO POR LOS FABIANOS DE WASHINGTON...lo que tiene desesperados a los FABIANOS... que por todos los medios están tratando de devolver al poder a la HERMANDAD MUSULMANA... Lo que LLAMO ½ FRACASO... fue anterior... a los dos antes mencionados fue la ELECCIÓN de URIBE en Colombia... quien casi extermino la guerrilla que han asolado a Colombia por 50 años...  Ahora llevaron al Poder a Santos que posiblemente es un COMUNISTA INFILTRADO... y está dando para atrás... Si todos los ejemplos anteriores QUE ESTÁN BIEN CLAROS... no les convence... CONTÉSTENME...
¿Por qué A Cuba Le Hicieron Un Embargo?
Esta es la respuesta  más FÁCIL... el plan de los comunistas Fabianos Americanos era “QUEBRAR LA URSS” no deseaban ir a UNA GUERRA ATÓMICA... Pasarle a la URSS LA Isla de CUBA... para que la tuviera que mantener Como una “VITRINA” para que el resto del mundo viera lo “BUENO QUE ES EL COMUNISMO era una ayuda a los
¿Quién Mantuvo a Chávez En El Poder 14 años?
Cuando Chávez llegó al Poder No EXISTÍA LA URSS... Bush II pudo haber sacado a Chávez sin DISPARAR UN TIRO... solamente hablando con Saudí Arabia para que aumentara un 7% la producción de petróleo... y cuando ese aumento se hubiera conseguido... (más o menos 2 meses...) le hubiera dicho a Chávez... “Señor No Nos Interesa Cómprale Mas Petróleo a Venezuela”  Hace 14 años atrás... Y TAMPOCO AHORA... EXISTEN LOS MEDIOS de transporte MARÍTIMO para que Venezuela pudiera vender su petróleo a ningún otro país... y por lo tanto... Chávez... no hubiera podido realizar la campaña mundial que realizó...
¿Por qué No le hicieron a Chávez Un EMBARGO COMO A CUBA?
Esta es otra RESPUESTA FÁCIL... Ya no existe la URSS... y no tienen interés en quebrar a China... Además La URSS “VENDÍA SU SISTEMA COMO SUPERIOR los Chinos No venden su sistema... Ellos son simplemente chinos que comercian y LES IMPORTA POCO CON QUIEN... TIENEN BASTANTES PROBLEMAS con sus 800 millones de pobres... PUES SOLO 250 millones VIVEN MAS O MENOS BIEN... Por lo tanto no mantendrían a VENEZUELA...
¿Por Qué Entonces Siguieron Comprándole A Chávez?
Para mantenerlo en el poder... y que realizará toda la campaña queDIRECTAMENTE NO PUEDEN HACER LOS COMUNISTAS FABIANOS INFILTRADOS EN EL GOBIERNO DE ESTADOS UNIDOS... financiando A Cuba, las elecciones de GUERRILLEROS, ETC... QUE le conviene a los FABIANOS para establecer su GOBIERNO MUNDIAL...
Todo Los Anterior Demuestra Es USA La Que Está Permitiendo Que El Mundo Caiga En manos De Los Revolucionarios.
Los Agentes del FBI No Son NI Se Hacen Los Estúpidos... Para Mantener A Castro Y Los Comunistas En El Poder... Para leer como y donde se encuentra el AGENTE COMUNISTA ABASCAL El CUBANO que fue el TESTIGO ESTRELLA del FBI para sacar de circulación a Posada Carriles y a Santiago Álvarez... El agente al cual le pagaron $80,000.00... lo hicieron ciudadano americano Y los DESHABILITARON PARA QUE TUVIERA UNA PENSIÓN de por vida... Ahora cobra si pensión y vive en Cuba... y se está construyendo una casa con Piscina...
¿Puede alguien dudar que Castro es el Dictador de Cuba... puesto y mantenido
Por los socialistas fabianos infiltrados en el gobierno americano?
Lea esto en el HERALD...
Todos Los Gobiernos Occidentales Están Haciendo Lo Mismo... Han protegido de la QUIEBRA a los banqueros, y desde luego han enviado la factura a la gente... que tienen que pagar mas por todos los servicios y productos...
Bernanke se retira en enero.... el Miércoles, va a comenzar Una "REDUCCIÓN" de la IMPRESIÓN DE DÓLARES...   En lugar de comprar 85 mil millones de $ DÓLARES en PAPEL BASURA de los bancos, va a comprar SÓLO 50 MIL MILLONES.
Lo que iniciará una NUEVA RECESIÓN...
ENTONCES... el NUEVO Presidente, que tomará posesión en enero... para resolver el PROBLEMA... comenzará a comprar $ 150 MIL MILLONES POR MES! Con el fin y la excusa de " ESTIMULAR " la economía.
Esto es un ardid para darle a Bernanke el poder escribir un Libro desde su RETIRO... con millones de dólares ganados y un JUGOSO RETIRO... EXACTAMENTE IGUAL que lo hizo NECKLER... Después que arruino a FRANCIA... Y A GUILLOTINARON AL REY
Bernanke escribiera: "Comencé a disminuir la IMPRESIÓN De Dólares.... antes de partir, pero el próximo presidente... DOBLO la impresión... NO SIGUIERON MI CONSEJO "
Los Hechos Son Simples ! El VERDADERO Trabajo de los POLITIQUEROS, es entrégale dinero a sus amigos!
When it Comes to Obamacare Congress Throws Around Words like Prostitution, Bribery, Blackmail, Thuggery and Hypocrisy By GJWHG / 17 September 2013 / 7 Comments Prostitution. Bribery. Blackmail. Thuggery. Hypocrisy. FOLLOW GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE GUNS ON FACEBOOK! Those were just some of the incendiary words thrown around the U.S. Senate last week, and that doesn’t count what people said in private. The Senate may still have a reputation as a genteel club, but lawmakers seemed to abandon rules of decorum completely last week in arguments about whether Congress should be treated like the rest of the country when it comes to Obamacare. New Policy in Florida We discovered the 1 car insurance trick your agent will NEVER tell you Worst Republican? Cast Your Vote Today! Time is running out to vote for the Worst Republican. The End of Obama? Looming scandal could ruin the 44th President and disrupt our country. New Policy in Florida We discovered the 1 car insurance trick your agent will NEVER tell you Worst Republican? Cast Your Vote Today! Time is running out to vote for the Worst Republican. The End of Obama? Looming scandal could ruin the 44th President and disrupt our country. Senator David Vitter, a Louisiana Republican, has demanded a floor vote on his bill to end an exemption that members of Congress and their staffs are slated to get that will make them the only participants in the new Obamacare exchanges to receive generous subsidies from their employer to pay for their health insurance. Angry Senate Democrats have drafted legislation that dredges up a 2007 prostitution scandal involving Vitter. The confrontation is a perfect illustration of just how wide the gulf in attitudes is between the Beltway and the rest of the country — and how viciously Capitol Hill denizens will fight for their privileges. In 1995, the newly elected Republican Congress passed a Congressional Accountability Act to fulfill a promise made the previous year in the Contract with America. For the first time, the Act applied to Congress the same civil-rights employment and labor laws that lawmakers had required everyday citizens to abide by. With some lapses, it’s worked well to defuse public outrage about “one law for thee, one law for me” congressional behavior. In 2009, Senator Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) decided that the principle deserved to be embedded in Obamacare, and he was able to insert a provision requiring all members of Congress and their staffs to get insurance through the Obamacare health exchanges. “The more that Congress experiences the laws it passes, the better,” said Grassley. Although his amendment was watered down before final passage to exclude committee staff, it still applies to members of Congress and their personal staffs. Most employment lawyers interpreted that to mean that the taxpayer-funded federal health-insurance subsidies dispensed to those on Congress’s payroll — which now range from $5,000 to $11,000 a year — would have to end.

WND EXCLUSIVE: CONGRESSMAN INCHES TOWARD IMPEACHMENT. 'If the smoking gun leads to the White House, we have to take action'
WASHINGTON – “There’s a lot to look at and I think, at some point, if the smoking gun leads to the White House, we have to take action,” Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, soberly reflected.
He was talking about impeachment, and it’s not the first time he’s considered it.
Back in January, Stockman considered pursuing impeachment charges if President Obama implemented gun-control measures without congressional approval.
Stockman called such executive action “an existential threat to this nation,” because, “Under no circumstances whatsoever may the government take any action that disarms any peaceable person — much less without due process through an executive declaration without a vote of Congress or a ruling of a court.”
President Obama did enact a series of relatively minor gun-control measures by executive order, after losing a fight in the Senate to expand background checks on gun purchases.
Now, it’s deja-vu all over again, with another shooting followed by more executive actions.
Read the details of Obama’s actions and how they don’t align with the Constitution, in “Impeachable Offenses,” by Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott.
After Washington Yard shooter Aaron Alexis killed 12 people Monday, President Obama announced plans to implement two more executive orders, including expanding background checks to sales online and at gun shows.
So WND asked Stockman if he thought it is time to revisit his consideration of impeachment.
In an on-camera interview with WND, the Texan took a broad perspective, noting, “Impeachment is one of the many options, including lawsuits and other actions, we can take to defend the Constitution.”
Stockman said he has attorneys investigating whether the president has violated the Constitution, and, if so, then it would be time to consider that step.
“But it’s the last resort, and it’s a very serious step,” he cautioned.
Stockman conceded that gun control isn’t the only matter Obama has handled in a questionable manner.
“Quite frankly, this president has done a lot of things that could be challenged in court,” he said.
Stockman cited the president unilaterally choosing which parts of his own health-care law to enact and the possible use of the IRS for political purposes, including targeting tea-party organizations.
“On an average of every nine days, the head of the IRS was visiting the president,” he noted. “Now, why? Why would you have to visit the president that many times? I mean, was he doing his taxes for him? It doesn’t make sense. ”
As WND reported, media giant Glenn Beck said the president’s latest action on Syria is enough to warrant impeachment.
After Obama waived a provision of federal law designed to prevent the supply of arms to terrorist groups in order to arm the Syrian rebels, Beck said, “He’s taking guns away from the people while giving guns to al-Qaida.”
“What else do you need for impeachment?” he wondered.


Navy Yard Shooting: A Continued Analysis from a Former USMC By GJWHG / 17 September 2013 / 63 Comments by A.J. Yolofsky–The shooter is identified as 34 year old Aaron Alexis of Fort Worth, Texas. Alexis spent one enlistment in the US Navy Reserve as an aviation electrician’s mate. He achieved the rank of Petty Officer Third Class, which is a relatively junior rank. There is no information available that Alexis had any type of combat specialty training, such as a sniper, martial artist, or master-at-arms (Navy’s version of military police). FOLLOW GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE GUNS ON FACEBOOK! Neighbors and acquaintances have (of course) described Alexis as quiet and as someone who meditated on a regular basis. While this active shooter event seems similar to several others in recent history, the supposed secure nature of the Navy Yard distinguishes this situation. Notably, news reports stated that the DC Police deployed their active shooter response team and had them at the Navy Yard within 7 minutes of the first reports of a shooting. While this response time may seem fast, the reality is that in an active shooter situation, snails move faster in a sea of molasses. More interesting is that a highly qualified reaction force was less than two minutes away from the Navy Yard. The Marine Barracks at 8th & I Streets is but 200 yards from the Navy Yard’s gate. Due to incompatibility issues between the civilian guarded gate and the Marine Barracks, no call was placed to the Barracks’ guardhouse. The Barracks’ reaction force maintains complete readiness 24 hours per day. As a result of turning over base security to civilian contractors, the response time to the Alexis shooting spree was increased. As of this writing, all of the identified victims were civilians, except for the police officers shot in the line of duty. The media also reports that both the military and civilian workers inside Sea Systems Command were told to “hunker down in place.” None were armed and all were only able to HOPE that Alexis did not turn his attention toward them. Once Alexis was through the door, he had unfettered access to all of his targets.

MIRIAM DOPICO: When a man has nothing else to lose and nothing else to live for.
Here is the video of my speech in front of the commissioners and Harvey Ruvin:

On September 10, 2013, I, Jose Fernandez, went to the Miami Dade County commissioners building in a public hearing and accused Harvey Ruvin of being an agent of the United Nations, and that he has betrayed our constitution. In the video I mention the picture of Carlos Gimenez with a pacifier in his mouth, and the picture of the whole commission that are on my truck, the pictures I have attached to this message are the pictures that I was talking about. To celebrate yesterday, I wrote a speech dedicated to the day that the constitution was born.

To every American who believes that the US and our constitution is the greatest accomplishment in human history and would like to bring it back, unfortunately we have got to the point where most politicians have total control over the elections, and the voting system. Every American should tell the government the truth that they don’t want to hear, and they should speak with no fear, with conviction, and advise the politicians to be aware that when the voting system can make no difference, the people’s guns, and bullets will make that difference, which is so badly needed. Maybe then, politicians will start to listen to We The People again. The people of the great state Alabama banned UN agenda21, ICLEI, sustainable development, and have prohibited the local government and agencies from having any kind of agreement or negotiation with the NGO’s that support UN agenda21. That should be the main objective of We The People of Florida, and especially the Miami Dade County. LET’S BAN UN AGENDA21 FROM FLORIDA!

Rubio: Only Obama Wants to Shut Down Government
Wednesday, 18 Sep 2013 01:51 PM By Jim Meyers and John Bachman
Republicans should do "anything and everything" to prevent the "disaster" of Obamacare, Sen. Marco Rubio tells Newsmax. But he insists it can be done without shutting down the government.
The Florida Republican asserts that President Barack Obama actually wants a government shutdown to achieve a "political win," and the administration is going to fight to the bitter end to defend its healthcare reforms.
Elected in 2010, Rubio is considered a rising star in the Republican Party. He delivered the GOP's response to Obama's State of the Union address in February and has been mentioned as a presidential candidate in 2016. His committee assignments include the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
In an exclusive interview Wednesday with Newsmax TV, Rubio discusses efforts to stop Obamacare and the possibility of a government shutdown.
"Every single member of the Republican conference agrees that Obamacare should be stopped, but the disagreement is about the tactic," he says. "I'm not in favor of shutting down the government. The president appears now politically to be in favor of shutting down the government.
"I'm in favor of funding the government at the levels that were agreed to last year in the Budget Control Act and not spending a single penny more of hardworking taxpayer dollars on a disaster, which is Obamacare.
"Actually, the administration has admitted it's a disaster because they've had to delay major portions of it. Labor unions that strongly supported Obamacare are now asking to be exempted from it.
"So we should be doing anything and everything we can to prevent this law from going into effect, because once it starts to hurt people, it's going to hurt our economy in ways that are very difficult to undo later."
The House will pass a plan to delay and defund Obamacare but to keep the government  open, Speaker John Boehner says.
"That's very positive news," says Rubio. "It's now going to call attention to the fact that we can keep the government open, we can fund the government, but we don't have to shut down the government, and we don't have to fund Obamacare.
"It's the president who's threatening to shut down the government because he is saying, and it's the position his allies in the Senate so far have taken, that unless they fund Obamacare, they won't fund the government.
"The president's basically looking for a political win, and I guess his political people have told him that this is a political win: shut down the government and blame the Republicans. The problem is that's not the Republican position."
Rubio predicted that the House will pass a short-term budget to keep the government running.
"If in fact the government shuts down, it will be unfortunately because the president and his allies believe that Obamacare is so important to them that they are willing to shut down the government over it.
"That's shortsighted, primarily because they are going to fight to the end to defend a disaster, something that even their own allies and labor unions are asking to be let out from." What Rubio is most concerned about, regarding the lack of a federal budget, is the long-term economic health of the country.
"Here's what I know to be true: The American free-enterprise system is the only economic system in human history where anyone from anywhere can accomplish anything, where people through hard work and sacrifice can achieve a better life. It has eradicated more poverty than all the government programs in the world combined. That's what free enterprise does.
"One of the things that comes to mind in free enterprise is unpredictability about the future, because people are afraid to open up new businesses or expand existing ones or invest in new products and invent new things if they're uncertain about the future. This lack of a federal budget and the certainty about future spending worries people. It's holding growth back.
"So I would prefer to have a real budget. Unfortunately, for Democrats budgets are nothing but an opportunity to grow the size and scope of the government."
Rubio maintains that Mitt Romney could have won the presidential election in 2012 if Americans knew more about Obamacare.
"It's very difficult to go back in hindsight and analyze what would have happened, but it was a very close election, and certainly if people had known what they know now about the healthcare law" the election results might well have been different.
"We just had word this week in Sea World down in Florida that 2,000 people who work part time are going to lose hours from 32 hours to 28 hours. That's devastating for these families.
"This is the real world impact of Obamacare, and if that had been more apparent to people last November, there are a few people out there that would have voted differently and it's very possible that Mitt Romney right now would be in the White House and we'd have a much better outcome for our future."
As for Democrats' charge that Republicans have not offered an alternative to Obamacare, Rubio observes: "I actually don't think that's a very fair analysis. First of all, over 80 percent of Americans have healthcare coverage and most of them are happy with the coverage that they have. We do have a significant number of Americans that are uninsured for a variety of different reasons and that's what we should be focused on.
"But that's not what Obamacare does. Obamacare basically takes everybody, including people that are happy with their existing coverage, and lumps them all in together in this one-size-fits-all approach that's actually hurting people that are happy with their coverage and not doing much to help people that don't have coverage now."
Rubio has been a strong advocate for immigration reform, but there has been little talk of reform since Congress returned from recess.
Rubio says: "Obviously this is a difficult issue to deal with. We all agree that we have a broken legal immigration system, and, in particular, we don't have a merit-based immigration system, which is what our country desperately needs. We also have a very significant illegal-immigration problem.
"Where the debate is now is what's the best way to solve it.
"But I would also point out that there have been some other issues that are as important or more important that have overtaken it here in the short term. When you have the potential for war, as the Syria conflict raised last week, that's going to galvanize and cause a lot of attention to be paid.
"And then these budget fights are important and Obamacare is incredibly important. The national debt and the debt limit is going to be incredibly important. Those issues are time sensitive. Immigration's a big issue but these issues are bigger and that's why the focus is on those issues right now."
Read Latest Breaking News from
Urgent: Should Obamacare Be Repealed? Vote Here Now!

Obama descarta frenar las deportaciones de indocumentados
(CNNMéxico) — El presidente Barack Obama descartó emitir una orden que frene la deportación de todos los inmigrantes indocumentados en el país, como le exigen diversos grupos activistas, y afirmó que el Congreso debe aprobar una reforma migratoria.
Durante una entrevista con la cadena de televisión Telemundo, Obama explicó que la tarea del Ejecutivo es hacer cumplir las leyes y que, más allá de suspender la deportación de ciertos estudiantes indocumentados, ampliar esa medida al resto de los extranjeros clandestinos sería indefendible.
"Si empezamos a ampliar eso, entonces básicamente yo estaría ignorando la ley en una forma que creo que sería muy difícil de defender legalmente", argumentó Obama.
"Así que esa no es una opción", enfatizó Obama, al expresar su preocupación por que los grupos defensores de la reforma migratoria creen que el mandatario puede obviar el proceso legislativo.
En agosto de 2012, Obama puso en marcha un programa de acción diferida que suspendió por dos años la deportación de ciertos estudiantes indocumentados que reúnan una serie de requisitos.
La mayoría de los republicanos y grupos conservadores afines criticaron ese programa y lo tacharon como una "amnistía" inmerecida para quienes violan las leyes migratorias del país.
Obama ha insistido en que la reforma migratoria es una tarea que corresponde al Congreso y este martes volvió a urgir a los republicanos en la Cámara de Representantes a que aprueben la reforma que salió del Senado el pasado 27 de junio.
"Hay una vía para lograr esto y es a través del Congreso", subrayó Obama, quien confía en que "existen los votos" a favor de la reforma en la Cámara de Representantes.
Lo único que impide su voto en el pleno de la Cámara baja es que el líder de ese órgano legislativo, el republicano John Boehner, no lo ha programado "y no quiere hacerlo ahora mismo", señaló.
Obama hizo esas declaraciones la víspera de que activistas de la comunidad inmigrante de varios estados del país celebren una manifestación frente a la Casa Blanca para exigir una acción ejecutiva que frene la continua racha de deportaciones de indocumentados.
El Departamento de Seguridad Interior (DHS, por sus siglas en inglés) estima que en el país viven 10.8 millones de indocumentados. Alrededor del 60% de ellos es originario de México.

Jorge Aguiar Doral, Florida While Miami-Dade County Commissioners  moves to provide generous/free Healthcare insurance at the expense of higher property tax  "YOU THE RESIDENT AND PROPERTY OWNER" Look what the private sector does and consequently will cost 'YOUR HEALTHCARE INSURANCE" . Not to mention the higher property tax that "YOU" will pay. ON TOP add the tax cost  of the benefits for Miami-Dade county employees provided that will be added to your house budget cost thanks to some UNSCRUPULOUS Miami-Dade County Commissioners.

Obamacare: Walgreens Dropping Current Coverage for 160,000 Workers
Like the president said, "of you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.” Well, unless you're one of the tens of millions of Americans who can't. Including, it turns out, lots of Walgreens employees (via Ed Morrissey):

 Walgreen Co. (WAG), the biggest U.S. drugstore chain, will move its workers into a private health insurance exchange to buy company-subsidized coverage, the latest sign of how the debate over Obamacare is accelerating a historic shift in corporate health-care coverage.Walgreen’s decision affects about 160,000 current employees and follows similar action this year by Sears Holdings Corp. (SHLD) and Darden Restaurants Inc. (DRI) As an alternative to administering a traditional health plan, all three will send their employees to an exchange run by Aon Plc.
IBM and GE recently announced similar changes in their retirees plans, which are not to be confused with UPS' decision to drop spousal coverage. CBS News reported the "big deal" announcement this morning, noting that employees may have to swallow more out-of-pocket costs due to Walgreens' cost-saving move:

Dear Lazaro R.Gonzalez "En mi opinion"
Sometimes in the search for TRUTH we have to do some very difficult things. It
means challenging those who, in the past have supported truth, but have somehow
The New York Times has REFUSED to publish my response to an OpEd in their online
WILL YOU BE THE NEW MEDIA and share this article far and wide? WILL YOU STAND AGAINST the mainstream bias against TRUTH?
Read on and see what this OpEd was about and why the New York Times REFUSED to publish  my response.
Time for some action through EDUCATION! []
We just celebrated Constitution Day. Can we work together to DEFEND it?
If you do then we must stand together to defend it, no matter who the foe. In this
case, opposition comes from a very unexpected source...The Cato Institute. Yes,
I said the Cato Institute is attacking State Sovereignty.
Do you need proof? I hope so! But all the proof you need comes from the words of the Chairman of the Cato Institute himself, Robert Levy. In an OpEd article in the New York Times, Levy denies the authority of the States to stand against federal gun laws that are clearly unconstitutional. Levy's position is that if the Supreme Court declares them Constitutional, then they must be!
How can The Cato Institute carry themselves as the "premier libertarian" think tank
and have a chairman that spouts this kind of attack on Liberty?
The answer is, THEY CANNOT if YOU won't let them. So we MUST stand and make them
You KNOW your politicians are going to use this garbage as justification to submit
to federal overreach.  WE MUST STAND AGAINST THIS ATTACK!
The New York Times has REFUSED to print my defense of the Constitution.
Now the Constitution NEEDS YOU!

I submitted a response to the Cato Article and the New York Times has REFUSED to
publish it.
Is it possible the New York Times isn't interested in the Truth?
The Truth Needs YOUR defense. Will you STAND? Will you SHARE the truth and become
 its defender?
It is very simple. Read the article that the New York Times found so objectionable that they wouldn't print it and then SHARE it EVERYWHERE! []
TWEET IT again & again.
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EMAIL IT to all you friends, family & coworkers.
Lets DEMAND The Cato Institute be accountable for their negligent attack on the
10th Amendment.
Do you agree with me? Do my statements offend you?
You can go to the Liberty Forum and leave YOUR comment on this Constitutionally
vital issue!
No (language appropriate) comment is denied! []
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Let's get OTHERS involved!
Let's not be victims of cult of personality worship.
We are drowning in INFORMATION. We are starving for EDUCATION. Only through education can we INSPIRE people to stand for Liberty.
Please help my ministry become a powerful tool for the education of American to
the restoration of Liberty!
Don't forget to review the comments left on previous forums.
Thank you for your continuing support. Without YOU liberty would have no voice.
God bless!
KrisAnne Hall

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Defending the Constitution
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